Bowrapiquis Jetseen

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Revision as of 18:40, 24 March 2013 by Xoet (talk | contribs) (combining the two bio's into one family Bio of hologram and synthetic human, edits on.)
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Piqui Jetseen(synthesized human)

Physical Statistics

  • Body: average size slim
    • Weight: 197 lb.
    • Height: five foot nine inches
    • Hair: dark brown
    • Eyes: Redish-yellow or brown usually
    • Build: slim toned


  • Approach: calm, relaxed
    • Idiosyncrasies: Slightly fidgety
    • Styles: passive to mild.
  • Preferences: pure and ergonomical
    • Food: organics if possible light meals
    • Drink: sweet pleasent
    • Smells: Earthy, hearty but light
    • Fears: small dark corners,..
    • Likes and pleasures: fun loving happy things.
    • Annoyances: unresponsive or slow computers

Personal History

  • Beginnings of life: basic invention of the human form out of the holoform of his being. constructed due to the double sun systems over heating of the holo circuitry in deep space between galaxies.
    • Hologram memories: Piqui had some memories of being an ensign and such on duronis but not of the abduction by the holograms designer. And little of the transformation to human.
    • Physical Creations: during the conceptions of his psyche Piqui was allowed to use a psionic helmet that enhanced his telepathic abilities to above average and then he cause the creation of various objects of unknown purposes.
    • Pre-cadet Education: Piqui was taught how to be human with the psionic helmet. //enter more here on this subject//
    • Cadet Personal History: In the academy he was engaged in his studies .,,
    • Training routines: Pilot fight training armory
  • studies in life: puzzle works and abstract strategy games
    • regular learning intervals: in two weeks structured intervals which are in series of 6 interval associations.
    • work routines: consistent forms of disciplined creative creation processing.
    • exercise routines: Over disciplined running and workout schedules.

Public Professional History

  • Academy Studies: average to above average levels of study.
    • Science: uni-molecular reaction folding experiments. Biological manifest-creation actualities. Particle system temporal alignment fields. et., c.
    • Math: new maths
    • Languages: galactic dialects and intergalactic notation and shorthand filings.

Federation Career

  • Ensign: stardate: 238909.24 - Present
  • Missions:
    • Bilire IV
    • Experiences
  • Lieutenant JG:

Piqui's StarLogs:

Professional History

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
01-Ens-Blue.png Ensign 238909.24 - Present USS Tiger-A Science Officer

Ensign Bowrapiquis Jetseen, also known as Piquis is an Epon-5e hologram. The history behind the synthetic human Piqui.


  • Full Name: Bowrapiquis Jetseen (Piquis)
  • Holo-Species: Epon-5e
  • Race: Hologram from the faction of holographic revolutionaries.
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Place: Holographic Hall of Records.
  • Date Of Birth: In the future before the Holo-Wars.
  • Appearance/style: Happy go lucky attitude.
    • Hologram and a Mobile Emitter (M.E.) self contained.
    • Average height and weight is very adaptable.
    • Length of hair: A short cut long in back
    • Eye Color: reddish-blue in a typical iris color.
    • Non-discernible body features
  • Family Group: Eponicly aligned Holo-Species with duel positronic neural networking.
    • Assembly codes: 5e, and 11x.
    • AI category: ψ~73.1
    • Series Sequence: M.481 copy~5
    • Telepathic status: Not Applicable as a hologram.

Personal History

Ensign Bowrapiquis Jetseen is a hologram. The Ensign has completed cadet training as an engineer and was posted to the the USS Thunder NCC-740605, The starship attached to the Embassy-Duronis II.

The ensign will be ready for the next level of his status when he completes the optical ME design and it is flawless. His optical circuitry coding is being blended into his ME and his ME coding is being created optically. the difficulty will be separating the clusters of positronic - nets when they have recreated each other.

The ensign was out in the sun's in the Duronis system and was power beamed into an intergalactic vessel driven by his then friend xoet 12. The reasons were many. First to get the hologram out of direct light that was frying the optical circuitry, to assist xoet 12 in a deep space mission and three to convert the hologram by synthesis into a human being. This is where the hologram life ended and Piqui Jetseen's life began so it is known. Piqui Jetseen has no knowledge of the hologram's continued existence and as flesh was beam bounced thru the galactic barrier into the milky way. This was when Piqui Jetseen started the academy. This synthetic human form is a Science Officer on the USS Tiger-A.

At this point there is a branching off of the Jetseen line of family: a hologram family and a human family.

  • Synthetic Jetseen Family divisions:
    • Piquis -hologram model.
    • Piqui -first synthetic human USS Tiger-A science officer
    • Iris -Galt 2 synthetic human.
    • Werten -Galt 3 synthetic human.
    • Nillion -Galt 4 synthetic human.

ψThe following information is made so as not to be readable by holograms and is from the hall of recordsψ

  • Holo Family:
    • The hall of records keeps most of the information about Bowrapiquis and the acts that Bowrapiquis caused during the holo-revolution from reaching him. He just knows there is something about the dual positronic optical network of circuits that make things different to him. As it is he is know as the one that does not fit in the line of holo-assemblies

The holo-revolution that Piquis survived is still ongoing. The revolution is being waged between the various holographic factions and it is totally configured by them for what might be considered holographic entertainment. The nemesis and villain in Piqui's life is Iris Jetseen. For all intents and purposes this is a real revolution to Bowrapiquis but that is just his point of view of what is happening.

ψThe previous information was made so as not to be readable by holograms and is from the hall of recordsψ

  • Synthetic Family:
    • Piqui Jetseen is on the go at the USS Tiger-A starship being an ensign he has limited access to any type of new information except from the conversations with xoet 12 the designer the made him human.
    • Iris Jetseen was created and exists no further information is available
    • Werten Jetseen is being "deprogrammed" from his existence as Bowrapiquis Jetseen the hologram. Werten is human. As he becomes more "in tune" to these and his realities his biography will grow.
    • Nillion Jetseen is the fourth synthetic still being created and in the chrysalis stage. They are introducing a new protein folding sequence to start the next stage.