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Sarek is a PNPC, played by Lystra. He is currently a dolphin living on board the USS Constitution-B in and for Cetacean Ops.

USS Constitution-B



  • Full Name: Sarek (The other one)
  • Species: Bottlenose Dolphin
  • Date of Birth: 238609.03
  • Age: 13 Years
  • Place of Birth: Earth
  • Gender: Male
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Telepathic status: T0
  • Languages: Dolphin (But is able to communicate with the crew via the translators in Cetacean Ops)


  • Length: 2.25m (7.3ft)
  • Weight: 355.163kg (783lbs)
  • Body Color: Gray
  • Eye Color: Black center with blue and flecks of brown
  • Distinctive features: Is the 'smartest dolphin'
  • Personality: Exceedingly happy and cheerful, bordering on the constantly adorable; curious; #1 Pod mother fan


  • Father: Yes
  • Mother: Yes
  • Siblings: Several

History and Background

Sarek came on board the Conny sometime in 2398 and had been in Cetacean Ops along with several other dolphins there to assist the crew in navigational research. Sarek named himself Sarek after long conversations with some of the Vulcan crew. Because he is 'smartest dolphin, just like the real Sarek was smartest Vulcan!'

Sarek tends to speak in the third person and is excitable, especially when meeting new crew members which he refers to as pod mates. He comprehends that he's on a ship travelling through space and considers the crew part of the same pod, with Jalana being the pod mother.

Sarek considers more or less everyone he's met as his best friend.

Sarek also struggles to properly pronounce words from time to time and uses his own logic to remember how to say them his way.

The bestest days of Sarek life: Being on board the Conny. Meeting his best friend Tann Meeting his best friend Kincaid Meeting his best friend Seavah (T'Seva) Meeting the pod mother and having her know who he is! ~This trumps all other bestest days~ Meeting the Xindi-Aquatics brought on board for the wedding Becoming Ambassandoor