Awards Ceremony, 2024


Welcome to the 2024 (IC: 2401) Starbase 118 Awards ceremony.

This cherished tradition in our community is an annual celebration, where we recognize those members who have made us laugh, cry, feel fury (ICly!), or joy, and inspired us in this world we all know and love. A big thank-you goes to everyone who took the time and effort to nominate their fellow members. And of course, we deeply appreciate everyone who spends their free time with us, writing, creating, and adding to this universe we all know and love. Our members are invaluable; without you, Starbase 118 wouldn’t exist. Whether you’ve been here for 30 years or 30 minutes, you are a part of what makes this community so exceptional.
This year’s Awards ceremony is particularly special as Starbase 118 celebrates its 30th anniversary. We are not only honoring the vibrant minds and talents within our ranks, but also the perseverance and dedication of those who keep this community thriving. For many of us, this community has become a significant part of our lives, and I think we can all agree that SB118 is something truly unique and special. Thank you, each one of you, for being a part of this extraordinary group. Happy 30th anniversary, Starbase 118 – and here’s to many more!
Now, let’s get to the heart of this week’s celebration.
There are five categories of awards: General Awards (which some ships have presented to their crews already!), Duty Post, Special and Staff Awards distinguishing players across the rank spectrum for many achievements. The member Length of Service Awards continues to grow as we award membership lengths of one, three, five, ten, fifteen, and beyond!
-- Oddas Aria and Alora DeVeau

Duty Post Awards

We begin with the awards presented to members of our fleet who most fully realize the duty posts in which their character sims. The nominations in these categories are reviewed by a panel of six staff members: three commanders and three members ranked captain or above.

Prantares Ribbon

Prantares Ribbon
V’Len Kel

Awarded to Medical officers who have moved beyond standard competence to display a true gift for the healing arts in the context of space medicine. Officers awarded should display the ability to keep a steady hand in the often hazardous conditions in which they must practice, as well as the willingness to risk their own life to save the lives of others. When they are not actively caring for patients, many doctors spend their time on duty undertaking medical research or familiarising themselves with the findings of previous medical studies. Like their colleagues in the Science department, they have utilised their specific abilities in cross department collaboration.

V’Len Kel, USS Ronin - Presented by Karrod Niac
Within our game the Medical Officer role is a complex challenge where you’re often tapped to be a counselor, a confidant and a physician all at once yet Lieutenant Commander V’Len Kel (Don) does so with an enormous display of grace and dignity. Since the Ronin’s launch he has navigated injury and trauma with calm dedication and has become a source of comfort and compassion for all who visit Sickbay. He has repeatedly demonstrated a level of compassion and empathy that would make a Betazoid blush and he does so often and gladly. He is a delight to sim with, a joy to read and an integral part of the Ronins soul. You have my thanks and respect for all that you do and I look forward to seeing you climb even greater heights as time goes on. Congratulations!


Natasha Yar Pin

Natasha Yar Pin

Awarded to Security personnel who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to safeguard and preserve their crewmates' lives, even at the danger of their own. As an investigator, police officer, and soldier, the Security officer must be intimately familiar with all of Starfleet's armaments as well as many other styles of hand-to-hand combat. To ensure adequate duty fulfillment, the Security officer must also be well-versed in Diplomacy and Legislation. Named after the USS Enterprise-Chief D's of Security, who was killed in the line of duty.

Zenno, USS Khitomer - Presented by Randal Shayne
Zenno redefines what a Security Officer can be, and John redefines how you can write one. Bringing wit, wisdom, and, occasionally, wrath, Zenno is a formidable presence on the Khitomer, and John brings him to life in a rich, believable and engaging fashion. It can be easy to fall into the trap of turning the security department into a bunch of superheroes, or paranoid soldiers; Zenno demonstrates that competence, patience, efficiency and thoroughness bring about the best results, and sets an example for others with his realistic and believable portrayal. Beyond this, though, John has taken the time to flesh out the security department, introducing characters and introducing compelling narratives that turn what would normally be a bunch of nameless stand in NPCs into a thriving, detailed aspect of the Khitomer’s compliment. Rising talent in any division could learn from his example, and look forward to his continued rise through the ranks. Congratulations, Lieutenant- this is well earned.


Voyager Medallion

Voyager Medallion
Toxin Arlill

Awarded to Operations officers who have shown great skill in keeping a starship in working order despite near-impossible circumstances. The officers receiving this award have advanced the field of Operations, have acted as the liaison between the Command, Science, and Engineering departments, and are technically proficient in operations maintenance, making sure duty rosters, provisions, gear, and even recreation time are available... no matter what.

Toxin Arlill, USS Octavia E, Butler - Presented by Lia Rouiancet
From the moment Erik stepped into the role of Toxin Arlill, he has pushed forward what it means to be an operations officer in the 118 fleet. His dedication to his craft is evident in his sims, in which he showcases not just Arlill’s technical prowess, but also provides a refreshing sense of humor that brings life to the often complex world of starship operations.
Erik's impact extends beyond his individual contributions. He has elevated the ops department to new heights, transforming it into a robust, collaborative, and integral part of our storytelling. It’s telling that the first specific location on the OEB to receive its own wiki page (outside of the bridge, that is) was the operations center! He's an operations powerhouse both in and out of character. Even before the ship changeover, the detailed 3D renderings of the ops center on the ‘Oumuamua combined with the strong simming he engaged in brought the department to life in a way I haven’t seen before in ops.
What truly sets Erik apart, though, is his generosity. Erik embodies the spirit of collaboration and community that defines 118, and his cooperative style and friendly demeanor will make him an excellent mentor in the months to come. His contributions have not only enriched his fellow simmers’ experience but have also set a new standard for what an operations officer can be. His creativity, dedication, and camaraderie make him an incredibly deserving recipient of the Voyager Medallion. Congratulations!


Phoenix Award

The Phoenix Award
Doz Finch

Awarded to Engineering officers who continue this tradition of excellence in the field of engineering. Named for the vessel that legendary engineer Zefram Cochrane piloted during his historic first warp flight. By performing their tasks with enthusiasm, imagination and diligence, by managing to make their equipment perform above and beyond its rated capacities, the officers meriting this award further the mission of their ship by their superior know-how. In short, miracle workers.

Doz Finch - Presented by Quinn Reynolds
All of Ryan’s nominations spoke about what an imaginative, evocative, and generally wonderful writer he is, and I fully agree! His character, Doz Finch, is an experienced member of the enlisted ranks who experienced a personal trauma which pushed her into making the leap to officer. Ryan’s simmed that transition, with all of its advantages and disadvantages, with incredible flair. He has a real knack for writing an engineer, having Doz jump into tasks with glee, solving problems with a sleeves-rolled-up, grease-on-the-cheek gusto, conjuring vivid descriptions of emotion and action, while never overwhelming his scene partners with technobabble.
Even more impressive is Ryan’s ability to use an engineering problem to create character moments; from fixing a plasma leak with another engineer to solving an issue in the arboretum with an operations officer. It’s all so very well done, and I’m incredibly proud to present him with the Phoenix Award. Congratulations, Ryan!


