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  image = [[Image:No-Graphic.jpeg|110px]]|
  fedstatus = Neutral|
  4letter = ARCD|
  origin = Arcada|
  encountered = Unknown|
  techlevel = [[Planetary Development Scale ]]|
* '''Proper Name''': Arcadian
* '''Pronunciation''': Ar'Cad'ian
==Home System==
* '''Quadrant''': Beta
* '''Location''': Nausicaa Sector (coordinates B27-0002-1300 )
* '''Proper Name''': Arcada
* '''Pronunciation''': Ar'Cada
* '''Star''': It orbits a class G (Yellow) star
* '''Distance from Star''':  it's orbit is approximately 158 million km
* '''Companions''': 5 other planets. It is the 4th planet in the system
==Home World==
* '''Proper Name''': Arcada
* '''Pronunciation''': Ar'Cada
* '''Diameter''': 12,749 km (7,968 miles)
* '''Gravity''': 1.06 standard gravity with a density of 5.8
* '''Axial Tilt''': 0.87%, no appreciable tilt and no seasons
* '''Orbital Period''': 471 days
* '''Rotational Period''': 36 hours
* '''Classification''': M
** '''Surface Water''': 58%
** '''Atmosphere''': 1.07 is a standard pressure with 75% nitrogen, 24% oxygen, 1% trace chemicals
** '''Climate''': Warm semi-tropical with tropical at the equator.
** '''Population''': Just over 750 million
Their history is plagued with periods of unrest, civil war, peasant upriseings and plain old simple wars. As a result the fact that the position of '''Sha'Ma''' has moved from family to family is no suprise.
The overall leader of the people is the hereditary ruler called '''Sha'Ma'''. This is both his title, position and name. The current Sha'Ma is a very old man. He has 4 sons and has currently selected his eldest to replace him.
Under him are the various '''Sha'A'''. These nobles and their families control various regions of the planets surface. As can be expected these nobles run the gamit from the very powerful with large areas of land under their control and millions of subjects to those who have small to tiny sections of land and only a small number of subjects.
The nobles have complete authority and power of life and death over any and all of their subjects. They have the final word over every aspect of their lands and people.
The Al-Leyan are a humanoid race with dark brown skin. The males usually have short hair and long beards of curly black hair. The females will have straight ebony black hair that is usually just past their shoulders. On average both males and females are 5'8" to 6'2" with their bodies being athletic and slim yet well muscled.

Both males and females wear a veil that covers the bottom half of their face from directly below their eye's. A headress covers the top of their heads from just above the eye's and hangs down to conceal all of their head not covered by the veil. They always wear gloves.
{{Template:Caraadian Worlds}}

They are a rugged, healthy people for the most part, suffering from many of the typical aliments and conditions that affect most humanoid races.

Around off worlders they are very cold, aloof and distant. They prefer to limit any physical contact with aliens to the absolute minimum.

They believe in the '''First One'''. The first of their species. A man of vision. All the '''Sha'A''' and the '''Sha'Ma''' are supposedly his direct decendants. The '''First One''' wrote the '''Books of Aha'Bahs'''. A set of 232 books about 1,000 pages long each that tell the people the rules and laws under which they will live their lives.

Anyone who is not from their world is a heretic, a non-believer. As such they can not be trusted and are not covered or protected by the laws.

According to their beliefs the '''First One''' was born a man but achieved godhood. Upon doing so he wrote the '''Books of Aha'Bahs'''. Then he created the Al-Leyans, the perfect species crafted in his image. He gifted the world with plants and animals that the people would flourish and prosper.

The nobles live in luxury while the rest of the population have the bare minimum needed for survival.

They do not have much in the way of culture. No art, music or dance. Only the readings. These are sessions where chapters are read from one of the '''Books of Aha'Bahs'''. Every citizen is expected to attend once in the morning and again at the end of the day.

