Ushaump Shal/Joan Basilone

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Revision as of 02:54, 27 March 2019 by Joan Basilone (talk | contribs) (Added link to Academy Transcript)

Ensign Joan Alice Basilone is currently serving as a Science Officer aboard the USS Gorkon.

USS Gorkon
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Joan Basilone
Position Science
Rank Ensign
Species Human/Haliian
Gender Female
DOB 237304.01
Age 28
Birthplace Lolagi IV
Writer ID G239603JB0

Appearance and Characteristics

  • Height: 160 cm (5'3")
  • Weight: 48 kg (106 lbs)
  • Hair: Black
  • Eyes: Dark brown
  • Build: Slender, athletic, yet still femininely curved. .
  • Hair type and length: Long straight hair that reaches past her shoulders.
  • Skin tone: Smooth olive skin
  • Telepathic/Empathic Rating: T0/E0|NR
  • Handedness: Right
  • Sexuality: Psychologically asexual (since she feels that Pomare Syndrome prevents her from enjoying emotional intimacy, she has sworn off physical intimacy)



Ensign Aleksandra Yashkin -- Aleksandra was Joan's roommate during their first year at the Academy. For the rest of their time at the Academy, their personal quarters were adjacent and they often referred to each other as 'suitemates.' It was a designation that would include others. Aleksandra was an Engineering officer aboard the USS Njörðr. While 'suitemates,' Joan tutored Aleksandra in some of her more advanced mathematics classes. Aleksandra was one of the collective guardians of a puppy named Toto on the Njörðr.


Ensign T'Lina -- An Academy friend and 'suitemate' of Joan's, currently an Operations officer on the USS Yarahla


Lieutenant Commander Jocelyn "Jo" Marshall -- The Executive Officer on Joan's first ship assignment, Joan credit's The Commander (as Joan refers to her inside her head) with getting Joan and two other officers off of the disabled USS Njörðr alive. Joan has a certain amount of hero worship directed toward The Commander.


Lieutenant JG Brianna Wilson -- While she was a fourth year cadet, Brianna served as an unofficial mentor to Joan during Joan's plebe year. Brianna's nickname for Joan was "Cadet Surfer Girl." Brianna currently serves as a Nurse on the USS Yarahla



Momona Opiopi at sundown
  • Thomas Allen Basilone (father, b. 233509.24)
  • Shiamma Rath Basilone (mother, b. 233805.01)

Joan's father and mother are licensed purple crab trappers, as well as the chef/owners of Momona Opiopio, a popular seafood restaurant


  • Morris Howard Basilone (brother, b. 236502.02)
  • Lawrence Joseph Basilone (brother, b. 236502.02)
  • Jerome Lester Basilone (brother, b. 236607.04)
  • Samuel Horace Basilone (brother, b. 236607.04)

Joan's four brothers, all of whom are more than two meters tall, play for the Bayasur Total, an Epa'ani club, where they are collectively known as The Four Horsemen. Epa'ani is a sport descended from Australian rules football, though it is more strenuous and hazardous on its players than the sport it is derived from. In addition, unlike Australian rules football, Epa'ani allows some limited passing besides the hand ball. A desperation pass under these rules is often referred to as an "Alohaʻo Maria."


Lolagi IV

Lolagi dolphin pod

Joan was born and raised on Lolagi IV, one of the earliest human colonies, predating the founding of the Federation. Thanks to its three moons, which limits the planetary tilt, along with a near perfect circular orbit in the optimal zone around a yellow dwarf sun, Lolagi IV enjoys mild seasons, with a climate reminiscent of Earth's Oceania. Lolagi IV has similar water coverage as Earth, though its land masses are smaller, as are its polar caps.

Despite her English name, Joan's physical features are similar to those of the original settlers of Lolagi IV, who were mostly from islands in Earth's Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Besides its human colonists, Lolagi IV also hosts a dolphin population, who migrated to the planet along with the original human colonists. There is also a sizable community of Haliians, who migrated to the planet approximately a hundred years ago. Numerous intermarriages have occurred between the Human and Haliian communities, including Joan's parents.

Everything is okay

The native language of Lolagi IV is Federation Standard, though there are numerous "loan words" from the languages of the original settlers interspersed in native dialogue. One such phrase is "Hananāhana," which can be translated as "Thank Heavens," "Providence provides," or "Saints be praised," among other interpretations. Another word is 'keff', which is a verb with various meanings attributed to it, though none suitable for use in polite company.

A common hand gesture among natives of Lolagi IV is the clutching of the fist while extending both the thumb and the pinky. This can be variously interpreted as "Everthing is good", or "Everything is okay," but also is meant to include the wish that everything is well with the person to whom the hand gesture is directed.

One of the delicacies of Lolagi IV is the purple crab, which is very similar to Earth's brown crab (Cancer pagurus), save for its coloring. The purple crab is carefully regulated, though, and only licensed individuals are allowed to trap for them.

One of the species native to Lolagi IV is the oddapaski (literally, 'odd bird'), a flightless bird known for its often erratic behavior.