Cochrane Award

The Cochrane Award
Tahna Meru

Awarded to Science officers who have contributed greatly to the advancement of science in the midst of their Starfleet career, by staying knowledgeable about their field, participating in the community of science, but most importantly, by placing their knowledge at the service of their ship and its mission. They have performed weird and wonderful feats of scientific innovation and ingenuity, enabling their commanding officer to make those informed decisions.

Tahna Meru, USS Gorkon - Quinn Reynolds
Eris, the writer of Tahna Meru, has brought us a character who’s delightful in her complexity, without ever being difficult to understand. A Bajoran who’s bucked the wishes of her family by leaving her homeworld to explore the galaxy, you can see her scientific curiosity and training reflected through every aspect of her character. She’s thoughtful, creative, and attentive to detail, and Tahna’s sims lean on both real world and Star Trek science for believable, yet appropriately Trek explanations.
Often taking the role of a team leader, Tahna carefully considers a problem from all angles, listening to the opinions and expertise of her fellow teammates before she begins theorising. Not just a good scientific method, but a fantastic way to collaborate with others as we progress through our story. Her writing is vivid and engaging, really bringing the reader into the heart of the situation and along for her journey. I’m absolutely delighted to present her with the Cochrane Award. Congratulations, Eris!


Pilot's Sextant

The Pilot's Sextant
Christopher Caldwell

Awarded to Helm officers who have proven themselves to be the best of the best, dedicating themselves to improving their specialisation. From finding a safe route home to flying an emergency atmospheric landing, pilots who have earned this award know the importance of staying focused on their task at hand, and place their ability to make spectacular maneuvers at the service of their ship and its mission.

Christopher Caldwell, USS Astraeus - Presented by Mei’konda Delano
Ensign Caldwell joined Starbase 118 at a difficult time, in the middle of a mission during an action scene. As his ship was taking damage, he was introduced by having the NPC helmsman be injured, at which time he was called from the lower decks to take over helm during combat, something he had never done before.
Ensign Caldwell's player, Chris, not only simmed his character's proficiency in this stressful situation, but the near nervous breakdown his character had to deal with afterward. It's exactly the sort of character complexity and consequences I love seeing in sims.
Later, during his next mission, a fellow officer performing a EVA was knocked off of their tether and sent spiraling into space. As shown in the linked sim, several players in a runabout came up with a delightfully cinematic rescue maneuver, which Caldwell executed. He plays a great helmsman, and we're delighted to have him.


Order of the Valiant Heart

The Order of the Valiant Heart
Arthur Strathmore

Awarded to Counselors who have demonstrated exceptional expertise in preserving their crewmates' mental health, clearly exhibiting excellent capacity to care for, support, and soothe those in need. They have gone above and beyond the line of duty in supporting their crewmates with their problems, and preventing future issues for the good of the officer, and the good of the ship.

Arthur Strathmore, Denali Station - Presented by Oddas Aria
Arthur, Jackson, is a relative newcomer to the game, but has made quite a mark to the game. He has grabbed the role of ‘Counselor’ by the horns, made it his own, and expanded it both in scope and details, but been extremely successful both in the aspects that are explicit (such as counseling sessions), but also implicit (such as advising those around him). It has been some time since I have encountered such a good writer in this role and it is a blessing and a pleasure to have him aboard my ship. Thank you and congratulations Jackson!


Semper Fidelis

Semper Fidelis Award
Arturo Maxwell

“Awarded to Starfleet Marines who have demonstrated exceptional proficiency in defending their crew, completing their mission, averting terrible loss of life in the line of duty, and maintaining the United Federation of Planets' principles in times of crisis. Their knowledge of Starfleet equipment and armaments is second to none and their dedication to the mission is only surpassed by their leadership abilities, courage, and dependability.”

Arturo Maxwell, USS Octavia E. Butler - Presented by Lia Rouiancet
It is my great pleasure to present this year's Semper Fidelis Award to Iain, the talented writer behind the character Arturo “Max” Maxwell. Iain’s an excellent simmer — that’s a given for an award like this! — but what really sets Iain apart is the depth and humanity he brings to the role of a marine. Through Max, Iain’s shown his fellow simmers that there's far more to this position than, even as the lowest officer, there’s much more to being a Starfleet marine than just being a grunt. Max is a fully realized character with a rich past, a compelling family life, and a touching, complex relationship with his daughter.
In fact, one of Iain's greatest strengths is his ability to populate the ships he sims on with a diverse cast of NPCs. Each new character he introduces is distinct and serves to add to the complex weave of the crew. This talent for creating memorable supporting characters has significantly expanded the depth of our storytelling.
Beyond his excellent simming, Iain himself has quite a reputation (in a good way!). His kindness, thoughtfulness, and willingness to engage with others despite his busy life have made him a favorite among his fellow writers. It's no wonder that everyone seems to want a scene with him! He’s an exceptionally worthy winner of this year’s Semper Fidelis Award, and it’s my honor to recognize him as such. Congratulations, Iain!


Black Cross

Black Cross
Evan Ross

Awarded to Intelligence officers who strive to accomplish the goals of Starfleet Intelligence while simultaneously upholding the ideals and structure of Starfleet Command. They display the ability to obtain intelligence through deceptive dialogue or espionage rather than forced admissions. While intelligence is frequently a game changer, this individual attempts to achieve those aims within the constraints of their commanding Officer and Starfleet laws. They are experts in research and diplomacy, as well as reconnaissance and communication.

Evan Ross, Starbase 118 Ops - Presented by Sal Taybrim
Intelligence is a difficult role to play. It’s not especially well defined in Star Trek canon and some of the examples we see on screen are used as the bad guys rather than our protagonists. So it’s a rare treat to watch a player step into the role with a charming and empathetic character and really own the role in a way that makes their fellow players want to engage with the department. Hannah, who plays Evan Ross, does an excellent job bringing Intelligence to life in a realistic and enjoyable way. Evan is not a moody shadowy loner hanging out in a corner. He’s a fun, nerdy, awkward person with a fierce intelligence, a strong skillset and a handful of intriguing flaws that makes him a well rounded character. Ross shines at research and strategy, which perfectly fits the duty post of intelligence, but he also needs to rely on his teammates to help him implement plans.
I particularly like how Evan plays intel as a role where knowledge is power and strength comes from sharing knowledge. And I especially like how Evan's strengths and weaknesses are explored. I love reading about his anxieties, his worries and his struggles as much as I love reading about his triumphs. All of this makes Evan Ross feel like a living breathing person. To round all of this out Hannah, the player behind Evan is a consistently great writer with strong narration and great dialogue. Hannah’s been a great player on Ops, contributing to mission planning, playing exciting MNSPCs and helping lead teams to success. For all of these things I celebrate Evan Ross as this year’s Black Cross recipient. Congratulations Hannah, you have done a fantastic job and I am thrilled to be writing with you!


