Mark Ricks

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USS Garuda
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Mark Ricks
Position Medical Officer
Rank Ensign
Gender Male
DOB 236707.14
Age 34

Ensign Mark Ricks is a medical officer aboard the USS Garuda.


  • Full Name: Mark Ricks
  • Date of Birth: 236707.14
    • Age: 34
  • Place of Birth:


  • Height: 5'9''
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Eye Color: Green/Grey


  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None
  • Parents
    • Father: Entranged
    • Mother: Rachel Ricks
  • Siblings: Ethan Ricks


Ricks was not big on horoscopes, but friends back home had remarked how uncanny his traits were to his star sign Cancer: A water sign, Cancerians are a bunch in-tune with emotions, experiencing them in strong waves. In short, the opposite of our Vulcan friends. Still Cancerians have a strong desire to learn, sharing ideas with other minds and cultures who they find bring interesting perspective to problems. It was this desire for learning that countered Ricks' emotions, making him good at systematising and organising information; making him the engineer his was. Perhaps it was the opportunity to share ideas with different cultures and species, to improve our own methods through theirs, that made a career in Star Fleet so appealing to Ricks.

Ricks career at the academy went un-noted. No major awards. No major break breakthroughs in propulsion contributed, nor ingenious inventions. He was, in this respect, insignificant. What set him apart was something else. He always solicited in depth feedback from his professors; reviewed it and implemented it. It was this systematic approach that pulled Ricks' grades up assignment by assignment; each improving incrementally on the last. This is what stood out in the minds of Ricks' professors, and gave him the hallmark of one day being a first class engineer.

Or so his friends told him.

Joining Star Fleet had meant leaving his mother and brother behind: his farther was estranged. Ricks carries a deep guilt in him, for having left his family. His brother, a promising musician, turned to crime in Ricks' absence, much to his and his mother's despair. Ricks often berates himself that he should have been there for his brother and mum; that somehow things would be different. His decision to go to Star Fleet – he felt in these moments - was self servicing. The only redeeming fact of the situation being that his brother seemed to be doing well as a criminal: he was not yet dead or arrested, and was at least paying board to his mum.

Ricks was a passionate reader of Literature, and liked to study seriously, Terran and non-Terran literature comparatively in his spare time.

Ultimately though, Ricks was just another young Cadet learning to tread the line between the idealism of Star Fleet and the pragmatism of service - as so many before him had done.


  • 239102.17: Assigned to the USS Gemini as an Engineer.

Active Duty History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
DS9style-ens gold.png Ensign 239102.17 - 239103.26 USS Gemini Engineer
DS9style-ens teal.png Ensign 239105.27 - Present USS Garuda Medical Officer

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