Elina Kincade/Full Timeline
This notice was placed here by Dassa Alexander-Dalton. Please pardon my dust. I promise it'll look amazing when I'm done.
Personal Timeline 235812.17: Elina is born in Inverness. 237212.17: Elina receives training required of a laird's wife (as well as a lady's education, thanks to her mother) 237304.14: Elina's older brother Ross teaches her to fix things. 2376.08.29: Leaves for the Academy 237609.16: First meets Rebecca Hollendale 237609.20: First meets Fey Northe 237702.01: First meets Michael McClain 237703-237708: Open relationship with Christian O'Connell 238008-238012: Open relationship with Nikolai Michev 238509.23: First meets Tal Tel-ar/Exclusive relationship with Tal Tel-ar 238512.24: Returns home for the first time in nine years 238604.18: Tal transfers off the Eagle 238607.12: Goddaughter Annaelise Hameldon comes to live with Elina aboard the Eagle 238607.18: Elina receives a communication from Tal, who is at the time serving aboard the Challenger-A 238612.24: Elina and Tal are handfasted in Scotland. 238710.19: Elina gives birth to triplets. 238712.25: Elina and Tal are formally married. 2388: Elina takes an indefinite LOA from Starfleet. 2389: Elina and Tal divorce. 2393: Elina and Rebecca marry. Professional Timeline 238804: Elina takes an indefinite LOA from Starfleet. 239610: Elina's Starfleet commission is reinstated.