Unknown at this time

The Al-Leyans are a spacefaring species with warp drives. They traded to get transporter and replicator technology. While advanced they are not quite up to the level of most of the Federation member worlds.

They conduct a large amount of trade which sustains their planetary needs. It is also a means by which certain '''Sha'A''' have increased their wealth and power. They will conduct business with anyone for just about anything.

They do not maintain a true space fleet, relying on their location within the Federation to keep their world safe. They do however have a large fleet of small frigate sized police or cargo inspection vessels that patrol their system and the nearby areas of space.

As for ground troops each and every '''Sha'A''' and the '''Sha'Ma''' maintain their own armed forces.
==Federation Intelligance Files==


[[Category:Intelligent Lifeform Index Species]]
[[Category:Beta Quadrant Species]]


  image = [[Image:No-Graphic.jpeg|110px]]|
  fedstatus = Neutral|
  4letter = ARCD|
  origin = Arcada|
  encountered = Unknown|
  techlevel = [[Planetary Development Scale ]]|

* '''Proper Name''': Arcadian
* '''Pronunciation''': Ar'Cad'ian

==Home System==
==Home System==
* '''Quadrant''': Beta
* '''Quadrant''': Beta
* '''Location''': Nausicaa Sector (coordinates B27-0002-1300 )  
* '''Location''': Draco Sigma Sector (coordinates A24-0002-1300)  
* '''Proper Name''': Arcada
* '''Proper Name''': In different sources it is listed as the Epsilon Indi or Procyon, or Alpha Canis Minoris system
* '''Pronunciation''': Ar'Cada
* '''Stars''': It orbits a [[Star Classifications|class M (Red)]] star
* '''Star''': It orbits a class G (Yellow) star
* '''Distance from Star''':  its orbit is approximately 66 million km  
* '''Distance from Star''':  it's orbit is approximately 158 million km  
* '''Companions''': It is the 4th of the 7 planets in the system
* '''Companions''': 5 other planets. It is the 4th planet in the system
* '''Moons''': It has 3 tiny moons and 1 large moon (this is the base for the drone production facility and the overall defense system control)

==Home World==
==Home World==
* '''Proper Name''': Arcada
* '''Proper Name''': Andor or Andoria
* '''Pronunciation''': Ar'Cada
* '''Diameter''': 13,733 km (8,583 miles)
* '''Diameter''': 12,749 km (7,968 miles)  
* '''Gravity''': 1.10 standard gravity with a density of 5.6
* '''Gravity''': 1.06 standard gravity with a density of 5.8
* '''Axial Tilt''': 9.6% minor tilt with minor seasonal effects
* '''Axial Tilt''': 0.87%, no appreciable tilt and no seasons
* '''Orbital Period''': 377 days
* '''Orbital Period''': 471 days  
* '''Rotational Period''': 25.2 hours
* '''Rotational Period''': 36 hours
* '''Classification''': [[Planetary Classification|M]]
* '''Classification''': M
* '''Surface Water''': 41%  
** '''Surface Water''': 58%  
* '''Atmosphere''': a standard atmosphere with a pressure of about 1.08 earth normal, with nitrogen 72%, oxygen 23% and other gas 3%
** '''Atmosphere''': 1.07 is a standard pressure with 75% nitrogen, 24% oxygen, 1% trace chemicals
* '''Climate''': Tropical zones cover most of the planets surface with the exception of high altitude regions and the small, mild polar regions. Ocean currents are warm, contributing to the heavy amount of precipitation across the entire surface. Seasonal changes are minor.
** '''Climate''': Warm semi-tropical with tropical at the equator.
* '''Terrain''': Only a few mountain ranges, some large forests and jungles with numerous rolling plains.
** '''Population''': Just over 750 million
* '''Population''': Maintained at 3 billion












The Avalon Sector has long been considered as insignificant even though it is on the border with the [[Romulan]] Star Empire. The near by presence of the [[Klingon]] Empire ensured that any attention that might have been directed toward it was instead directed towards the more vital and strategically important [[Trinity Sector]] and [[Serellan Sector]].

