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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code ALTR
Federation Status
Planet of Origin Altaris IV
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level
List of Named Altarians

Full ILI GalleryPermitted Species Gallery

Race/Species Name: Altarians Home Planet: Altaris IV Physical Appearance: There appearance is somewhat disturbing. They are, on average, aprox 80cm tall. Have four legs and two arms. They have no actual heads. They have several visual receptors somewhere in the middle of their body, between the legs and arms. There are a series of invisible auditory receptors along the arms. There are only very weak vocal organs, the Altarians communicate telepathically, and can pick the words you choose to think out of your head. This process will be explained to the observers when they meet. Nothing is known of the internal organs or workings of the Altarians bodies. Telepathic Abilities: Communication is by telepathy, beyond that unknown Population: 25,000,000 Administration: Democratic Society: Industrial Economy: Strong Technology Level: H (Richter Scale) First Contact Stardate: 106 years ago Relations with UFP: Informal approach for membership (after accidental first contact) Risk Assessment: Below Average Other Indigenous Life Forms: Various mammals and birds inhabit Belan, Telorn is home to more reptilian creatures Other Relevant Information: Very little is known about the Altarian culture or society. The stranded science team were kept away from all sensitive or public areas, for security reasons. They spent most of their time in near confinement. However it is known that the Altarians are a very artistic race, and the huge cities that were briefly glimpsed were breathtakingly beautiful