User talk:Varaan
Were we planning on revamping the missions? I thought we were just talking about revising the tutorials? --Wolf 23:37, 19 Aug 2005 (CDT)
- Let's start with the tutorials. We can move on to missions after that. I don't want us to be working on too many things at once. I think we can still test-run the new mission(s) in the meantime, though. --Wolf 22:45, 20 Aug 2005 (CDT)
Your latest query
I'm afraid I have no clue what you're asking me :) Can you give me an example? --Wolf /talk page 23:08, 1 July 2006 (CDT)
- Oh... maybe this is what you mean? Training/Missions
- Source: [[User talk:Varaan#Training/Missions|Training/Missions]] --Wolf /talk page 23:11, 1 July 2006 (CDT)
- Yeah, I think what you want is covered in the example above. To link to something else on a page, you have to have a sub-heading to link to. So as long as you're linking to that sub-heading, just use the page name, then #, then the sub-heading name. I think that'll work properly. --Wolf /talk page 23:13, 1 July 2006 (CDT)
- The only reason I can imagine why it might not work is if the system recognizes, when you're going to a sub-heading, that it's on the same page and outputs bolded text instead of a link. Not sure, as I haven't tried it on a regular namespace page -- just here on the talk namespace ;) Try and out and see if it works :) --Wolf /talk page 23:16, 1 July 2006 (CDT)
- Yeah, I think what you want is covered in the example above. To link to something else on a page, you have to have a sub-heading to link to. So as long as you're linking to that sub-heading, just use the page name, then #, then the sub-heading name. I think that'll work properly. --Wolf /talk page 23:13, 1 July 2006 (CDT)
Vulcans on Memory-Alpha
Instead of adding the line at the top of each Vulcan article about canon info on MA, why not just add something to your nav wiki, like:
Would de-clutter your articles a little ;) Just a thought! --Wolf /talk page 01:08, 2 July 2006 (CDT)
Par'tha Species
There are a number of species who are listed in the "Par'tha" species category who do not have the "Par'tha Races" template on their page. Did you want that template added to them? I'm about to do a sweep of the Non-Canon species category to add another category for those species who have or have not been reviewed as playable by the CC. --Wolf /talk page 22:52, 2 July 2006 (CDT)
- I also noticede that you had placed the Par'tha Races template near the bottom of some pages. I'm assuming this was so that it did sit directly to the left of the ILI template? If so, you can just set the style property to "clear:right", which means that no other floating element (like the ILI template) will be to the right. I did this, and here's how it looks: Balivari. If you don't want it like that, you can change it at Template:Par'tha Races. Just remove the "clear:right" from the CSS thing. --Wolf /talk page 23:14, 2 July 2006 (CDT)
Re: Hoverbikes
My apologies on the Stormtrooper bit. It seems that I misread 'Stroopers' in the article. Ah, well...
I am not trying to say that elements from different universes cannot be borrowed or shared, but I still believe that they should be made unique to the universe they are being used in, to try and eliminate similarities in name. Looking back, my initial reaction was prompted by the term 'Swoop', which I have always associated with another universe. This is more of a semantics issue than a concept one. I have no problem with the idea of an empire that has a vast army with anti-grav technology. I would just not want such to be confused for some sort of weird crossover.
Similarly, I would object if somebody in, say, a Stargate RP wanted to invent a new weapon for their spaceship and call it a 'phaser', a term which is easily recognizable as originating with Star Trek. A term may not be owned by a universe, but there can definitely be connections there, that an author may or may not want to make use of.. --RogueGypsy47 11:34, 17 July 2006 (CDT)
- Aye, I believe it is mostly the name that affected me. It's not a major point, though. I think the immediacy of the situation and my initial misunderstanding made it seem like it was a major faux pas. Also, I apologize about getting back to you so late. I am not in the wiki as often as I would like to be these days.. >.>;; --RogueGypsy47 10:47, 2 August 2006 (CDT)
Crew Histories...
