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On Stardate 238501.15 the [[USS Eagle]] was put back into service, her long history of computer malfunctions plus substandard maintenance finally rectified. Upon finally finishing the refit at [[Starbase 118]], [[Taboo, Daydan|Commander Daydan Taboo]] was transferred off the [[USS Constitution-B]] and promoted to the rank of Captain.
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The new crew for the [[USS Eagle]] were mostly straight out of the Academy with a mix of experienced staff taken from the [[USS Constitution-B]] and [[Starbase 118]].
==1st Mission, Undercover Mercs==
'''Stardate Beginning 238503.02''' - Their first mission, once the initial shakedown cruise was completed, was to police the sector surrounding [[Starbase 118]]. Illegal activity, including piracy and other attacks upon commercial vessels, had been on the rise. Due to the search of various freighters that seemed to be acting in a questionable manner, [[Taboo, Daydan|Captain Taboo]] checked with Starfleet Intelligence and found that all the information seemed to be pointing towards [[Cart'hen III]] as a possible central location for all the illegal activity plaguing the sector.
On Stardate 238503.02 [[Taboo, Daydan|Captain Taboo]] selected a choice team to undertake an undercover mission on the surface of [[Cart'hen III]]. This team would be led by his First Officer [[Yladro, Victoria|Lt. Commander Victoria Yladro]].
On Stardate 238504.04 a major upheaval took place within the government of the city of Mith. The leader of their council of 11, a suspected criminal by the name of Gavik, was assassinated. At this time a team of Starfleet officers from the USS Eagle was on planet undercover as mercs, searching for Gavik to arrest him for questioning. One of the team, a [[Tel-ar, Tal|Lt. Tal Tel-ar]], was arrested by members of the city Enforcers, a quasi-police force and charged with the crime.
The Enforcers had video proof of Lt. Tel-ar's involvement and signed statements from five eye witnesses that claimed he forced his way into a high security area useing explosives. Once inside he opened fire and killed six body guards. Then he confronted Gavik before shooting him repeatedly in a ruthless display of overkill.
Found guilty and sentenced to death, Lt. Tel-ar was beaten almost to death. Only a last minute rescue mission under the command of [[Keely Lah'rel|Lt. Commander Keely]] with the assistance of a local guide named Dar and mystery woman [[Avalia|Lady Avalia]] was successful.  The away team was then rescued by [[Hunnicutt, Benjamin|LtCmd Ben Hunnicutt]] piloting an Aero-Wing.
Enroute to the Eagle, [[Devar, Arista|Lt. Arista Devar]] provided medical care to Tel-ar. After returning to the ship, Lt. Tel-ar underwent 4 hours of emergency surgery. The guide, Dar, was given passage off world in return for her assistance.
The USS Eagle left orbit and set a return course for Starbase 118.
==2nd Mission, Crash landing==
'''Stardate Beginning 238504.30''' - On 238504.30 [[Taboo, Daydan|Captain Taboo]] called [[Yladro, Victoria|Yladro]], [[Tel-ar, Tal|Tel-ar]], and [[Devar, Arista|Arista Devar]] to a late night meeting in his ready room, apologizing for cutting their leave short.  The first order of business was the promotion of Tel-ar to Lieutenant Commander.  The Captain then revealed that the ensemble would be heading back to [[Cart'hen III]] to infiltrate the crime ring previously encountered while the rest of the crew would stay back for ship’s maintenance.
Tel-ar, recovering from his substantial injuries in a hover chair, has agreed to be placed on the side lines and [[Koriander]] would sub in his place.  Arista voiced her concerns about Koriander’s reliability and trustworthiness, especially when they were venturing into a world where they needed more confidence than added liabilities.
[[Keely Lah'rel|Lt. Commander Keely]] was in charge of the mission, taking Yladro's place as she grew ill. Also added to the team was Petty Officer Jarrett Cook from security and Lt. Seph from Engineering. They would be useing a old, damaged smugglers ship to infiltrate the world posing as mercs and smugglers. They left Starbase 118 under tight security and arrived safely. However when they tried to land the old ship on the planets surface they ran into problems. Various systems crashed and they lost control. PO Cook was barely able to bring them down in one piece but was badly injured in the crash.
They survived and started to walk to the City of Mith. As night started to fall a fierce sand storm swept over them. After it was over they were attacked by a small pack of wild Klingon Targs. Once they were chased off they were found by the Orion Lady of Antiquities, Avalia, the same one who helped them out when Lt. Commander Tel-ar was being held and tortured by the Enforcers.
She let them hide out in her shop until they had to escape into the tunnels under it. Using information given to them by Avalia, they were able to use the tunnels to get close to and then attempt to arrest 2 members of the Council of 11. Everything went wrong and the 2 were killed in the following crossfire. A quick examination of the bodies showed they were shot in the back. The team did not have time for a more detailed examination and had to flee from the area and signaled for help.
Fortunately the USS Eagle (after experiencing some trouble with time threads) had arrived in orbit a few hours earlier and they were beamed aboard without further incident.
==3rd Mission, Mirror, Mirror==
'''Stardate Beginning 238506.21''' - After a relaxing leave on [[ma:Risa|Risa]], [[Taboo, Daydan|Captain Taboo]] decides to retry warp 9 to [[ma:Bajor|Bajor]], to work out all the kinks. Previously, during the trip to Risa, this resulted in a disturbance in space time. In hopes that the ship has made sufficient repairs during their brief rest, the decision was made and, again, the ship slips through a crack and the crew finds themselves deposited into an alternate reality. And, it's not just any alternate reality, it's the universe [[Devar, Arista|Arista Devar]] is originally from. A few scans comparing quantum signatures confirm this.
Upon their arrival, the Eagle collides with a Terran Resistance ship, [[Evangeline]]. The Evangeline had been making repairs, waiting out help from Terran Resistance, under the protection of the [[ma: Betreka Nebula|Betreka Nebula]] for several weeks. The Captain of the Evangeline, [[Rothfeld, Trevor|Trevor Rothfeld]], decides that the Eagle (which is decided by him and his crew as a ship with unknown intentions) needs to be boarded and selects a few of his crew (who are, ironically, mirror versions of the Eagle's crew -- versions of [[Tel-ar, Tal|Tal Tel-ar]], [[Birks, Jared|Jaired Birks]], [[MacGowan, Emirry|Emirry MacGowan]], Daydan Taboo, [[Yladro, Victoria|Victoria Yladro]], [[xoet twelve]], [[Johnson, Nick|Nick Johnson]], etc.) and take the opportunity to invade and conquer the Eagle. The Eagle's number was about up... that was until Arista confronted the leader of the mirror boarding party.
Trevor Rothfeld is revealed to be the older brother of Arista Devar's husband, [[Rothfeld, Adam|Adam Rothfeld]]. First the reunion was filled with shock, but quickly turned to hate when Trevor becomes skeptical of Arista's life after her departure from their shared reality and openly reveals his disgust of her. He even mentions that Arista's husband and [[Devar, Jasmine|daughter]] are indeed alive, but are prisoners of her deadly sister, [[Lor Gulok, Alana|Alana Lor Gulok]].
Out of respect of his brother, Trevor commands the release of the Eagle, much to the Evangeline's disapproval. The crew of the Evangeline even plan a mutiny against Trevor, for leaving behind a good steal for the Resistance and they question his motives.