In 2270 the [[ma:USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)|USS Enterprise]] under the command of Captain [[ma:James T. Kirk|James T. Kirk]] visited this sector just prior to the shifting of the Neutral Zone as negotiated by the Federation with the Romulan governments. They visited the Arachne system which was still on the Federation side of the border and beamed 1st officer [[ma:Spock|Spock]] along with Cmdr. Katalya Tremain down to Arachne IV to determine if the native species of ant like creatures was sentient. They determined that they were not just prior to the shifting of the neutral zone and the Arachne system ended up on the Romulan side of the neutral zone.

Over the nest 50 years there were sporadic patrols by various Starfleet ships, assigned to basically show the flag and maintain some semblance of official presence. It was only after the discovery of the [[Saurian Empire]] in 2319 by the USS Midway that focus was shifted back towards this area. Over the next 20 years it became obvious that the Romulans were also becoming more active in this region. As a result the Federation authorized the construction of [[Deep Space 285]].

It was completed in 2336 and a single vessel the USS Serbia was assigned to this region of space on a semi-permanent basis. Even then this sector seemed to continue to be something of a backwater, being mostly ignored by both the Federation and the Romulan Empire. It was not until the after the destruction of Genura in 2385, that the Federation began to devote more diplomatic and scientific resources to the region. This included the permanent assignment of the USS Taiwan. They were nearly all recalled after the destruction of [[Hobus_Supernova|Romulus and Remus]] in 2387, and what little was left was further reduced after other interstellar crises like the [[Vaadwaur Invasion of 2387]] and the [[Klingon Invasion of 2389]].

==Federation Intelligance Files==
After the Gurab Crisis in 2389, Starfleet withdrew the last of its resources from this sector. The DS285 station became a backwater assignment, no longer the seat of a Sector Command or a branch of the admiralty. No Starfleet ships were assigned to the region until late 2391, when the [[USS Constitution-B]] returned to the region. The assignment of a Galaxy-Class starship is perhaps a sign of Starfleet's renewed commitment to the region as a new frontier to be explored, or perhaps, something else entirely. In early 2392, the USS Constitution B was reassigned to the [[Talos Sector]] and the [[USS Doyle-A]], a newer Luna class ship was assigned to explore the sector.

Currently the Avalon Sector sits on the border of what could be considered a new and unexplored frontier. This occurred following the destruction of the Romulan home system and resulted in the creation of the new [[Romulan Republic]]. Added to this was the creation of numerous other splinter factions and groups with in what had been the Romulan Star Empire. Also the Saurian Empire has become more active, taking on a more aggressive expansionist attitude. As a result Starfleet Command and the Federation are very interested in keeping tabs on all new developments with in this region.

[[Category:Intelligent Lifeform Index Species]]
[[Category:Beta Quadrant Species]]

===Notable Places===
* [[Sotra Station]] - See [[Mists of the Mind (Constitution)|Case CONNB-2391-01]]
* [[Gurab II]]


  image = [[Image:Arkenite.jpg|110px]]|
  fedstatus = Neutral|
  4letter = ARCD|
  origin = Arcada|
  encountered = Unknown|
  techlevel = [[Planetary Development Scale ]]|

* '''Proper Name''': Arcadian
* '''Pronunciation''': Ar'Cad'ian

==Home System==
* '''Quadrant''': Beta
* '''Location''': Nausicaa Sector (coordinates B27-0002-1300 )
* '''Proper Name''': Arcada
* '''Pronunciation''': Ar'Cada
* '''Star''': It orbits a class G (Yellow) star
* '''Distance from Star''':  it's orbit is approximately 158 million km
* '''Companions''': 5 other planets. It is the 4th planet in the system