The Wallace one was hard enough; the sheer amount of history on the Indy is meaning this one is going to take a long time to finish... How'd you do with the Paladin history? - Lt.JG Salak 21:45, 9 August 2006 (CDT)
- I can understand that... they do take a long time to research. - Lt.JG Salak 13:09, 10 August 2006 (CDT)
Danube class v. Runabout
Yeah, I'd agree it should be Category:Danube Class vessels, it just seemed easier at the time to move 1 across. Danube class is listed as a specialist on the class lists I think, it's not on the shuttles page so unsure if it needs to be a subcategory of the shuttles category. - Lt.JG SalakTalk 11:43, 9 November 2006 (CST)
- Yeah, that makes sense. And I had noticed you love categories :) - Lt.JG Salak
Talk 07:12, 10 November 2006 (CST)
Cody category
I added the category to the template (Template:David Scott Cody) so any page with that template automatically is added to the category. Didn't know if you'd noticed that little short cut before? - Lt.JG SalakTalk 07:23, 10 November 2006 (CST)
Apparently USS Solstice is only 3 years old but given there appears to be no board for it on the forums, no mention on the main website and the supposed Captain has only ever climbed as high as Lt.Cmdr, I'm not convinced it was actually active in the fleet. It was about a year before I joined so I was wondering if you remember it? If not, then I might delete the page & associated templates... - Lt.JG SalakTalk 08:34, 13 November 2006 (CST)
- I dropped a note to FltAdm.Wolf on YIM last night, saw his reply just after I read yours here on the wiki. Have deleted accordingly. - Lt.JG Salak
Talk 20:31, 13 November 2006 (CST)
Cara & Salak categories
Ok, I'm tired (been up 37 hours straight) and had a couple to drink admittedly but that doesn't make much sense; "The character category pages are sub-categories of the Character Category". I thought that it made sense for all the pages for Salak to be listed together as a sub category to the categories that the page would normally be under; hence why I list the categories on the character category page rather than the category page. If you think otherwise is better though then I shall defer to your judgement as, like you said, you are the categories person ;) I hope that makes sense. - Lt.JG SalakTalk 18:38, 25 November 2006 (CST)
- Even when completely sober and awake, I still can't make sense of it... - Lt.JG Salak
Talk 16:49, 28 November 2006 (CST)
- Ok, go on then :) - Lt.JG Salak
Talk 17:49, 28 November 2006 (CST)
- I suppose that makes sense... - Lt.JG Salak
Talk 17:52, 28 November 2006 (CST)
- Not a prob... I find it's nice to be confused from time to time. - Lt.JG Salak
Talk 17:56, 28 November 2006 (CST)
- Not a prob... I find it's nice to be confused from time to time. - Lt.JG Salak
- I suppose that makes sense... - Lt.JG Salak
- Ok, go on then :) - Lt.JG Salak
Institute: An organization founded to promote a cause: a cancer research institute. It's an institute in that definition of the word, not an educational institution. Organization is close enough.
THI employees may be SCEPTRE affiliates, but that's not a given -- in the sense that someone who works at the Microsoft might be an ACLU member, but not all Microsoft employees are ACLU members. --Wolf /talk page 18:20, 28 November 2006 (CST)
Keep up the good work! :P --Wolf /talk page 18:53, 11 December 2006 (CST)
Hi Varaan... ran into a similar look you have up for Planetary Data on Duronus II when I was incorporating a nav bar for The One Kingdom and the homeworld planet Triceblessed and didn't like having the two side by side. Decided rather to establish the link to a page that has the nav bar on the planetary chart (instead of having two right aligned graphs). DCody 12:20, 19 December 2006 (CST)
Re: in all seriousness...
Leave "K'bob" -- if it's an NPC on a ship, then it's the Captain's problem :P As far as the other one goes, he's a new recruit. I've deleted the page and left him a note on his talk page. --Wolf /talk page 17:34, 26 February 2007 (CST)
WIKI ethos
Cmdr Varaan & Lt.JG. Salak,
I’ve recently encountered one or two incidents amongst players in the fleet who feel their wiki page has been wrongly edited by someone who did not have their permission.
