Jacin Ayemet

Revision as of 12:05, 5 October 2021 by Jacin Ayemet (talk | contribs)

(Your rank and name) is currently serving as a (your duty post) aboard the (USS Your Ship). (A table of contents will be automatically generated below this line - you won't see it in the edit window but it'll be right there once you save the page!)

USS Arrow
Jacin Ayemet
Position Science Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Bajoran / El-Aurian
Gender Female
DOB 237312.28
Age 28
Birthplace Jalanda City, Bajor
Writer ID [[<A239810JA2-->]]
Creating a basic bio is quick and easy to do! Wherever you see brackets below, just add in the text you need, replacing things like 'your name' or 'your ship' with the relevant information inside the coding provided, or follow the instructions given - then delete the brackets and any instructions inside them! Once you're done, you'll have a bare bones bio that you can build on using the FBC tutorials, getting tips from other people's bios or adding your own ideas! Click "edit" to get started! Good luck and enjoy!


  • Height: 5' 4" (1.62 Metres)
  • Weight: 126 pounds (57Kg)
  • Hair: Blonde
  • Eyes: Dark Brown
  • Build:Athletic


Whom does your character get on with or not get on with? For now, pick one member of your current crew and enter their name below, then describe the nature of your character's relationship with them.

(Description Here)

(Background/Personality/Career History)

Parents: Born to a Bajoran Mother, Jacin Catyr, and an El-Aurian Father, Zeril Sedor, Ayemet lived with them in Jalanda City where her Mother owned and ran a small store. She has an elder Brother from her Mother's first marriage, Lymas who runs a restaurant and helps out at the store from time to time.

Her Father was a travelling businessman who met Catyr when he came to her shop apparently to buy supplies for a trip. He hit it off with her and married her after two years. However he was something of an absent Father who, for a great proportion of Ayemet’s childhood was away on business trips. Eventually the constant separation drove her parents apart and Zeriol split from Catyr and left when Ayemet was 10 years old. She has not seen or spoken to him since. Her Mother then reverted to her surname from her first marriage as the split was somewhat acrimonious and began to put pressure on her children, mostly Ayemet, to work full time at the store.

This helped exacerbate Ayemet's loneliness as most of her time was spent either studying hard at school or helping her Mother at the store, leaving little time to socialise. She didn't choose to be a loner but as the years went by it became easier for her to be so. However she knew that this was not the life she wanted, and in an effort to find something 'more', and without her Mother's knowledge, applied to Starfleet Academy with the help of her best friend Nisha and their teacher. Her Mother saw this as Ayemet running away, and her relationship with her has been terse ever since.

Whilst at the Academy Ayemet again made few friends, concentrating at doing well in her classes, as she was determined not to have to return to Bajor in shame. She did though find that when spending time with others she was a good listener and found solace and genuine comfort in helping them with their issues. At the Academy her EL-Arian heritage began to come to the fore and her empathic abilities grew. Medical staff could find no explanation for this late blossoming but it caused no serious effects and was not deemed a risk. Indeed Ayemet found it a boon to her chosen field of counsellor, and although other tried to encourage her to move over to the science division this felt like a natural fit to her.

Ayemet got her first posting to the USS Arrow, a Saber class starship, but in the position as a science officer. Although full of nervous excitement at her posting to a starship and the opportunities that brings, Ayemet can't helped but wonder if she is up to the task given to her.

Service History

Below you'll see a table which contains images for rank pips - you can change the word 'Gold' for 'Red' or 'Teal' or one of the other colors listed earlier to match your duty post. More instructions about how to use the service record template can be found at Template:Service Record.
Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 2391 - 2395 Starfleet Academy
Ensign SD 239704.09 - Present USS Arrow
Science Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
  • (We've gone ahead and filled in your first service ribbon: the Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon. As you complete missions and continue to serve with the fleet, you'll earn additional awards and service ribbons that you can post here, with the date you got them! For full instructions on how to add more awards and service ribbons, check out Template:Ribbons Display.)
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Year or Stardate
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

SIM Archive

Replace the links below with links to your own SIMs that you find memorable or are important to your character - you may want to add more as your time with the fleet goes on! You can find a complete archive of sims here at the SIM Archive.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Arrow Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Officer
R. Shayne
First Officer
N. Hobart
Mission Specialist
C. Waters
Chief Engineer
C. Dewitt
Engineering Officer
L. Michaels
Chief of Security
Security Officer
E. Zerva
Chief Medical Officer
T. Ohnari
Medical Officer
R. El'Heem
J. Ayement
R & D Specialist
M. Rodan
Chief of Intelligence
A. MacKenna
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Lastly, don't forget including the proper categories! Find your character's species category listed here: Category:Individuals by species; your duty post listed here: Category:Individuals by duty post; and your ship characters category here: Category:Characters by ship.