Captain Taboo, in response to the situation, appoints Arista Devar as his temporary Second in Command for her knowledge of the area. A plan quickly forms to depart to a safe place called [[New Haven]] in the [[ma:Mirror Universe|Mirror Universe]], in which the Eagle can make repairs and decide on a plan to return to their corrective time line.  
|NAME=Mithgiln in the Wild
|BLURB=During the Eagle's first mission in the Aavaro Wilds they encounter two new species, the [[Mithgiln]] and the Verellians.  The former helping the latter with a plague the crew must decide how, and if, they can help.

After they reach New Haven without incident, Arista takes advantage of the rare opportunity to part ways with the Eagle with a small away party consisting of Pomel, Mo'Bala, Yukiko, and Birks on an A.I. Shuttle called “Zael” to Betazed to rescue her family from her sister's clutches. Arista's husband and daughter were successfully removed, though the reunion was bittersweet. Her daughter thought Alana was her true mother (not taking too kindly of being "kidnapped" from the only home she ever knew) and her husband was near death. The away party was able to escape Betazed in the shuttle "Zael". The House and Alana Lor Gulok were destroyed by a suicide self-destruct initiated by Alana herself.
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|NAME='Ordering' History
|BLURB=The Cardassian Democratic Union has asked the Federation for assistance in retrieving an ancient artifact on Edrov VII. The [[USS Eagle]] Has been sent to aid in the recovery.

==4th Mission, a Visit to Miri IV==
'''Stardate Beginning 238511.20''' - [[Taboo, Daydan|Captain Taboo]] and [[Devar, Arista|Lt. Commander Devar]] were contacted by Admiral Kiru Hodoshi, who ordered them to go to Miri IV and investigate complaints made by various Federation settlers that had founded colonies on that world. Seems they felt they were not being given proper representation by the [[Miri Planetary Council]] even though they all had a representative on the council.
|NAME=Cleanliness Protocol
|BLURB=The [[USS Eagle]] responds to a distress signal from a freighter carrying passengers.

