Jenatris Cloud Sector

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Serellan Sector
Trinity Sector
Jenatris Cloud Sector
(Sector 118 map)
Local Species
Stellar Phenomenae
Federation Presence

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The Jenatris Cloud Sector (coordinates B03-0005-1300) is under the Trinity Sector. While the three major powers of the Beta Quadrant are present in this sector, by far the most dominant feature of this sector is the Jenatris Cloud from which it recieved it's name. This region is of minor strategic importance, and is shared between the Federation, Romulan Star Empire and Klingon Empire.

The "bottom half" of the sector is dominated by the Jenatris Cloud, which rests just outside Federation jurisdiction. On the far side of the Cloud, through the Jenatris Corridor, is the Par'tha Expanse.

Federation landmarks

Klingon landmarks

Romulan landmarks

Gorum System

This star system is the closest to the Nequencia star system with just under 1 lightyear separating them.

This star system has 2 planets. One is a rock ball and the second one is a terrestrial planet that has a Romulan agricultural colony.

Orum Tak System

This star system is approximately 4 light years south west of Zeta Pictoris.

This star system has an asteroid belt, a rock ball planet, a small gas giant and a terrestrial planet.

Talok Vie System

This star system is close to the Neutral Zone, approximately 1 light year from it and approximately 7.5 light years from the Acamar Sector border with the Trinity Sector.

This star system has a large gas giant, an asteroid belt and an ice rock ball planet.