Delvan Rynna

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Delvan Rynna

USS Chin'toka

Delvan Rynna.png

Petty Officer Second Class Delvan Rynna
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."
— Nelson Mandela

Petty Officer Delvan Rynna is a Bajoran woman serving as a Linguistics Specialist on the USS Chin'toka.


  • Full Name: Delvan Rynna
  • Race: Bajoran
  • Date of Birth: 237505.16
  • Place of Birth: Ilvia, Bajor
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Female (she/her)
  • Telepathic status: T0 / E0
  • Height: 5’3”
  • Weight: 110 lbs.
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Length of Hair: Shoulder Length
  • Eye Color: Hazel Brown
  • Skin Tone: Slight tan
  • Birthmarks, Scars: None
  • Build: Slim
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Prefers tight-fitting, but functional outfits.
  • Shoes: Ankle boots (duh)
  • Voice: Mezzo-soprano, still a bit youthful sounding
  • Handedness: Left, though she has taught herself to be proficient with her right hand as well


  • Marital Status: Single
  • Parents
    • Father: Delvan Faldo
    • Mother: Delvan Pandressi
  • Siblings:
    • Sister: Delvan Belrasa


Personal History

  • 237505.16: Born at Ilvia, Bajor
  • 238610.21: Departs for Vulcan
  • 239311.18: Graduates Vulcan Secondary School, starts Vulcan Science Academy
  • 239511.15: Released from Vulcan Science Academy. Leaves to join Starfleet
  • 239606.28: Graduates Starfleet Enlisted Training and Specialist School, Starfleet Academy

Professional History

  • Date Graduated from Academy: 239606.28
  • Current Rank: Petty Officer 2nd Class
  • Current Assignment: USS Chin'toka
  • Duty Post: Linguistics Specialist


Rynna was born the youngest of two daughters to Delvan Faldo and Pandressi in the Bajoran city of Ilvia, where her father was a museum curator and historian. Her mother worked in physics, so it was no surprise when Rynna showed a tendency toward the sciences as well. She did well in all academic subjects, but especially prospered in the sciences. When she was only twelve, her mother and father separated and her mother was sent to Vulcan to assist with a project there. Her father kept Rynna’s older sister, Belrasa - or Bel - as she was nearing her graduation from secondary school and was going to attend the Bajoran Institute of Sciences to study xenobotany.

Rynna, however, went with her mother to Vulcan and was assigned to continue her studies at the local Vulcan school. Although she missed Bajor, Rynna soon found herself enamored with Vulcans and their society. She even envied their stoicism and their mental abilities, and wished that one day she would meet a Vulcan who she could spend her life with.

Out of necessity, Rynna was forced to learn Vulcan. And learn it she did. In a remarkably short period of time, she had mastered the language to the point of near fluency and was able to do all of her schoolwork in Vulcan, which pleased her Vulcan teachers (though they would never openly admit to any kind of emotion such as pleasure). Her rapid mastery of the language did not go unnoticed, however, and a Vulcan educator by the name of Saval began to test her abilities. His findings astounded the other Vulcan teachers. And her mother.

Soon, Rynna was put on a special learning path to help her master as many languages as she could handle before her graduation from secondary education. She exceeded even Saval’s expectations, and because of this he recommended her to the Vulcan Science Academy for post-secondary studies, specifically in the field of Linguistics. To everyone’s surprise, the Academy accepted her, and she studied there for another two years, before the administrators of the academy decided she had reached her limit of learning potential and wanted to make room for other students.

Disappointed, since she had grown to really love the study of other languages, and how they provided a unique insight to the respective cultures, she applied to Starfleet Academy. The Academy turned down her request for the officer’s program, but did offer her a spot as an enlisted candidate. Her advisor informed her that if she passed and did well in the fleet, she could always apply for the Officer’s Candidacy Program and if accepted, it would give her a chance to become an officer. Pleased by this, she took the enlisted courses and soon graduated, heading to the Fleet as a Linguistic Specialist. She recently applied to OCS, but was turned down, but she was also advised to improve her training and skills and to reapply at a later date. A challenge which she fully intends to accept.


Service History

The Crew

NPC Listing   ·   USS Chin'toka Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Aine Sherlock LCDR FO 0002.png
First Officer
Aine Sherlock
Ens T'Ama.png
Chief of Operations
Ensign Xiron.png
Acting Chief of Eng.
Ghee’looth Xiron
Is'Kah Ensign.png
Acting CTSO
Sylvie Doucet Ensign.png
Asst. CMO
Sylvie Doucet
Leenaya Edrei Ensign.png
Medical Officer
Leenaya Edrei
Kim stapledon final.png
Chief of Science
Kimberly Stapledon
Skye Shepherd Ensign.png
Science Officer
Skye Shepherd
Alexander Brodie
TacSec Officer
Seleya of Khanda
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