Elector Hardware
The Elector Hardware Company
Elector Hardware
For a Bright Future
Owned by the Williams Family for generations, the Elector Hardware company is one of the most profitable Companies in the Federation. It's main Office is currently located in New Berlin ( Lunar Colony, Sol System)
Active in a multitude of branches, mostly hardware, mining, food and housing, The Company is a leading supplier of electronics, durable materials and much more to important Federation branches, including FedSec and Starfleet. This year's numbers show the Elector Company is responsible for 35% of Utopia Planetia's Durasteel and electronic devices requirements, 30 % of all Durasteel production for Federation equipment, weapons, and electronics. as well as a large consumer market in replicators, computers, handheld devices, holos and much more.
Current Leadership:
CEO Daniel Elector Williams
Board of representatives, ( including Wallace Williams and Terrance Williams )