Ralaaram Ocala
The Ralaaram Ocala is a Romulan terrorist organization led by Hatham Irsesse Solius. They are known for their hyper-violent techniques and vicious combat strategies. The group is responsible for the capture and/or destruction of dozens of civilian vessels and at least one Federation ship, the USS Allentown.
Ralaaram Ocala |
Ralaaram Ocala |
FormationHatham Irsesee Solius was a stern, but unassuming, farmer in the Romulan colony of Lambda Hydrae. Sometime between Stardate 2390-2391, every member of his family was stricken with the Skyfire Virus. Looked upon by his fellow farmers as a leader, Hatham and his fellow colonists began working to find a cure and treat the sick. Almost immediately, foul play was suspected and Starfleet's involvement was brought into question. The colonists had begged and pleaded with The Federation and the Romulan Star Empire to assist in treating the virus, but were initially ignored. Eventually, the Federation dispatched a small detail to the colony, but the worst of the plague had already reaped its grim harvest.