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Revision as of 20:00, 8 November 2024 by Korras (talk | contribs) (Adding ribbons)
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Starbase 118
Position Chief of Operations
Rank Lieutenant
Species Klingon
Gender Male
DOB 2360
Age 42
Birthplace Kerret'raa
Combs Cross.png

Combs Cross

Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Frontier Day Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Tholian Campaign Ribbon.png
Changeling Campaign Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Starfleet Medal of Valour.png

Peacekeeper Service Ribbon
Good Conduct Ribbon
First Contact Ribbon
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Frontier Day Ribbon
Captain's Commendation
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
Tholian Campaign Ribbon
Changeling Campaign Ribbon
Purple Heart
Starfleet Medal of Valour

Chat Trivia Participant
Badge 1.png

Korras is currently serving as the Chief of Operations on Starbase118 Ops.


  • Height: 6'9
  • Weight:
  • Hair:Dark brown
  • Eyes:Brown
  • Build:


  • Father: Grim'lar, Mother: Serat
  • Siblings: Younger Sister: Orlat, younger brother: Sirlan


Stardate 236008.19: Born and grew up on the klingon world of Kerret'raa, as the eldest son in his family.

Stardate 238500.00 (approximately): His younger sibling was caught mating with the daughter of a rival family, and in the ensuing fallout, his family was falsely accused of corruption. Eventually, his family was facing such dishonor, that Korras made sure the blame fell upon him, and left the planet (and the empire in its entirety), to save his family the fate that was awaiting them. With border skirmishes with the Tholian Assembly breaking out, the resulting chaos and his departure resulted in no formal charges being laid against him.

Stardate 239100.00 (approximately): After several years spent as a hired hand on a freighter, the Yadow, providing them some extra security during and after several incidents with the Tholians, and learning to pilot in the process, this again ended in disaster. Pirates attacked the vessel, leaving them badly damaged and adrift after taking their cargo, which ironically was nothing more valuable than a large shipment of stem bolts. In a final twist of good luck, a starfleet vessel picked up the distress signal. Impressed with what he saw onboard this vessel, Korras decided to make a new life in the Federation. he made a formal request to stay in the federation, and once that was accepted, made the first steps to enlist at the Starfleet Academy.

Stardate 239603.25: Seeing as he was not a wanted man in Klingon space, his application to the academy was eventually accepted. At first, for obvious reasons, he enrolled in security. However, his skills, or rather lack of skills, with ranged weapons, and his prior experience at piloting, eventually caused a change in his classes to HCO. Often, his classmates would find him intimidating at first, with few people taking the time to get to know him. However, those that did found him to be someone they could rely on to support them. His grades were average, with the only true exceptions being his skills in close quarters and flying, and on the other end of the sprectrum, his barely-passing skill in ranged weapons. Overall, he never really stood out enough to get noticed, which suited him just fine, as the last thing he wanted was to cause his past to haunt him again.

He mostly keeps to himself, but displays a dry sense of humor. Although his main skill is as a pilot, he keeps his combat skills sharp, most notably with twin mek'leth blades. He prefers function over form: he generally keeps his quarters rather spartan, and both his bat’leth and mek’leth blades are modern alloys with little adornment, as opposed to the ancestral and almost ritualistic blades possessed by other Klingons.

Stardate 240108: While on his way elsewhere, he had a stopover on Deep Space 33, and woke up in the middle of an assault by the Lattice Alliance. He assisted the crew of the USS Ronin in the defense of the station.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet First Class 240010.05 Graduated Starfleet Academy HCO
Ensign 240010.05 - 240105.14 Starbase118 Ops Operations/Communications Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade 240105.14 - 240110.10 Starbase118 Ops Operations/Communications Officer
Lieutenant 240110.10 - Starbase118 Ops Chief of Operations

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 240010.05
Starfleet Academy
Graduated the Academy
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
First Contact Ribbon 240102.04
SB 118 Ops
Encountered the sentient computer virus known as 'Lemoncable'
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Good Conduct Ribbon 240102.04
SB 118 Ops
For his actions during the encounter with 'Lemoncable'
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon 240105.13
SB 118 Ops
Awarded to the whole crew of 118 Ops for preserving peace on Bardeez
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Good Conduct Ribbon 240105.13
SB 118 Ops
For his actions on the Narendra during the battle with the Dorfman vessel
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon 240110.10
SB 118 Ops
Awarded for his actions on Miri IVa
Frontier Day Ribbon.png
Frontier Day Ribbon 240110.10
SB 118 Ops
Awarded to the whole crew of 118 Ops for their actions during Frontier Day
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Captain's Commendation 240110.10
SB 118 Ops
Awarded for his actions during Frontier Day
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Good Conduct Ribbon 240110.10
SB 118 Ops
Awarded for his actions during Frontier Day
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Joint Meritorious Unit Award 240111.08
USS Ronin
Awarded for actions when assisting the crew of the USS Ronin with the defense of Deep Space 33
Tholian Campaign Ribbon.png
Tholian Campaign Ribbon 240111.08
USS Ronin
Awarded for actions when assisting the crew of the USS Ronin with the defense of Deep Space 33
Changeling Campaign Ribbon.png
Changeling Campaign Ribbon 240111.08
USS Ronin
Awarded for actions when assisting the crew of the USS Ronin with the defense of Deep Space 33
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart 240111.08
USS Ronin
Awarded for injuries sustained while assisting the crew of the USS Ronin with the defense of Deep Space 33
Starfleet Medal of Valour.png
Starfleet Medal of Valour 240111.08
USS Ronin
Awarded for actions when assisting the crew of the USS Ronin with the defense of Deep Space 33

SIM Archive

Replace the links below with links to your own SIMs that you find memorable or are important to your character - you may want to add more as your time with the fleet goes on! You can find a complete archive of sims here at the SIM Archive.