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Theta Reticuli IX

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Planet Theta Reticuli IX.jpg
Theta Reticuli IX
Stellar Cartography
Region Tyrellian_Sector
System Theta Reticuli
Sun(s) Theta Reticuli
Class M
Atmosphere nitrogen 78%
oxygen 21%
trace gasses 1%
Climate temperate
Native species No indigenous sentients
Major cities Iolene (Capital)
Morrlane City
Jilland's Bay
Affiliation Independent Unaligned
Government Corporate Council

Theta Reticuli IX is an unaligned planet with an advanced society that is very cosmopolitan, open for business, tourism, and industry. The planet was originally settled by Human colonists who rejected Federation governance. Now, it is home to a large variety of races that prefer a temperate climate. Business and tourism are heavily promoted here and major shipping takes place in the orbital space docks.


Iolene, the capital, is a smaller city located on a temperate island off the western coast of the southern continent. Home to the administrative center and government.

Morrlane City is the center of industry and commerce. A bustling downtown is surrounded by industrial sprawl in every direction.

Jilland's Bay is the premier tourist destination. A low-rise town center with beaches extending east and west along the southern end of the northern continent, there is always a stream of visitors and travelers here. It's also home to the Cosmodrome.

One major tourist attraction is the Galactic Cosmodrome, which frequently hosts very large sporting events such as the Parrises Classic.[1] The Cosmodrome is located several kilometers inland from the large town of Jilland's Bay, off the main road. With room for 100,000 spectators, it's one of the premier venues for sports and shows in the region.