There seems, therefore, to be a little confusion as to the ethos of the SB118 wiki, particularly in terms of it being a collaborative project which any member of the UFoP community can use and contribute to.
I wondered if perhaps the two of you as wiki moderators might be willing to get your heads together and draft an OOC that might be sent out to all the Fleet’s Captains (or indeed to everyone in the fleet) educating (or reminding) them of the exact ethos behind the wiki. Particular emphasis presumably being on collaboration and working together/ everyone having a go. Perhaps if you have guidelines on any unusual instances when one should ask permission of a user to make an edit or perhaps any observations on etiquette?
I think this would be valuable to the fleets players and indeed perhaps we could have it edited and made into one of the “sim tutorials” such as those we already have on the main SB-118 site.
Hoping you can help,
Capt. Rocar.
- I'm in the UK so bear in mind my timezone is GMT+1. I'm out tonight but should be about fairly often now. MSN: BurwellianAThotmailDOTcoDOTuk is best way to catch me on IM, though I'm also on YIM (same address or Burwellian) and AIM (JVGazeley) if you want to write this together on IM. - JayTalk 08:18, 23 April 2007 (CDT)
- Fair enough. Sub-page to one of our user pages, explain how everyones welcome to edit anything, but the point that other ships pages are theirs and that when it comes to ships pages, their command staff generally ought to be asked or something? - JayTalk 10:20, 23 April 2007 (CDT)
Yes the Conny crew roster was one of the recent matters that prompted me to ask you guys to work on this. Its not so much the incident, but more how people react to incidents when they occur. For example, perhaps two main points are that 1. Damage can be undone and pages reverted to when they were right and 2. everyone should be able to edit a page as long as they don't undo established info.
(Jay... re the conny roster; it looks to me like the user was simply trying to help out with some good enthusiasm. It seemed to be simply a rearrangement of who was next to who... I notice the same was done to ALL ship's crew rosters.) ...anyway this really isn't my domain, you both do a great job in checking on edits etc.
Varaan, in answer to your message to me earlier today... I agree with your principal that "the entire nature of a Wiki is free access to edit" many ways I don't see too much harm if any "tutorial"/"ooc" you two write is based around that point/ stresses it etc. if that is indeed the ethos of the wiki. I think it would just be useful for everyone to be reminded of the nature of a collaborative project being all can edit. Also, it may encourage members who do not yet wiki to get involved a little more.
That said you may both (along with Adm. Wolf) perhaps know from experience of certain hotspots where its best to check before editing? I don't know if there are any really. I'd personally be quite keen to emphasise the collaborative work side of things to perfect a page (personally I don't even mind people adding to my character page as long as the information is true (from sims or something I wrote the character doing) and they don't delete what I myself put there.
Also worth considering, do Ship pages exist under a different jurisdiction to other wiki pages. i.e. as CO of Ops am I and my command staff somehow more responsible than others for Ops pages whilst pages such as planets are anyones game?
Just some thoughts! Please don't feel like you have to do this... I just thought it would make a useful OOC and nice tutorial and that perhaps the pair of you might like to establish a wiki ethos and ettiquette for the fleet.
Yeah, already had done. Just haven't deleted anything in a while and being cautious. - JayTalk 00:26, 3 June 2007 (CDT)
Keep up the good work
We couldn't do this without you and Salak -- our resident wikignomes! --Wolf /talk page 13:06, 9 June 2007 (CDT)
I second that. No matter how off the wall the wiki pages may get you and Salak make sense of it all. Jobs well done!!!