Shaxs Star

Shaxs Star
Kirsty Carpenter

Awarded to dual posting Security/Tactical officers who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in protecting and preserving the lives of their crewmates. Not only do they show cunning and bravery in combat, these officers know how to safeguard lives without firing a phaser, using their knowledge and experience to prevent violence and stay true to Federation ideals. This award is only available to those fulfilling the dual role of Security/Tactical, and not the individual duty posts.

Kirsty Carpenter, USS Ronin - Presented by Karrod Niac
One of the rarest and most difficult challenges in our game is to set aside a character and a vessel and try something wholly new by bringing a new PC to life aboard a new vessel. Fortunately for the Ronin and the fleet as a whole Lieutenant Commander Kirsty Carpenter (Justin) has done so with grace and incredible creativity. Since joining the Ronin during her launch Kirsty has had a wonderful journey with a nuanced backstory and a core of real emotion that plays out in every sim. She has struggled and suffered but grown and triumphed in equal measure and has become an indispensable part of what makes the Ronin so special. I’ll never be able to adequately thank Justin for earnestly embracing such a huge change but it is my sincere hope that this recognition makes a small down payment on that much larger debt. Congratulations!


Prestigious Service Medallion

Prestigious Service Medallion

Awarded to members in the fleet who are steady and unwavering from their chosen Duty Post. This is a divisional award for each (Gold, Red, Blue) to celebrate a continuing player in the divisional role who has already won (and still qualifies in the eligibility criteria) a duty post award in a similar vein to how we enhance the Service Ribbons each time one is won.

Vitor Silveira, USS Artemis-A - Presented by Addison Mackenzie
Esa Kiax
Lieutenant Commander Esa Kiax, written by Matt, has been an Operations officer for over five years, and his experience in writing for the position shows through constantly. Operations can be a difficult role to define, as they are a combination of most other departments' backup as well as being something unique all on their own. Logistics on a starship or base are not always easy to write in an interesting way, but Matt does so consistently.
In working to make the role a visible and useful one, Matt has described the large Operations area, the people who work there, and the process of logistics in a delightful and interesting way, and his character also performs the more interesting on-screen 'Data-like' duties of Operations with at least as much artistry. In fact, in our current Fleet Blockbuster, the Operations area has been the center of a Changeling infiltrator attack, and makes a great venue for an action set piece.


Talia Ohnari, USS Khitomer - Presented by Randal Shayne
Talia Ohnari
This fleet has existed over three decades now, and as the years go by, they bring us closer together. Each of us started as a wide-eyed stranger, and over time, we’ve grown into something of a family. Good and bad are celebrated and lamented, not just in our writing, but in our real lives, too. The point is we’re connected, and that connection can touch us deeply.
It’s for this reason that I felt Roxanna was eminently deserving of this Emeritus recognition. Nearly ten years as a medical character of some stripe or another has honed her writing craft into a scalpel of talent and tenderness, humor and hope. She brings her best for our benefit and enjoyment, facing down some of the most painful and challenging moments in life to continue being the beacon of delight that she is known as. On days where life stings, or our hearts are cold, her words and her presence salve the struggle, and rekindle our hearths. It’s impossible to say just how much good she has done for us; how much is a smile worth amidst a wretched mood, or a quip during dark moments? All I can say is that Roxanna, IC and OOC, embodies the best qualities of this community, and medical officers past and future. Congratulations, Roxanna, and thank you.


Aine Sherlock, USS Octavia E. Butler - Presented by Lia Rouiancet
Aine Sherlock
It’s my distinct pleasure to once again present the Natasha Yar Pin to Jared, the talented writer behind Lieutenant Commander Aine Sherlock, the Butler’s exceptional chief of security (and, as of a few weeks ago, also our second officer!). Jared won the Yar Pin two years ago, and we celebrated then his ability to bring depth and nuance to the role of a security officer. This year, he has not only maintained that high standard but has further elevated Aine Sherlock into a truly formidable character.
Jared writes Sherlock as a force to be reckoned with, proving that strength comes in all sizes. While her short stature might not immediately suggest a physically imposing security officer, Jared's portrayal leaves no doubt about Sherlock’s capabilities. Through his simming, we see a character who is fiercely protective of her ship and crew, unwavering in her commitment to their safety. But, as I’ve seen firsthand and as his nominators noted, what sets Jared's portrayal apart is the multifaceted nature of Sherlock's approach to security. She's not just about brute force; Jared shows us a character who is constantly analyzing, adapting, and strategizing. In every situation, Sherlock considers potential threats, weighing not just when to act, but how to respond most effectively. This balance of quick thinking and measured action is the hallmark of an exceptional security officer, and one that, in this case, has been recognized as the fleet’s best twice in three years.
Jared's consistent excellence in portraying Aine Sherlock, his ability to showcase both the physical and intellectual aspects of a security officer, and his ongoing contributions to our fleet make him a most deserving recipient of the Emeritus Natasha Yar Pin. Please join me in congratulating Jared for his outstanding work and for continuing to set the bar high for security simming in the 118 fleet!


Alora DeVeau, Denali Station - Presented by Oddas Aria
Alora DeVeau
DeVeau, Amanda, has won the Cochrane Award before, and for good reason. She writes the science officer role with superb perfection. She introduces the little details our adventures look to for fleshing out the world, she makes things feel ‘real’ and is one of the ‘go to’ people for when things need to be finalized, checked, and put together for consistency. Amanda does an amazing job - congratulations and thank you for making Denali Station great, and the Fleet amazing!


Kimberly Stapledon, USS Constitution-A - Presented by Jalana Rajel
Kimberly Stapledon
From the Moment Kevin, the writer behind Kimberly Stapledon, has joined the Constitution, we got to see his brilliant ideas, bringing the position of an Engineer to life in a refreshing way. Kimberly's passion for holograms was used as a creative solution during her first mission with the Conny, as she used holographic bugs and spiders to distract and herd a group of very angry Nausicaans, which in the end helped to protect hostages from their wrath. During another mission when faced with possibly being on a time-traveled Enterprise under Captain Kirk, a boarding party was taken out by Kimberly turning off Gravity aboard the ship.
During the same mission she also used her knowledge of coding to hunt down contaminations in the system and fix the problem that caused. All that while working together with other crew members of Engineering and other departments for the best solutions for problems. Kevin has a knack for technical solutions, ideas and improvements that some of us wouldn't even think of - I know I wouldn't - while making sure that all of us understand what he is thinking of, including others into solutions and doing it with so much gusto and enthusiasm that it's a joy to watch. It's my joy and pleasure to present Kevin with the Phoenix award for his brilliant writing of his Engineering position. I can't wait to see what else he'll come up with. Congratulations!


