Kar'takins into Plowshares (Denali Station)

Revision as of 08:18, 29 October 2024 by Drex (talk | contribs) (Eng. scene)

Stardate 240110.14 - present


A call for help from Prime Bekanar'Klan has prompted Commodore Oddas to depart aboard the USS Eagle.

The Jem'hadar and his men have settled in one of the Ring biotopes, not far from the Federation settlement of Denali Station, with the intention of building a rural village and cultivating the land, but something is not working right.


Officers taking part in the mission
Name Position Team Notes
Oddas Aria Commodore Administrative facilities
Tomas Falt First Officer Administrative facilities
Alexander Williams Security Administrative facilities
Arus Bex Medical Officer Administrative facilities
Alora DeVeau Second Office - Chief Sci Ofc. Medical facilities
Araxxu Vahin Chief Medical Officer Medical facilities
Kettick Chief Engineer Engineering facilities
Drex Science Officer Engineering facilities
Jackson Tanner Engineer Engineering facilities
Name Position Team Notes
Bekanar'Klan The Prime Administrative facilities MSNPC simmed by Oddas Aria
Lat’ika Scientist Medical facilities MSNPC simmed by Drex
Nomot Engineer Engineering facilities
Lukin Zorkal Cardassian Ambassador Administration facilities Simmed by Alora DeVeau
Lt.JG Poros Security Officer USS Eagle Simmed by Alexander Williams
Lt. Cmdr. Diata HCO Officer USS Eagle Simmed by Alora DeVeau
Sofia Falt Botany expert Simmed by Tomas Falt


Act 1

The crew has split up into three different groups. Commodore Oddas, Commander Falt and Lt.Commander Williams meets with the Prime Bekanar'Klan in order to understand the real needs of the group. Commander DeVeau and Liuetenant Vahin are welcomed by Lat'ika, a Jem'Hadar doctor, and are inspecting the medical facilities of the village. Meanwhile Lt.Commander Kettick, Lieutenant Drex and Ensign Tanner are visiting the engineering facilities with Nomot, a Jem'Hadar engineer.

- Administrative facilities -


- Medical facilities -

Vahin and DeVeau meet with a Jem'Hadar doctor, Lat'ika, who shows them around the medical facilities. Though the officers offer help, Lat'ika seems hesitant at first. When asking about a closed door they passed, they find out it's the nursery and they will be allowed to see the young ones as they emerge. Vahin requests the ability to scan members of the settlement in order to learn more about Jem'Hadar physiology and he gains permission. When they children come into the infirmary, he asks if he can scan them as well and is allowed to do so.

- Engineering facilities -

Accompanied by a Jem'Hadar technician, Kettick, Drex and Tanner visit the colony's main reactor. The former soldiers have dismantled an engine from one of their ships and adapted it to power all the colony's facilities. Beneath the floor where it rests is a large room, the work of the former inhabitants of the biotope. As the four men descend to inspect the bunker, they find themselves suddenly trapped when the entrance hatch unexpectedly closes.

They have a few hours before the oxygen concentration drops to insufficient levels and the two engineers decide to send a pulse signal through the distribution pipes. While Tanner works on the conduits, Drex analyses the inscriptions found by Kettick, but accidentally triggers something that opens a trap door and the Denobulan falls into a new underground chamber.

- USS Eagle -

Lieutenant JG Porus arrives at the USS Eagle in search of Lt. Commander Alexander Williams, whose life he has sworn to protect. When he meets Commander Diata, who has command of the bridge while Oddas and Falt are at the settlement, who has no idea who Williams, he angrily demands she finds out. Instead, she pulls rank and chastises him, declaring she will make a note on his record, orders him to take the tactical station. A Cardassian ship arrives and Ambassador Lukin Zorkal wishes to see the Commodore, then finding out she is down at the settlement, says he will find her personally. Diata and Porus keep a close watch on the Cardassian ship as the Ambassador beams down to the settlement.