Currently assigned to the USS Avandar
'MCPO Kathleen Moore

- Full Name: KAthleen Jane Moore
- Race: Terran
- Date of Birth:
- Place of Birth: United Federation of Oceania ( Confederation of PAcific Islands and Austraila, New Zeland and South East Asia)
- Age: 43
- Gender: Female
- Telepathic status: Nil (Although she always nows whats going on )
- Height: In feet or meters.
- Weight: In pounds or kilos.
- Hair Color:
- Length of Hair:
- Eye Color:
- Skin Tone:
- Birthmarks, Scars:
- Build:
- Face:
- Eyes:
- Mouth:
- Arms:
- Legs:
- Carriage:
- Poses (Hands/Gestures, Feet/Legs, Torso/Head):
- Taste in Clothing (when off duty):
- Shoes:
- Voice:
- Handedness:
- Quarters:
- Favorite Room:
- Habits:
- Mannerisms:
- Religion/Spiritual Devotion:
- Hobbies and Pastimes:
- Likes:
- Dislikes:
- Ambitions and Goals:
- Achievements in Life:
- Disappointments in Life:
- Temperment:
- Mental problems (complexes and phobias):
- Physical Limitations:
- Marital Status:
- Spouse: If you put "single" above, remove this line.
- Place of Marriage: If you put "single" above, remove this line.
- Children:
- Parents
- Siblings:
Personal History
- 232001.01: Event.
- 232001.02: Event, etc.
Professional History
- Date Graduated from Academy:
- Current Rank:
- Current Assignment: Vessel/base/etc.
- Duty Post:
Awards & Commendations
- The Order of StarFleet Merit and Achievement 1: Date awarded.
- 232001.01: Event.
- 232001.02: Event, etc.