Michele Winters, USS Octavia E. Butler - Presented by Lia Rouiancet
Michele Winters
Two years in a row! Just last year, we celebrated Joel's exceptional work with Jack Kessler. This year, he has once again demonstrated his remarkable ability to breathe life into a complex tactician, this time with Michele Winters. What makes this achievement even more impressive is the seamless transition Joel has made from one character to another, all while maintaining the high standards of tactical simming we've come to expect from him. Even while he’s developed Kessler’s story in the background, he’s shown us that his tactical simming chops remain intact as he explores the duty post with a wholly different character.
Winters is a fascinating character who straddles the line between a traditional Starfleet officer and a marine. Joel's nuanced portrayal highlights the unique perspective this dual nature brings to the role of tactical officer. While Winters possesses the analytical skills required for threat assessment, it's the marine aspect of her character that shines in Joel's writing, and that sets Winters apart from the other tactical officers in the fleet now and in years past.
Joel has masterfully crafted Winters as a character who embodies the mindset of a warrior, always ready to take a proactive stance when necessary. This doesn't mean she's quick to resort to force; rather, Joel portrays her as constantly evaluating situations, assessing threat levels, and preparing appropriate responses. It's this balance between readiness for action and thoughtful consideration that makes Winters such a compelling character.
Joel's ability to create such a well-rounded and engaging character in Winters, especially following his excellent work with Kessler, is a testament to his skill as a writer and his deep understanding of the tactical role in the 118 fleet. Congratulations, Joel!


Special Awards

Next, we continue with awards that recognize members of the fleet for particularly important contributions or roles that affect the fleet's OOC areas. Here, too, the nominations are reviewed by a panel of three staff members: two commanders and three members ranked captain or above.

Rising Star Award

Rising Star Award
Nolen Hobart

Awarded to members of Lieutenant Commander rank or higher who show great promise in many facets of their participation in the group, and to whom we look to as a future leader. Officers who qualify for this award consistently demonstrate their capabilities in leadership and facilitation of their fellow officers, including a recognisable dedication in their In Character and Out of Character activities to enhance the community.

Nolen Hobart - Presented by Randal Shayne
Once in a great while, a new member joins our fleet whom anyone, from the most inexperienced to the greatest of our grizzled staffers, may look up to as a leader. It doesn’t matter their rank, or ship, or division; they bring their A-game wherever they are, whatever they’re doing. Their positivity, dedication and enthusiasm touch everything, raising spirits and setting new bars for the whole community. To these people, it’s less a matter of if they’ll become a CO, but when. Nolen Hobart is that rare, treasured wonder. The Rising Star Award was created for people such as him, who find joy in helping others, leading by example, and exploring the frontier, both in and out of character. Writing with and working with Isaac has been a highlight of my entire command tenure, and he inspires others (including me) to new heights. This award could not be more deserved. Congratulations, Isaac, and thank you for all that you do.


Luminary Award

Luminary Award
Madison Marsh

Awarded to members holding the rank of Ensign, Lieutenant Junior Grade, or Lieutenant. Officers qualifying for this award have shown outstanding promise in their future endeavors by displaying their skills in leadership, dependability, and dedication to the community.

Madison Marsh, Starbase 118 Ops - Presented by Sal Taybrim
Dedicated and motivated players can make a big impact on the community at any rank and Matt who plays Lieutenant JG Madison Marsh is certainly one of those players. From the first day Madison Marsh was assigned on StarBase 118 Ops Matt was ready to succeed. One of the very first things Madison Marsh did was gather up her fellow Ensigns and jump into the Denali Invitational representing Ops with the Ensign’s Joyride! Following this Matt actively communicated with his mentor and staff laying out a plan for his character to achieve goals. Madison Marsh wanted to be a leader and Matt took the initiative in and out of character to connect with his fellow crew, play critical MSNPCs for two missions in a row, be a driving force in mission planning and work with shore leave scenes to develop a leadership role for Madison and bonds with her fellow crew.
Matt has also been a source of community connection. Starting with the Denali Invitational, Matt formed bonds across ships. He’s an active member of the Fleetwide Chat and on Discord, creates cross ship Joint Posts to keep his relationships with his cross-fleet friends active, and has actively jumped in to write for taskforces. Matt served as the 2024 writing contest judge for Ops and was a cheerleader for the event to our crew, which prompted excellent participation from Ops. Matt is an excited, dedicated and motivated player who not only makes Ops a better place to play with their hard work, but makes the community a more fun place! Thank you so much for everything you have done, Matt - I am so proud of you!


Sarpeidon Award

Sarpeidon Award

Awarded to a simmer who has made outstanding contributions to the 118Wiki. Sarpeidon was the planet in TOS's "All Our Yesterdays" where the inhabitants built a library collecting their whole world's history. This is essentially what our wiki aspires to be: a repository of our group's history and a simming database.

Gnai, USS Artemis - Presented by Addison MacKenzie
Ensign Gnai (Lich) has only been a member of the 118 community for a few short months, but their impact, particularly on our wiki, already runs deep. Wiki work, particularly the menial tasks of categorizing pages and images, is often thankless work that few people are eager to dig into. In their short time in our community, Lich has already single-handedly categorized over 3,500 files to assist Wiki Ops in reducing the number of uncategorized images on the wiki, and has made an impression on their colleagues for doing so with positivity and initiative worthy of recognition! Thanks for your work, Ensign!

Quark's Bar

Quark's Bar
Gila Sadar

Awarded to members who are regularly active on the chat room, and forums, and have been supportive and involved in conversations enhancing the overall community experience with activities like keeping a quote thread up to date, consistently nominating simmers in the Appreciations forum, starting engaging chat discussions, attending chat events regularly, or being a helpful presence for new players.

Gila Sadar, USS Artemis - Presented by Addison MacKenzie
Few of us might use the term “chatterbox” in a positive light, but I think the term certainly applies to Michelle, the writer behind Gila Sadar. They are an immensely important part of the OOC morale among the Artemis crew, always contributing to the conversation both in the Artemis ship channel and Officer’s Chat. Additionally, Michelle is frequently highlighting the contributions of other writers on the forums, and someone who understands the value of welcoming new members to our community.
“Gila has been a MASSIVE part of why I immediately felt welcomed from the start on the Artemis.”
Part of what makes 118 so special is the opportunity to form special connections with the others we write with, both IC and OOC. Michelle is the embodiment of everything we look for from a Quark’s Bar recipient, and I am personally grateful for all she has done for morale on the Artemis! Congratulations, Lieutenant!


