"Federation Status: Unknown" - the Star Charts indicated that Xarantine is not a Federeation member, colony or protectorate - additionally, if it were, the Klingons surely could not have been at war with it continuously for hundreds of years including the recent past?
I think a tech level should be guessed at - I suggest between J and M? They had outposts in 2151, so sounds like they were on a par with Earth at some point.
Not quite sure how the pronunciation guide works ("X’ar’Ant’ine", "X'ar") - if the apostrophes are syllable breaks, then is the first syllable "Ex"? Do the upper case letters indicate stresses? So it would read EX-arr-ANT-een or EX-arr-ANT-eyn?
Not sure what the coordinates B23-0006-1302 refer to - are they superfluous?
The Xarantine system in the Star Charts is a binary system with 2 class A stars.
( on the right hand edge)
"it's" should be "its" in "Distance from Star"
"Companions" should read as 9 planets. The home world is referred to in the next section and shouldn't read as "it is the 4th planet"
Axial tilt: should be degrees not %, also what are "normal" seasonal changes in the galaxy - perhaps should say "Earth-like"
The density and diameter of Xarant IV are both less than Earth yet the gravity is listed as slightly stronger.
"life fire" should be "live fire" - two instances of mis-spelling
Perhaps should include something on the male:female ratio in Xarantine society - even if it was 1000:1, that would mean a ruling council of over 12 million females.
"In many ways they seem to closely resemble Terran ants but with a few radical differences" - this implies they are the same size
Physiology and Description sections perhaps should be merged, as they cover a lot of similar ground.
"Each female, queen will only mate once in their life but can continue to produce eggs for the duration of their life." - the rogue comma here is changing the meaning of the sentence from what I presume it is.
How are new queens created?
Suggest the psychology and mythology section be removed if it is unknown?
"goddess like" should be hyphenated
Double full stop in the Society and Culture sections.
Suggest the Customs section be removed or merged into culture as it is superfluous.
"3rd" should be properly written as "third" in prose.
"course" misspelled as "coarse"
Overall, I get the sense there is more to be said here - the background history of the Xarantine for instance in the history section.