Starfleet officers aboard Montreal wear uniforms displaying the color of their division:
- Red: Command Division - CO, XO, Intelligence, Diplomacy, Helm
- Gold: Operations Division - Ops, Engineering, Security/Tactical
- Blue: Sciences Division - Science, Medical, Counseling
The combadge incorporates Starfleet's current insignia introduced in 2390. In 2395, a new version of the standard duty uniform was introduced. Both versions are authorized for use aboard Veritas, and indeed many officers alternate between versions or even combine accessories such as the previous uniform's jacket with the newer duty uniform's tunic.
2390s combadge
Circa 2390s uniform
New 2395 duty uniform
The Crew
Learn more about your new shipmates. Click on an officer's name on the left to display their brief bio on the right. You can click on their names/pictures on the right to access their full biographies.
Command Division:
Sciences Division:
Operations Division:
- Rank: Commander
- Duty Post: Commanding Officer
- Age/Species/Sex: 37-year-old Mei'konda male
- Birthplace: Terra Nova
Born to a scientist mother and a Starfleet father who later disappeared during the Battle of Wolf 359, Mei'konda grew up with stories of his father's heroism and worked hard to make it into Starfleet. He became an ambitious young officer who rose quickly through the ranks, becoming a department head on a large starship by the age of twenty-five. Mei'konda is completely devoted to Starfleet's ideals of peace and exploration, though he can be a little too rigid in his interpretation of regulations. His occasional lack of flexibility has been overlooked by more liberal commanding officers in the past due to his work ethic and intellect.
Lt. Commander Lael Rosek-Skyfire
- Rank: Lt. Commander
- Duty Post: First Officer
- Age/Species/Sex: 35-year-old Al-Leyan/Human female
- Birthplace: Cedar Springs, Michigian, Earth
An expert in her field, Lael graduated from the Daystrom Institute of Technology with a Doctorate of Engineering, Biomechanical specialization. She spent the early part of her career in equal parts as both a Helm officer and an Engineer, serving aboard the Veritas for a year before being offered the Chief Engineer position. After three months in the position, she was given orders to join Commander Mei'konda aboard the Montreal as his first officer. A brief of her dissertation on spinal injury, genetronics and nanotechnology was recently published in the Starfleet Medical Journal. In her spare time, she enjoys active pursuits and is a Jiu-Jitsu coral belt. She also practices Mukhol, an Al-Leyan martial art.