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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code MEIR
Federation Status Neutral
Planet of Origin Ura Neteos III
Encountered ART: "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing"
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level B
List of Named Meirashi

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"Bask in the Divine Light's blessing."
A Meirashi religious greeting.

The Meirashi are a serpentine pre-warp species from the Beta quadrant. They are highly religious, with clerics and other members of the clergy holding large amounts of influence and power.

Home System

  • Quadrant: Alpha
  • Location:
  • Proper Name: Ura Neteos system
  • Star:
  • Distance from Star:
  • Companions: Third planet in system
  • Moons: Numerous small moons, that lead to irregular eclipses

Home World

  • Proper Name: Ura Neteos III
  • Native Name: Meirash
  • Diameter:
  • Gravity:
  • Axial Tilt:
  • Orbital Period:
  • Rotational Period:
  • Classification: M
  • Surface Water:
  • Atmosphere:
  • Climate:
  • Terrain: Predominantly jungles, with little civilization outside of the tropics
  • Population:



There is no overarching planetary government, despite historical attempts to conquer the whole of the planet. Small regional governments, headed by Grand Rishes cover the land, often quarreling with each other and fighting over territory. These can be broken down further into smaller vassal regions, led by Lesser Rishes.



Meirashi are bipedal, serpentine aliens. They are tall, hardy, and covered in rough scales completely. Additionally, they are cold-blooded, requiring the heat of their star for life, much like reptiles on Earth.



The predominant religion of the Meirashi follows the Divine Light, their name for the star that their world orbits. As cold-blooded aliens, much of their society revolves around the heat that their bodies retain from the star.


One mythological figure of note is the Empress-Who-Would-Be, who once attempted to conquer the entirety of Meirashi civilization. She is spoken of with varying derision and worship, depending on level of "heresy" of the speaker and audience.





As a society with technology roughly analogous to Earth's European medieval era, they are decidedly pre-warp. There is little medical technology, mostly relying on medicinal herbs and other natural medications.


Most military power resides within small militias, under the employ of a local Rishe. These are armed predominantly with spears and swords and other sharp melee weapons, often serrated to cut through and under scales.

Starfleet Intelligence Files