Community Champion Award

Community Champion Award

Awarded to members who participate in – or help facilitate – simming community events, representing the best of StarBase 118 RPG to other organizations by hosting events, acting as contest judges, or otherwise contributing their expertise in a way that benefits the wider community.

Oddas Aria
Oddas Aria, Denali Station - Presented by Alora DeVeau
Nick, the writer behind Commodore Oddas Aria, has been an integral part of our organisation for the last eight years. During this time, he has made an indelible mark on the SB118 Community. Despite being a self-proclaimed introvert, Nick has consistently involved himself in the daily life of our group. Beyond his accomplishments on his own ship, he spearheaded the development of Aria, the program that allows SB118 to efficiently track the numerous sims sent to each ship. Previously, a single person had to use a cumbersome spreadsheet to monitor the number of sims each member sent every month.
In addition, Nick developed the code for the Sim Archive and played a pivotal role in Project Capstone, the fleetwide blockbuster that led to the development of the Warp XV drive and the launch of the USS Juneau. Most recently, he organized and ran the Denali Invitational, another fleetwide event that invited all interested members to join those on Denali for a small craft race, either as racers or visitors to the station.
Nick's contributions extend beyond these achievements. Over the years, he has served as a judge for the now-retired Top Sims Contest, co-facilitated the Advanced Starship Design Bureau, acted as Deputy Commandant for the Training Team, and coordinated the annual Awards ceremony twice. These roles showcase his dedication to enhancing the community and providing opportunities for others to get involved.
Everything Nick has done has been aimed at fulfilling a need or making the game more enjoyable, something to benefit the group at large. It is my great honor to present this year's Community Champion Award to Nick. We are deeply grateful to have you as an important and valued member of our community. Well done, and congratulations!


Northern Star Award

Northern Star Award

Awarded to members holding the rank of Lieutenant or Lt. Commander who show constant commitment to the fleet as members of task forces and through our other fleet endeavours. These officers are vital to the success of our fleet, showing their support and enthusiasm for their crews and our community through their tireless efforts.

Robin Hopper
Robin Hopper, Amity Outpost - Presented by Rivi Vataix?



Jake Sisko Prize

Jake Sisko Prize

Awarded to members of the Federation News Service Team who regularly go above and beyond in their contributions and participation. These team members show dedication and creativity in editing and writing news reports, helping to maintain our IC news service, build the 118 universe and provide inspiration for our members.

Alora DeVeau
Genkos Adea, - Presented by Addison MacKenzie
Elliot (Genkos Adea) has a very no-nonsense approach to his OOC contributions to the fleet. He has a long history with the FNS and his contributions to that team help ensure that much of our OOC material is always updated. He plays a vital role in making sure several articles for the FNS are edited and posted each month, that the monthly ship reports meet the standards and criteria for FNS articles, and has also had a heavy hand in posting the poll of the month on the forums.
One wouldn’t normally think about these as being responsibilities critical to the functioning of our organization, but this work ensures that our quality content is reaching the far corners of the web and helping to recruit more members to our community. Congratulations, and thanks for all your work, Elliot!


Okuda Award

Okuda Award

Awarded to members of the Image Collective who regularly go above and beyond in their contributions to this team's efforts, creating images and graphics for the fleet. These team members display their artistry and dedication with a visual feast for members new and old, bringing our creations to life and stoking imaginations.

Jo Marshall
Jo Marshall, USS Gorkon - Presented by Quinn Reynolds
What can I say, except I’m surprised that Em hasn’t won this award before! She’s created art we see all around the fleet, from character images to many of our ships’ logos. Her generosity with her time has seen her help many other ships with their Halloween avatars over the years, and her skill has seen them admired by many. I think it’s fair to say SB118 would look very different if she was not a member of the Image Collective. She does an absolutely exceptional job, and has helped out so many in the fleet with her talents. I’m delighted to present her with the Okuda Award for everything she’s done over the years. Congratulations, Em!


Xalor Clan Xifilis Award

Xalor Clan Xifilis Award

Awarded to simmers who overcome a disadvantage throughout simming. This award was initially known as the "Rachel Garett Pendant," but was renamed for the 2000 event to commemorate a valued StarBase 118 PBEM RPG simmer who died that year. In each event, this award can be given to all qualifying simmers.

Drex, Denali Station - Presented by Oddas Aria
Drex, Barbara, is one of the ‘non-native’ English speakers we have in our Fleet, but if she does not tell you you would never know. She is engaging, with good writing, fun stories, and overall writing a sense of fun in her character that makes her a pleasure to write with. Thank you Barabara for writing with us, and Congratulations!

Is’Kah, USS Ronin - Presented by Karrod Niac
Is’Kah (Kaitlyn) is a simmer who routinely brings a creative zeal to her writing that is engaging, dynamic and unconventional. She does it with a great deal of passion and energy while gladly taking on NPC’s in addition to her fascinating PC, the Vulcan/Trill hybrid Is’kah. The fact that she does all this while wrestling with a condition that routinely causes her a great deal of physical pain only makes her accomplishments that much more notable and for that I’m proud to award her this special recognition. Ronin Strong, Kaitlyn!

Karen Stendhal
Karen Stendhal, USS Octavia E. Butler - Presented by Lia Rouiancet
It’s my great pleasure to present one of this year's Xalor Clan Xifilis Awards to Stefania, the talented writer behind Counselor Karen Stendhal. Written English is, of course, our primary medium of expression, and as a non-native English speaker, Stefania has not only overcome the language barrier but has excelled in crafting engaging, nuanced, and creative sims.

Stefania's journey with us has been one of perseverance and dedication. After a three-year absence due to personal challenges, she returned to our community with the same exuberance that had initially endeared her to her fellow simmers. Her ability to reintegrate is a testament to her resilience and passion for storytelling. Her sims are filled with clever twists and fun dialogue, and she has even taken on the challenge of writing an NPC with an unusual speech pattern, demonstrating her linguistic versatility.

Stefania's endurance, perseverance, and simming abilities make her a most deserving recipient of the Xalor Clan Xifilis Award. Please join me in congratulating Stefania for her contributions and for making Starbase 118 an integral part of her story. Her presence in the 118 community is a shining example of how perseverance and talent can transcend linguistic boundaries and enrich our shared experiences.