==Home World==
* '''Proper Name''': Arcada
* '''Pronunciation''': Ar'Cada
* '''Diameter''': 12,749 km (7,968 miles)
* '''Gravity''': 1.06 standard gravity with a density of 5.8
* '''Axial Tilt''': 0.87%, no appreciable tilt and no seasons
* '''Orbital Period''': 471 days
* '''Rotational Period''': 36 hours
* '''Classification''': M
** '''Surface Water''': 58%
** '''Atmosphere''': 1.07 is a standard pressure with 75% nitrogen, 24% oxygen, 1% trace chemicals
** '''Climate''': Warm semi-tropical with tropical at the equator.
** '''Population''': Just over 750 million




|region=Old Romulan Neutral Zone
|suns=1: Omanteal Theta
|planets=at least4
|otherspecies= None

{{Heading|System Information|Green}}
The Omanteal Theta, and has at least 4 planets.  
|name=Omanteal Theta IV
|region=Old Romulan Neutral Zone
|system= Omanteal Theta
|suns= Omanteal Theta
|moons= 2
|class= M
|diameter= 12,742 km
|gravity= 0.99g
|climate= Normal, Severe Seasons
|terrain= Stable
|interest= None
|lengthday= ???
|lengthyear= ???
|species= [[Onashian]]
|otherspecies= None
|language= NA
|population= NA
|techclass= NA
==Federation Intelligance Files==
|cities= NA
Arkenites are a humanoid species and members of the United Federation of Planets.
|imports= NA
Arkenites are distinguished by their three cranial lobes, pointed ears, and solid green eyes that lack an iris. They have pale skin veering toward gray or very light tan.
|exports= NA
|affiliation= None
At least one Arkenite has served in Starfleet as a communications officer at Starfleet Headquarters on Earth during the crisis created by the alien Whale probe. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
|government= Federalized Democracy
The species name was never mentioned on-screen. This Arkenite was played by Michael Berryman, who later went on to play Captain Rixx in Star Trek: The Next Generation.  
{{Heading|Planetary Description|Green}}
Onash is about 40% land, 60% water, with most of the land mass grouped into three continents -- two in the southern hemisphere and one in the northern. With a 30% axis, seasons tend to be more severe than Earth norm.
[[Category:Intelligent Lifeform Index Species]]
Sociologically speaking, Onash has had planetary government for a little less than a century, making the planetary government relatively unstable. Only the executive power is in the hands of the planet-wide government, headed by Governor Tarken.
[[Category:Beta Quadrant Species]]
Legislative and other powers still are in the hands of the continental governments, although there is a planetary senate with veto power over the Governor, as well as power to depose the ruling planetary Governor.
{{Heading|Sociological Data|Green}}
In 2378, a recent trend was increased paranoia about alien species, countering what used to be a people fairly open to the possibility of First Contact
  image = [[Image:Arkonian.jpg|110px]]|
  fedstatus = Neutral|
  4letter = ARCD|
  origin = Arcada|
  encountered = Unknown|
  techlevel = [[Planetary Development Scale ]]|
* '''Proper Name''': Arcadian
* '''Pronunciation''': Ar'Cad'ian
==Home System==
* '''Quadrant''': Beta
* '''Location''': Nausicaa Sector (coordinates B27-0002-1300 )
* '''Proper Name''': Arcada
* '''Pronunciation''': Ar'Cada
* '''Star''': It orbits a class G (Yellow) star
* '''Distance from Star''':  it's orbit is approximately 158 million km  
* '''Companions''': 5 other planets. It is the 4th planet in the system
==Home World==
* '''Proper Name''': Arcada
* '''Pronunciation''': Ar'Cada
* '''Diameter''': 12,749 km (7,968 miles)
* '''Gravity''': 1.06 standard gravity with a density of 5.8
* '''Axial Tilt''': 0.87%, no appreciable tilt and no seasons
* '''Orbital Period''': 471 days
* '''Rotational Period''': 36 hours
* '''Classification''': M
** '''Surface Water''': 58%
** '''Atmosphere''': 1.07 is a standard pressure with 75% nitrogen, 24% oxygen, 1% trace chemicals
** '''Climate''': Warm semi-tropical with tropical at the equator.
** '''Population''': Just over 750 million
==Federation Intelligance Files==
The Arkonians are a reptilian humanoid species native to the Alpha or Beta Quadrant.
Arkonians did not appear to have sweat glands, and their bodies' hydration system is not based on water. Instead they drink a brown liquid that they call "tarratt-aash". Their saliva has healing properties, as it can quickly repair skin abrasions. Their cellular structure is not capable of handling rapid temperature changes.
In the early-2050s, the Arkonians achieved warp capability. The Vulcans soon made first contact with them, but it wasn't incredibly successful. They proved to be suspicious and deceitful, and the Vulcans were soon recalled.  
For more than a century after that, the Arkonians and the Vulcans had rocky relations. Arkonian destroyer captains would be wary of any ship that had even a single Vulcan on it.  
A deleted scene even suggests that capital punishment was to be expected by captains allowing Vulcans on their ship.
In 2152, the Arkonians made first contact with Humanity through Enterprise. Captain Khata'n Zshaar had been sent to patrol a system the Arkonians had annexed, and sent a shuttle piloted by Zho'Kaan to investigate a human shuttle that had been sent. When both disappeared, the Arkonians and Enterprise had to work together to find their lost crewmen. (ENT: "Dawn")
As of 2378, Onash has been engaged in solid-fuel and nuclear powered space exploration for a couple of centuries now, with three semi-permanent space stations currently in orbit around the planet. In the year 2378, the crew of the {{USS|Constituion|B}} was sent to observe a warp flight
[[Category:Intelligent Lifeform Index Species]]
[[Category:Beta Quadrant Species]]