At the same time the Admiral hinted that there might be more going on, on Miri IV than met the eye. She wanted them to also take a look into various accidental deaths that had been plagueing Federation investigators on the planet.
|NAME=Holy Orders
|BLURB=While testing an[[Warp_XV_Development | experimental new warp drive]], the [[USS Eagle]] encounters a group of beings unlike anything in the known universe.

Seeing this as an excellent first command chance Captain Taboo ordered Lt. Commander Devar to hand select a small away team to go to Miri IV and start the investigation into the matter since the Captain had more pressing matters that had to be delt with at [[Starbase 118]] first.
|NAME=The Hidden Missionaries
|BLURB=Shortly after an awards ceremony at [[Lightside Station|The Spike]], explosions shook the station, launching the crew of the [[USS Eagle]] into an investigation as to the source of the explosions.

Lt. Commander Devar enlisted the help of the new 2nd officer [[Tel-ar, Tal|Lt. Commander Tel-ar]] in selecting this team. They picked [[xoet twelve|Lt. Commander Xoet]], [[Scott, Emmalyne|Lt. jg. Scott]] and Ensign Cam Michaels. They used the Captain's [[Craft assigned to USS Eagle|Aeroshuttle]], designated the Harrier to fly to Miri IV where they then landed in the center of the city of [[Cru'ela]]. This is the location of the Planetary Council buildings.
|NAME=Bear No Evil
|BLURB=After being dispatched to bring bioneural gel packs to the first Federation colony in the Aavaro Wilds on Saldhada, the crew of the Eagle has to contend with more than than just the unique energy conditions.

Once on the surface they were introduced to most of the representatives serveing on the Planetary Council. The meetings to discuss the complaints were long, loud and did not result in any resolution to the problems. While Lt. Commander Devar, Lt. Commander Xoet and Lt. jg Scott were involved with these talks Lt. Commander Tel-ar was exploreing the city and learning more about the world and it's people. Ensign Michaels had met and fallen for one of their guides, a Sara ???
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|NAME=If This Goes On...
|BLURB=The crew has been tasked to the Dialran System, the home of a large Ring-like structure orbiting a star.

==5th Mission, ==
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'''Stardate Beginning 2385?????''' -
|NAME=The Collectors
|BLURB=USS Eagle is setting course towards an unexplored region of the Beta Quadrant, named Atrian Reaches. Little is known about the area and Starfleet never found the sector remarkable enough to warrant inspection, until now. A weak radio signal was picked up and identified it as a simple SOS, but it sounds like a military message from 1940's Earth.

[[Category:USS Eagle]]
[[Category:USS Eagle]]
[[Category:Eagle Missions]]

Latest revision as of 21:53, 23 January 2025

"Bring it on."
- Unknown

Mission Archive-2395

Mithgiln in the Wild
  • Stardate 239510.31-239601.03
    • During the Eagle's first mission in the Aavaro Wilds they encounter two new species, the Mithgiln and the Verellians. The former helping the latter with a plague the crew must decide how, and if, they can help.

Mission Archive-2396

'Ordering' History
  • Stardate 239601.03-239602.15
    • The Cardassian Democratic Union has asked the Federation for assistance in retrieving an ancient artifact on Edrov VII. The USS Eagle Has been sent to aid in the recovery.
Cleanliness Protocol
  • Stardate 239603.07-239604.24
    • The USS Eagle responds to a distress signal from a freighter carrying passengers.
Holy Orders
The Hidden Missionaries
  • Stardate 239608.23-239611.03
    • Shortly after an awards ceremony at The Spike, explosions shook the station, launching the crew of the USS Eagle into an investigation as to the source of the explosions.
Bear No Evil
  • Stardate 239611.25-239701.15
    • After being dispatched to bring bioneural gel packs to the first Federation colony in the Aavaro Wilds on Saldhada, the crew of the Eagle has to contend with more than than just the unique energy conditions.

Mission Archive-2397

If This Goes On...
  • Stardate 239702.11-239704.25
    • The crew has been tasked to the Dialran System, the home of a large Ring-like structure orbiting a star.

Mission Archive-2402

The Collectors
  • Stardate 240201.21-present
    • USS Eagle is setting course towards an unexplored region of the Beta Quadrant, named Atrian Reaches. Little is known about the area and Starfleet never found the sector remarkable enough to warrant inspection, until now. A weak radio signal was picked up and identified it as a simple SOS, but it sounds like a military message from 1940's Earth.