Lina Dahlquist
Lina Dahlquist, USS Gorkon - Presented by Quinn Reynolds
I’m delighted to present this award to Mick, the person behind Lina Dahlquist. He is one of our many writers for whom English is a second language; something many of the Gorkon crew didn’t realise until recently! He doesn’t just use English, but does so in a way which communicates the vibrancy of his character; her hopes, dreams, struggles, and disappointments. It’s a testament to an ongoing dedication to his writing craft, and I’m very proud to recognise his ability to overcome the language barrier to create such engaging sims. Congratulations, Mick!


Strange Medallion

The Strange Medallion
Tomas Falt

Awarded to First Officers in the fleet who are consistently dependable, perform above the call of duty in their position, and excel not only in simming, but also in their dedicated Out of Character activities. Those awarded are regarded as leaders who excel in their facilitation of their crew, raising the bar and lifting up simmers to the podium. Named after Commander Sally Strange, widely known as one of the most creative and dedicated First Officers in the fleet's early years.

Tomas Falt - Presented by Oddas Aria

As one who nominated Tom for the Strange Medallion, it was great to see him win this Award. Since coming aboard Denali Station - indeed, since joining the Juneau, he has been a steadfast presence, quick to pitch in, quick to lend a hand, and someone who is always willing to help find a way to make running the ship both pleasant and a smoother running operation.
In many ways, Tom compliments me in all the best ways - comfortable reaching out to people, knowing when to temper feelings, and when those feelings are getting diminishing returns. His advice is something I rely on, in the same way that I know when he says ‘I got this’ I do not have to worry about it ever again. To say I am beyond pleased he received this award would be an understatement. Congratulations Tom, good job.


Staff Awards

Staff Awards are reserved solely for officers who are Commander in rank, or above. As the people in our group who carry the burden of leadership and investment in our future success, it's important that we take a few moments to recognize the dedication and work they put in throughout the year. Without a staff as dedicated as the one we have, we simply wouldn't be able to sustain our community nature and many of the activities we enjoy.

This year, the fleet’s First Officers were again empanelled to vote on the nominations and advise the Executive Council on recipients. The nine awards presented below, all come from the recommendations of the First Officer panel.

Honor of the Admiralty

Honor of the Admiralty
Ash MacKenna

Awarded to Staff Members who have served for a minimum of five years in a multitude of disciplines. From facilitating our task forces, engaging with the Captains Council, and leading with the utmost dedication, these writers volunteer their time, effort, and skill to building our game and community and have comprehensively earned the respect and loyalty of members. This is the highest award that can be conferred upon a StarBase 118 PBEM RPG staff member under the rank of Rear Admiral.

Ash MacKenna, USS Khitomer - Presented by Addison MacKenzie

I have the distinct pleasure of awarding Marissa the Honor of the Admiralty. Not only have I been the beneficiary of her leadership and friendship over many years now, she has made an indelible mark on this organization’s history. As one of our longest-serving writers, she is also one of the most decorated, having earned many of the highest IC and staff level awards we offer, and receiving the Honor of the Admiralty is a recognition of both her length and depth of service.
If you look into Marissa’s long bank of characters, you’d be hard-pressed to find a duty post for which she hasn’t written or a service award she hasn’t won, and this includes extensive service as a commanding officer. In the time that I’ve known her (and certainly well before that), she has always been happy to jump in where necessary, to fill whatever role is needed, or lend a hand without being asked.
This certainly extends just as much to her OOC involvement in the fleet. In addition to having received recognition for her long-term achievement in the Publicity Team via the Shuvalis Diamond, she is currently a Deputy Commandant of the Academy and the facilitator for the Social Media Team, as well as being a former Captains Council Magistrate and having her hands in so many other staff-level elements of this organization over the years.
I think I would be both reasonable and accurate in saying few areas of Starbase 118 haven’t been impacted by Marissa at some point during her long tenure. …Except maybe the wiki. I know she’s not a big fan of the wiki. ;)
I can’t think of a more deserving recipient for this award. Many, many congratulations, Marissa!

Staff Member of the Year Award

Awards Staff StaffMemberOfTheYearMedal 2011.jpg

Awarded to Staff Members who have contributed tirelessly to the organization through any number of Out of Character channels, while maintaining excellence in simming on their vessel. This is an award granted to any staff member, regardless of rank.

Serala, USS Astraeus - Presented by Roshanara Rahman

Serala’s player Jim is best known as the first officer of USS Astraeus, a duty post he’s served in faithfully for the past four years, beginning on the USS Atlantis under Jarred Thoran’s command. After Thoran’s sudden departure just as the crew were looking to begin their next adventure aboard USS Chin’toka, Jim’s steady hand led his crew through the transition to the ship’s next captain, Mei’konda. During this time, Jim worked diligently with the Executive Staff to ensure as smooth a transition as possible, and in the nearly two years since that challenging moment, Jim has continued to show that tireless and steadfast service not just to his ship but to the entire StarBase 118 RPG community in his roles as Chat Team facilitator, Training Team instructor, Academy Statistician, and a member of the Image Collective.
In each of these roles, Jim contributes regularly to the needs of the organization, a cycle of repeated and oftentimes “silent” service that defines so much of what it means to be a staff member in the fleet. Statistics and paperwork need to be filed for the StarBase 118 Academy to function, but it is rare that the cadets or even other Training Team members participating in a class are ever made explicitly aware of the work that goes on behind the scenes to keep vital spreadsheets updated and forms filled. Likewise, while the highlights of the monthly chat sessions on our Discord are the fun updates and stories shared by each of our ships’ members that participate, it is only through the guiding moderation of the Chat Team facilitator that a coherent and enjoyable discussion is able to be had among the large number of people gathered without descending into chaos.
In his role as Chat Team facilitator, Jim has worked on how to expand the moderated chat fleet events beyond just the traditional monthly fleet chat to also include fleet watch-alongs and other special events like the annual trivia challenge. He has overseen the expansion of the chat schedule to include times that are more inviting to our members in Asia and Oceania, and he has always been an enthusiastic supporter of finding new ways to engage our members in our fleet’s chats, especially in the new era of using Discord. Returning to his work as First Officer, both Jim’s captain Aaron as well as his nominations for this year’s Award Ceremony highlight his work as a patient and thorough mentor, a skillset that he has honed not only from his time on his ship but as a dedicated member of the Training Team.
As Jim continues in his constant service to his ship and the wider organization, I look forward to seeing how and where next in the fleet he will apply his dedication and the leadership lessons he’s learned from the challenges he’s tackled. Congratulations and thank you, Jim!


Sarek Star

Awards Staff SarekStarMedal 2011.jpg
Rivi Vataix

Awarded to Commanding Officers who show great diplomatic ability in working with members and staff, related to conduct Out of Character. Organisation, collaboration, mentorship, and ultimately making our game tick can be challenges in every respect, but those Staff Members awarded with this have a clear ability to walk those lines.