Latest revision as of 10:36, 15 May 2020


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Beruna Province

Beruna Stars.jpg

House Beruna

Local Species
Stellar Phenomenae

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Home System

  • Quadrant: Beta
  • Location: Draco Sigma Sector (coordinates A24-0002-1300)
  • Proper Name: In different sources it is listed as the Epsilon Indi or Procyon, or Alpha Canis Minoris system
  • Stars: It orbits a class M (Red) star
  • Distance from Star: its orbit is approximately 66 million km
  • Companions: It is the 4th of the 7 planets in the system
  • Moons: It has 3 tiny moons and 1 large moon (this is the base for the drone production facility and the overall defense system control)

Home World

  • Proper Name: Andor or Andoria
  • Diameter: 13,733 km (8,583 miles)
  • Gravity: 1.10 standard gravity with a density of 5.6
  • Axial Tilt: 9.6% minor tilt with minor seasonal effects
  • Orbital Period: 377 days
  • Rotational Period: 25.2 hours
  • Classification: M
  • Surface Water: 41%
  • Atmosphere: a standard atmosphere with a pressure of about 1.08 earth normal, with nitrogen 72%, oxygen 23% and other gas 3%
  • Climate: Tropical zones cover most of the planets surface with the exception of high altitude regions and the small, mild polar regions. Ocean currents are warm, contributing to the heavy amount of precipitation across the entire surface. Seasonal changes are minor.
  • Terrain: Only a few mountain ranges, some large forests and jungles with numerous rolling plains.
  • Population: Maintained at 3 billion

The Avalon Sector has long been considered as insignificant even though it is on the border with the Romulan Star Empire. The near by presence of the Klingon Empire ensured that any attention that might have been directed toward it was instead directed towards the more vital and strategically important Trinity Sector and Serellan Sector.

In 2270 the USS Enterprise under the command of Captain James T. Kirk visited this sector just prior to the shifting of the Neutral Zone as negotiated by the Federation with the Romulan governments. They visited the Arachne system which was still on the Federation side of the border and beamed 1st officer Spock along with Cmdr. Katalya Tremain down to Arachne IV to determine if the native species of ant like creatures was sentient. They determined that they were not just prior to the shifting of the neutral zone and the Arachne system ended up on the Romulan side of the neutral zone.

