
From 118Wiki
Revision as of 05:43, 27 January 2011 by FltAdml. Wolf (talk | contribs) (Fixing more line-breaks.)
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This is an e-mail from the UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG.

An account has been created for you on our community wiki. The purpose of this Wiki is to give members of our group a place to collaborate and keep history. Wikis are great for online projects because they allow so much easy collaboration. As such, this Wiki is intended to facilitate these projects, but also to give people a place to take part in the history of our group as it happens. You can also build a comprehensive profile for your character, and much more!

You'll find your user name and your password below. The easiest way to get started with the wiki is to head to the Main Page of the site, and check out some of the pages listed in the blue box called "Starting Points." The URL is:

Here's your log-in information:



Feel free to e-mail us if you have any questions!

UFOP: StarBase Webmaster, Webmaster@StarBase118.Net