Rivi Vataix - Presented by Quinn Reynolds

It’s something of a running joke that Rich and I so often start a discussion with entirely opposing viewpoints. You might think with constant disagreement like that, there’d be an undercurrent of hard feelings. I’m happy to say that couldn’t be further from the truth! He is someone for whom I, and so many others, hold an incredible amount of respect, admiration, and affection for. And in so many ways, that’s down to his ability to communicate effectively with other people.
His ability to hear what you’re saying, his thoughtful responses, his dedication and care for others, his talent to lighten the mood with a well-timed joke, his willingness to compromise (with grace!) when needed, all make for a remarkable diplomat. Even more so when you consider how our communication is almost entirely text-based, absent the nuances of expression and tone. He’s so very deft in handling discussions, and I often walk away from a conversation with Rich having learned a way to improve my own communication.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention how the nominations talked about how much his crew admires his diplomatic abilities, and how much his handling of challenging situations has influenced them. They see someone who has nurtured his communication skills, who is willing to seek the advice and opinions of others to ensure he does his best for his crew, always striving to always be kind and fair, yet knowing when it’s necessary to be firm. It’s a tricky balancing act, and he pulls it off with aplomb.
Congratulations Rich, and thank you!

James T. Kirk Cross

Awards Staff KirkCrossMedal 2011.jpg
Karrod Niac

“Awarded to new Commanding Officers who show outstanding potential in the field of commanding. Their advancement into commanding their own ship can be fraught with challenges, but the receiver of this award has met them head on with vigour.”

Karrod Niac, USS Ronin - Presented by Lia Rouiancet

Oh man, am I ever proud to award this year’s James T. Kirk Cross to Brian, aka Karrod Niac! Brian's journey to command has been marked by outstanding leadership, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to the growth of both his crew and the 118 fleet. As CO of the Ronin, Brian has demonstrated incredible skill and passion and united a diverse group of simmers, integrating veterans and newcomers alike into a cohesive, engaged ship. The Ronin's consistent high activity and large number of sims are a testament to Brian's ability to inspire and motivate his crew.
What sets Brian apart, and sets his command up for (what I hope will be) many years of success, is his inclusive leadership style. His open-door policy and genuine interest in every crew member, from ensign to first officer, have created an environment where everyone feels heard, respected, and valued. This approach has fostered a supportive and dynamic atmosphere that encourages creativity and participation from all.
Brian's talents extend beyond his ship. His recent appointment as magistrate of the CC showcases his commitment to the broader fleet community. His involvement behind the scenes and his willingness to take on additional responsibilities demonstrate his dedication to the success of Starbase 118 as a whole.
As a simmer, Brian continues to impress everyone around him (and even those who are just looking from afar — guilty!) with his ability to craft engaging missions that challenge pre-established lore, bridging the past and future of our shared universe. He flexes his well-developed storytelling muscles and creates exciting opportunities for character development and growth, keeping his crew consistently engaged and enthusiastic.
Brian's leadership is characterized by patience, reason, and balance. He navigates challenges with a level head, offering guidance and support to his crew even in difficult situations. His positive attitude and problem-solving skills make him an invaluable resource and an inspiring example to those around him.
Brian has not only met the challenges of command but has exceeded expectations, growing into a captain that his crew and the entire fleet can be proud of. His exceptional leadership, dedication to his crew and the fleet, and his ability to create a thriving, supportive community on the Ronin make him an incredibly deserving recipient of the James T. Kirk Cross. His command embodies the spirit of this award, demonstrating the qualities of an outstanding leader who inspires those around him to reach new heights. Congratulations, Brian!

Chief’s Citation

Awards Staff ChiefCitation2015.png
Alora DeVeau

Awarded to essential Staff Members whose determined work has benefitted the group In Character, and/or Out Of Character, even while their primary service was not as the Commanding Officer of a simming installation. Inspired by the non-commissioned and enlisted personnel who are the backbone of any starship but were rarely recognized in Star Trek lore in favor of the officers.

Alora DeVeau, Denali Station - Presented by Quinn Reynolds

I can hardly think of anyone more deserving of this award than Amanda! A long-time member of the fleet, she has poured an incalculable amount of her time and energy into various pursuits over the years. She’s a driving force in the Newsies team, organising and conducting interviews for our several features; not just an interesting read for our current members, but a huge help in showing the world that we’re both an active and engaging place to join.

In a similar vein, she’s a friendly face to many of our new members; often on hand to greet new people and answer their questions when they join our Discord server, regularly taking part in Academy classes to train them, and maintaining contact via normal and cross-ship simming after their graduation. All of this greatly contributes to a positive experience for those who join us, and we’re not at all suspicious that she’s using the African violets she hands out as part of a long-term plan for insurrection.

Her ship also benefits from her enthusiasm and commitment to making the fleet a welcoming and fun place to be. She’s a kind and dedicated mentor, ensuring that anyone under her wing enjoys regular check-ins, sound advice, and thoughtful guidance. We’re fortunate to count her as one of our members, and is definitely numbered among those we consider the backbone of the fleet. Thank you for everything you do, Amanda, and congratulations on being this year’s winner of the Chief’s Citation Award!


Christopher Pike Pendant

Awards Staff PikePendantMedal 2011.jpg
Addison MacKenzie

Awarded to Commanding Officers who command their ship with honor and dedication, and help to provide an creative atmosphere which fosters outstanding simming. Not only do they lead by significant and exceptional example, but they engineer their vessels to be inspirational and creative powerhouses for all who sim on board.

Addison MacKenzie - Presented by Lia Rouiancet

First, I want to say congratulations, Matt, for setting a sterling example of what it means to be a commanding officer in the 118 fleet. Your contributions have not only enriched the Artemis but have raised the bar for leadership across the entire community.
Matt's journey as a commanding officer and a pillar of the fleet has been nothing short of remarkable. Since taking command of Artemis, he has proven himself again and again to be a powerhouse of a leader, guiding not only his ship but the many OOC groups, teams, and task forces he lends his expertise to, including this year (and very deservedly) the Executive Council.
Under Matt’s stewardship, the Artemis has not only reached a strong and stable position in sim rates but has also evidenced an environment of unprecedented crew stability. The Artemis’s Discord (both public and staff) was noted by one nominator as a testament to his dedication, and Matt’s presence creates a dynamic and interactive atmosphere that keeps his crew consistently motivated and inspired.
Matt's leadership style is characterized by his ability to stay ahead of challenges. He demonstrates an impressive knack for anticipating issues and addressing them head-on, often delegating tasks effectively to his staff. When faced with unexpected situations, Matt's quick thinking and decisive action clearly demonstrate his adaptability as a leader, whether that’s in response to an unexpected plot twist in the sim or a timely issue on the Captains or Executive Council.
The stability and success of the Artemis crew under Matt's leadership speak volumes about his abilities as a captain. He’s dedicated to mentoring and guiding his simmers, and is never afraid to tackle a difficult situation. A nominator noted a particular circumstance in which Matt easily worked with a challenging simmer who consistently pushed the boundaries of realism in their sims. Matt's approach to this situation — helping the simmer understand the consequences of their character's actions and guiding them towards more appropriate and realistic storytelling — demonstrates his dedication to maintaining the integrity of the shared story while supporting individual growth.
Matt's exceptional leadership, his commitment to nurturing his crew's talents, and his ability to navigate challenges with grace and wisdom make him a most deserving recipient of the Pike Pendant. His captaincy embodies the spirit of this award, demonstrating the qualities of a steward who not only leads but inspires and elevates those around him. Matt, the 118 fleet is incredibly lucky to have you!