Over the nest 50 years there were sporadic patrols by various Starfleet ships, assigned to basically show the flag and maintain some semblance of official presence. It was only after the discovery of the Saurian Empire in 2319 by the USS Midway that focus was shifted back towards this area. Over the next 20 years it became obvious that the Romulans were also becoming more active in this region. As a result the Federation authorized the construction of Deep Space 285.

It was completed in 2336 and a single vessel the USS Serbia was assigned to this region of space on a semi-permanent basis. Even then this sector seemed to continue to be something of a backwater, being mostly ignored by both the Federation and the Romulan Empire. It was not until the after the destruction of Genura in 2385, that the Federation began to devote more diplomatic and scientific resources to the region. This included the permanent assignment of the USS Taiwan. They were nearly all recalled after the destruction of Romulus and Remus in 2387, and what little was left was further reduced after other interstellar crises like the Vaadwaur Invasion of 2387 and the Klingon Invasion of 2389.

After the Gurab Crisis in 2389, Starfleet withdrew the last of its resources from this sector. The DS285 station became a backwater assignment, no longer the seat of a Sector Command or a branch of the admiralty. No Starfleet ships were assigned to the region until late 2391, when the USS Constitution-B returned to the region. The assignment of a Galaxy-Class starship is perhaps a sign of Starfleet's renewed commitment to the region as a new frontier to be explored, or perhaps, something else entirely. In early 2392, the USS Constitution B was reassigned to the Talos Sector and the USS Doyle-A, a newer Luna class ship was assigned to explore the sector.

Currently the Avalon Sector sits on the border of what could be considered a new and unexplored frontier. This occurred following the destruction of the Romulan home system and resulted in the creation of the new Romulan Republic. Added to this was the creation of numerous other splinter factions and groups with in what had been the Romulan Star Empire. Also the Saurian Empire has become more active, taking on a more aggressive expansionist attitude. As a result Starfleet Command and the Federation are very interested in keeping tabs on all new developments with in this region.

Notable Places

Canreb/Canreb temp work page
Astrographical Information
System Information
Other Members

Of Interest


Native Species

Other Species
Last Updated: 239705.15

System Information

The Omanteal Theta, and has at least 4 planets.

Omanteal Theta IV
Stellar Cartography
Region Old Romulan Neutral Zone
Sector Omanteal
System Omanteal Theta
Sun(s) Omanteal Theta
Moon(s) 2
Class M
Diameter 12,742 km
Atmosphere Standard
Hydrosphere 60%
Climate Normal, Severe Seasons
Gravity 0.99g
Primary terrain Stable
Points of interest None
Length of Day ???
Length of Year ???
Native species Onashian
Other species None
Official Language NA
Population NA
Technological Classification NA
Major cities NA
Imports NA
Exports NA
Affiliation None
Government Federalized Democracy

Planetary Description

Onash is about 40% land, 60% water, with most of the land mass grouped into three continents -- two in the southern hemisphere and one in the northern. With a 30% axis, seasons tend to be more severe than Earth norm.


Sociologically speaking, Onash has had planetary government for a little less than a century, making the planetary government relatively unstable. Only the executive power is in the hands of the planet-wide government, headed by Governor Tarken.

Legislative and other powers still are in the hands of the continental governments, although there is a planetary senate with veto power over the Governor, as well as power to depose the ruling planetary Governor.

Sociological Data

In 2378, a recent trend was increased paranoia about alien species, countering what used to be a people fairly open to the possibility of First Contact


As of 2378, Onash has been engaged in solid-fuel and nuclear powered space exploration for a couple of centuries now, with three semi-permanent space stations currently in orbit around the planet. In the year 2378, the crew of the USS Constituion-B was sent to observe a warp flight