Joan suffers from Pomare Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder occurring among the female children of a Human and Haliian bonding, where the father is human and the mother is Haliian. Individuals with Pomare syndrome display the following characteristics:

  • Diminished height
  • Smooth forehead (most children of Human/Haliian bondings display the forehead ridges of their Haliian parent)
  • Inability to mentally connect with telepaths

Joan was once mistaken for a holographic figure by a Betazoid classmate during a holodeck exercise. Joan's family takes extra care to insure Joan does not feel isolated from the rest of the family due to her condition.


  • Began learning to surf at the age of six
  • Watched the John Wayne movie "The Cowboys" at age eleven

Teen Years

  • At the age of thirteen, Joan spent two months at an Honors Science camp. During this time, Joan and some of her camp mates went on a VERY chaperoned trip to Risa. Among the sites visited were Risa's subterranean gardens, in which all the plants were luminescent. The camp was also the first time Joan had ever used a transporter beam.
  • On her seventeenth birthday, Joan qualified to participate in the Osofaiga, an expedition length adventure race in which the participants traverse a rugged two hundred and fifty kilometer course using various means of transportation, including running, climbing, swimming, mountain biking and kayaking. Joan finished seventh in a field of fifty.



Joan is self-assured to the point of (occasionally) being cocky. That being said, she is actually hesitant to put herself forward among strangers, though if required to do so, she won't be hesitant about giving her opinion. For the most part, Joan is an optimistic young woman, confident in those areas she considers part of her bailiwick. She won't (or tries not to) represent herself as knowledgeable in areas she feels she has no training or education in. This confidence and optimism, however, has recently been tempered in a situation where she felt her "psychic nullness" was actually a hindrance in her ability to perform her duties. After a bout of self-doubt, Joan recommitted herself to her Star Fleet career.


  • Joan has an aversion to realistic holodeck novels. The exercise programs she has to duplicate sports from her home world, such as surfing or mountain biking, are deliberately made incomplete (holodeck competitors are made to look like wire framed figures, etc.). This is due in part to having been mistaken for a holographic figure, and also due to an embarrassing situation where she walked into a fellow cadet's holodeck program where a holographic representation of Joan was the central figure of the holodeck adventure.
  • Because of her condition, Joan feels uncomfortable in the presence of telepaths, until she gets to know them better.

Sports and Hobbies

Joan enjoying the water
  • Surfing, especially kiteboarding ("It's what I do. I surf and I know things.")
  • Adventure racing
  • Parrises Squares ("If you're too small for Epa'ani, Parrises Squares is a decent substitute.")
  • Mu Torere
  • Epa'ani (strictly as a spectator)
  • Limalama (although adept at this Polynesian mixed martial arts form, the primary reason Joan studied this was because she wanted to learn the Maulu'ulu dance, and the only instructors were members of the local Limalama martial arts school. Unfortunately, Joan was less than adept at learning how to dance.)
  • Despite having a singing voice that is "so horrible that it is comedic" (as her friend Aleksandra has described it), under the right circumstances, Joan can be convinced to sing Karaoke.

Favorite Books

  • Kon-Tiki by Thor Heyerdahl
  • Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin Abbott Abbott
  • The Princess Bride by William Goldman

Academic History

  • Graduated from the University of Adhyapanaya (on her home world of Lolagi IV) with a Bachelor of Science degree in Pure Mathematics while simultaneously graduating from her high school. Joan's math degree meant she could waive her MATH101 requirement at the Academy.
  • Majored in Science at Starfleet Academy, specializing in Physics and Oceanography
  • Against her guidance counselor's advice, originally sought a minor in intelligence. While she excelled in SIGINT Collection/Jamming and Crypto-analysis, she voluntarily withdrew from Espionage 1 and subsequently changed her minor to Engineering (Programming)
  • Joan's favorite elective class at the Academy (outside of her major/minor) was Starfleet History

Academy Transcript

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
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Cadet First Class 239603.05 Graduated Starfleet Academy Science Officer
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Ensign 239603.05 - Present USS Gorkon Science Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Year or Stardate
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

SIM Archive

  • If you kill one, more will follow - (239603.18 While the rest of the group goes through the decontamination chamber, Joan kills a crab, not knowing it's definitely not the last of its kind.)
  • What doesn't kill you is just getting started - (239603.19 Somehow Lieutenant Commander Marshall, Lieutenant Tis, Ensign Sim and Joan survive a hull breach, a horde of giant killer crabs, sentient poisonous gas and malfunctioning artificial gravity)

NPC Listing   ·   USS Gorkon Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Quinn Reynolds PIC Uniform.png
Quinn Reynolds
2O & Ops. Chief
Jo Marshall
Vylaa zh'Tisav.png
Chief Engineer
Vylaa zh'Tisav
Doz Finch 2402.png
Asst. Chief Engineer
Doz Finch
Sec/Tac Officer
Kestra Nin
USS Gorkon-logo.png
Samira neathler xo.png
First Officer
Samira Neathler
Mission Specialist
Ayiana Sevo
Nera Ay Ensign.png
Medical Officer
Nera Ay
Russell Standish Ensign.png
Medical Officer
Russell Standish
Tahna Meru LCDR.png
Chief of Science
Tahna Meru
Taelon AO2.jpg
Science Officer
Vesela Pace Ensign.png
Science Officer
Vesela Pace
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