H92o 03:19, 10 July 2007 (CDT)
Wallace Mission Archive
Just curious where the mission names are from? - JayTalk 04:58, 15 June 2007 (CDT)
- Ah, fair enough. As far as I know, there were no official mission titles. I'll look over them then, see if they fit cos some of the reports come from the same mission and I was on board at the time most of those come from (Oct '04 onwards) - JayTalk 04:10, 18 June 2007 (CDT)
Congratulations on the Twins, hope they don't keep you up ALL night! :) - JayTalk 10:15, 5 August 2007 (CDT)
Trek crash course
Being that you wrote a couple good articles in the past, I was wondering if you might be willing to write a "Trek crash course"? This would be a very simple introduction to the world of Trek, for those people who aren't big Trek fans. i.e.- "Here's the Enterprise (pic), Jean Luc was captain. They use transporters." Not "Dick and Jane," but definitely something that's a beginners guide to Trek/treknology. You up for it? --Wolf /talk page 02:23, 7 October 2007 (CDT)
- Feel free to write it OOC -- we need it to be as useful to newbies as possible. --Wolf /talk page 19:58, 9 October 2007 (CDT)
Linked convo: Captain pips
Well McCall is Captain and in Intel, only exception I can think of. Mentioned on Kolks talk page earlier. - Lt.JG SalakTalk 09:06, 5 December 2007 (CST)
- One other exception, Galaxy Crew, see at the bottom, the future roster. - Lt.JG SalakTalk 09:15, 5 December 2007 (CST)
Intrepid Class Schematics
This is starting to look a bit of a mess. I'm not sure if this should be a category as much as should be articles with its own nav panel. Thoughts? DCody 12:44, 10 January 2008 (CST)
I know Starfleet is cannon. But it's ugly :) --Wolf /talk page 22:00, 12 January 2008 (CST)
sb118 stylised gif
Having fun? What's the problem with each one? Assuming the watermarking is meant to be there, I can't see any flaws... - Lt. SalakTalk 13:21, 29 January 2008 (CST)
- Well the third one would look good if the edges weren't chopped off, if you move the shadow nearer to the logo would that look fine? - Lt. SalakTalk 13:26, 29 January 2008 (CST)
I like the extended text, the links below it, though the blurb possibly comes a bit close to the logo, which maybe lacks a little colour? The watermark helps that a little though. Maybe too much white space between the links and the ruled bar, though not sure if that can be helped. Between yours and Wolfs edits in the last few weeks, looks a lot cleaner though. - Lt. SalakTalk 13:30, 29 January 2008 (CST)
- That logo version fixes the "blurb too close to the logo" issue. - Lt. SalakTalk 13:36, 29 January 2008 (CST)
Index graphic
Great idea -- the main page needs that spice. But I hate that graphic :) Any chance we can use something from this group? --Wolf /talk page 19:32, 10 February 2008 (CST)
- Of that selection, I like the Ops Nebula one personally. However I'm a little concerned they might overwhelm the rest of the main page perhaps? - Lt. SalakTalk 07:37, 11 February 2008 (CST)
Cheers, couldn't find the Systems category! That's why I'd flung it under Stellar Cartography... :) - Lt. SalakTalk 08:55, 5 March 2008 (CST)
- Oh, and any idea why we seem to have a Stellar Cartography and an Astronomy category? If both were populated, would they not contain exactly the same pages? - Lt. SalakTalk 12:59, 5 March 2008 (CST)
Main page
Flt Adm Wolf had changed the MA link to an external link just a few days ago deliberately to make it obvious to newbies. - Lt. SalakTalk 11:37, 19 March 2008 (EDT)
ILI species
All those new fandangled species you added to the ILI -- they're all cannon, I assume? Do you have some spare time to cull a list and e-mail it to me, so I can pass it to the ILI team? --Wolf /talk page 07:24, 22 March 2008 (EDT)
- They already been approved by Paramount and the Trek big-wigs?
I'll copy that accross to Canreb's talk page. If I disagreed, I'd've left all the planets, etc... on the system pages ;) - Lt. SalakTalk 17:58, 17 April 2008 (EDT)