Length of Service Awards

The Length of Service Awards are given to members who have maintained continuous activity for at least one year. There are various tiers for different milestones, such as three, five, ten, 15, 20, and even 25 years of uninterrupted service.

The list below includes only those members who have recently reached the qualification threshold for the award. For instance, if a member has been here for four years and received the 3-year award last year, they will not be mentioned below. To view the complete list of previous Length of Service award recipients, you can visit here.

Some members who have been on Leave of Absence (LOA) since before these awards were introduced may appear in multiple award tiers below as they catch up on the missed awards.

We have made every effort to accurately calculate each member's start date and LOAs based on the information available to us. However, if you believe you should have received an award but do not find your name listed below, please contact your commanding officer (CO) to rectify the situation. We sincerely apologize in advance for any oversight or inconvenience caused.

1-Year Members

  • Kaito Moore, graduated from the academy June 7, 2023
  • Torvi Ylvor, graduated from the academy May 25, 2023
  • Alex Forsyth, graduated from the academy October 3, 2022
  • Araxxu Vahin, graduated from the academy June 12, 2023
  • Avander Promontory, graduated from the academy November 1, 2022
  • Doz Finch, graduated from the academy September 6, 2021
  • Gila Sadar, graduated from the academy June 26, 2023
  • Isabelle Basilia, graduated from the academy December 28, 2021
  • James Bowers, graduated from the academy June 12, 2023
  • Jora Kalis, graduated from the academy December 1, 2016
  • Josh Herrick, graduated from the academy May 18, 2023
  • Jovenan, graduated from the academy November 7, 2022
  • Luxa Lorana, graduated from the academy April 30, 2023
  • Madison Marsh, graduated from the academy June 26, 2023
  • Nolen Hobart, graduated from the academy January 24, 2023
  • Savel, graduated from the academy April 4, 2023
  • Senak, graduated from the academy March 19, 2023
  • T'Ama, graduated from the academy April 12, 2023
  • Toxin Arlill, graduated from the academy November 1, 2022
  • Toz, graduated from the academy November 22, 2021
  • Zenno, graduated from the academy June 12, 2023

3-Year Members

  • Aine Sherlock, graduated from the academy December 13, 2020
  • Alieth, graduated from the academy February 1, 2020
  • Dekas, graduated from the academy February 1, 2021
  • Gogigobo Fairhug, graduated from the academy November 21, 2017
  • Ikaia Wong, graduated from the academy November 2, 2020
  • John Kendrick, graduated from the academy January 4, 2021
  • Robin Hopper, graduated from the academy June 21, 2021
  • Scotty Reade, graduated from the academy April 20, 2021
  • Tahna Meru, graduated from the academy January 1, 2021

5-Year Members

  • Addison MacKenzie, graduated from the academy February 19, 2019
  • Azura Ada, graduated from the academy October 2, 2018
  • Chloe Waters, graduated from the academy November 1, 2018
  • Esa Kiax, graduated from the academy November 2, 2018
  • Haukea-Willow, graduated from the academy August 14, 2018
  • Karrod Niac, graduated from the academy September 17, 2018
  • Kimberly Stapledon, graduated from the academy January 19, 2008
  • Kirsty Lee Carpenter, graduated from the academy December 1, 2018
  • Salkath, graduated from the academy November 24, 2014
  • Samira Neathler, graduated from the academy August 27, 2018
  • Wil Ukinix, graduated from the academy November 13, 2018

10-Year Members

  • Jansen Orrey, graduated from the academy June 7, 2008
  • Mei'konda, graduated from the academy February 1, 2013
  • Sal Taybrim, graduated from the academy October 6, 2013

15-Year Members

  • Ash MacKenna, graduated from the academy May 1, 2009
  • Lael Rosek, graduated from the academy October 1, 2004


Final thanks

With all the awards presented, and congratulations said, and maybe an award or two taken by you yourself, all that is left is for us to say another thank you.
This year there were over 500 nominations written, by over 70 nominators, over half of the Fleet. You are out there nominating, recognizing each other's good work, and wanting the good work to be rewarded. You all deserve a round of applause.
This year, the Awards Committee has done a tremendous job sorting through the nominations, and making sure all the nominees were qualified and were the best in the respective categories. This took a lot of their time, and a lot of effort to make sure they got it right. Please take a little time to say 'thank you' when you see them about,
  • Alora DeVeau
  • Jo Marshall
  • Lia Rouiancet
  • Addison MacKenzie
  • Gogigobo Fairhug
In particular, thank you Alora for helping turn all the various forum posts and other writings into cohesive documents for the wiki and places it will ultimately get posted on. Also to Jo for answering the questions I had getting started when I took this on this year.
Of course, some of the Awards take a lot of input by the Executive Council, the First Officers, and the Commanding Officers - and, so thank you for your hard work both during the buildup to the ceremonies, and throughout the year. The hard work of leadership falls on you - leading ships, tasks forces, and making the hard choices throughout the year. Making sure the Fleet runs smoothly so we have the opportunity to write and play, and to have a place to interact.
Thank you for all you do, even before we thrust the responsibilities of the Award Ceremonies on you, which involves reviewing all those great nominations and making even tougher decisions.
Additionally, there are a number of donors who give financially to the running of the Fleet,
  • Kalianna Nicholotti
  • Josh Herrick
  • Jacob Horne
  • Oddas Aria
  • April Gordon
  • Yogan Yalu
  • Genkos Adea
  • Kailar Tod
  • Serala
  • Nolen Hobart
  • Toxin Arlill
  • Savel
  • Jo Marshall
  • Valin Dermont
  • Marty Tucker
  • Jaseb Chevalier
  • Marty Tucker
  • Christopher Caldwell
  • A number of anonymous donors who give without recognition.
Finally, thank you all for being a great Fleet and a great set of friends, you are all amazing and I appreciate you all. I can't wait to see how the next year turns out.
-Oddas Aria, Nicholas

See Also: Forum posts