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PNPC Character Simmed by Lieutenant Commander [[Sharpe, Paul|Paul,Sharpe]]
'''S'arila Donovon''' was a former marine officer who last served aboard the {{USS|Gorkon}}.

[[Category:Retired Characters]]
*'''Full Name:''' S'arila D'Tana Donovan
*'''Position:''' Marine Special Operations Officer
*'''Assignment:''' [[Duronis II Embassy]]/[[USS Thunder-A]]
*'''Fiancée :''' None
*'''Status:''' Active
*'''Blood Type:''' AB Neg compatible
*'''Skin Tone:''' Fair
*'''Scars:''' None
*'''Tattoos:''' None
*'''Build:''' Muscular
*'''Tone/Voice:''' Neutral
*'''Presence:''' Normal
*'''Distinguishing Features:''' Red Eyes and strange birthmark on forehead
*'''Handedness:''' Left
*'''Abilities:''' Very Observant
*'''Strengths:''' Infrared type vision (can see in the dark without any devices)
*'''Weaknesses:''' Extremely Bright light
*'''Current Status:''' Active
* '''Marital Status''': Single
** '''Significant Other''': N/A
** '''Father:''' Samuel Donovan (Adoptive Father)
** '''Mother:''' Kathleen Donovan (Adoptive Mother)
** '''Siblings:''' (Adopted) Thomas Donovan (Age: 25), (Adopted) Jennifer Donovan (Age: 21)
** '''Children:''' None
* Rock climbing
* Holonovels (all kinds)
* Martial arts
'''Other Skills'''
* Night Vision
* Master Pilot any Shuttle or fighter Starfleet can put into the field and Fighter Pilot
* Masters in Twin bladed combat, favourite weapons Replica Spartan Spatha Blades
* Master with a TR-116 Rifle
* Fully trained with laqtest Standard issue Phaser rifle
* Fully trained on the M45 Assault Rifle (Combustable weapons due to radiogenic isotopes in Earths atmosphere)
* Fully Trained on L52 Heavy duty Pistol (Combustable weapons due to radiogenic isotopes in Earths atmosphere)
'''Martial Art Type:-'''
* Tae Kwan DO
* Basic Self Defence
* Karate
* Judo
==Linguistic Skills==
* English
* Klingon
* Federation Standard
* Passable Gorn
==Personal History==
S'arila is half human and has the human form; it is assumed her Alien heritage is a bipedal species and compatible with the Human genetic Code. She is athletic and while her eyes are structured in the human fashion they are Red and she has the ability to see in infrared vision. A hybrid of Human and unknown alien, she is slightly stronger than the normal human due to her Alien heritage. S'arila was found on an unnamed dying planet by a Starfleet Officer from the USS Saratoga, he only managed to get her first name by translating the word on the Stasis Case that she was encased in. While her exact date of birth is unknown, it was estimated by using the Terran Calendar date of 12th January 2355.
Lieutenant Samuel Donovan the Officer who had found her, had the ships doctor give the child a Medical, while there was some curious abnormalities and alien DNA, there was also Human DNA. With the Utopian environment of the Federation, she grew up strong and healthy, at 16 her Infrared Eyesight ability became active and at 18 she entered Starfleet Academy, but quickly found out that she did not fit in, so she transferred to Starfleet Marine Corps OCS. She graduated and was given a ground posting with Starfleet Intelligence.
==Species Background==
A True-blood of S’arila’s Species has reptilian characteristics, akin to that of a Cardassian, the only difference would be a greenish-blue hued skin, red eyes and a birthmark between each beings eyes. This is a status symbol among S’arila’s People, her mark denotes high nobility but she is the only known survivor. Apart from the skin, eyes and reptilian characteristics images left behind of her people resembled humanoids more than reptilian. While unearthed records of the lost Trelan civilization are still being translated, one of the passages as a '''True Blood''' Trelan Male could grow to 8 foot tall and the females 7 foot tall. As S'arila is half [[Human]] her human DNA stopped her height at 6 foot 5 inches, still tall for a Half [[Terran]]
S’arila’s father is of the Trelan species, the planet Trelar Prime exists outside of the Federation borders. The closest Federation Sector to her father’s planet is the Mira Sector. These days the planet is nothing but a wasteland, a radioactive one at that, when her adoptive father and an exploration team arrived there and measured the radioactive decay, the reading they got back was that 50,000 earth years had passed since the planet was destroyed. on January 12 2355 (Earth Timne) S’arila was found as a baby inside a neo-natal stasis pod, how long the pod had been there was unclear, but somehow the underground facility it was in had survived.
===Alternate Reality Synopsis===
Like all Beings from any alternate reality, S’arila carries a small quantum flux difference in her DNA, like all the people from her reality. So any Medical examination done in our universe will show an anomaly which would make her stand out from others. Her reality so closely matches this reality that the difference is small, but upon arriving and having a full medical it was noted in her file on her origins, but made accessible to only the person who was to be her new Commanding Officer and the Chief Medical Officer or a current Doctor. Also a note is placed that she is not from the Mirror Universe as her Quantum signature does not match that reality. She comes from an Alternate reality where the Federation fell along with the Alpha/Beta Quadrant Empires, the Dominion returned with weapons that seemed more devastating than the last war.
When the Dominion got to earth they used a modified radiogenic substance that rendered all Federation/Klingon Alliance energy weapons useless, except Dominion and Breen. In response the Federation turned back to weapons of the past, as the TR-116 rifle was not wildly distributed and did not have a rapid rate of fire, it was deemed impractical as a frontline weapon. Instead a more archaic weapon was designed and it heralded back to the time when humans thought only their existed and warred among themselves. These weapons were easy to replicate and even easer to learn how to use, so after the initial attack the Dominon and its Breen allies were confronted by weapons that was not affect by the energy dampening isotpe that was in the earths atmosphere. The most common Assault rifle created out of different parts of old combustable rifles was the M45 Assault Rifle and the Side arm a L52 Pistol both loaded armour piercing rounds.
'''M45 Assault Rifle'''
'''L52 Sidearm'''
'''TR-116 Rifle - Modified'''
===Career Path===
''':''Cadet years not shown''|'''
*''' Stardate: 236810.01''' Entered all girls Primary school
*''' Stardate: 237010.09''' Entered Co-ed College and at 16
*''' Stardate: 237101.09''' Enrolled in Starfleet Academy, but was moved to OCS SFMC 1 year later
*''' Stardate: 237201.01''' Entered Starfleet Marine Corps OCS
*''' Stardate: 237705.14''' Graduated OCS at 21 years with rank of 2nd Lieutenant
*''' Stardate: 237710.01''' Posted to Starfleet External Intelligence
*''' Stardate: 237908.23''' Assigned a Special Ops Mission on New Haven against Rogue intelligence elements and the Orion Syndicate.
*''' Stardate: 237911.15''' Promoted to First Lieutenant and assigned to 2nd MACO SAS Unit SFMC
*''' Stardate: 238001.06''' Enroute back from Galen IV Mission at the outbreak of the Second Dominion War
*''' Stardate: 238310.01''' Arrived at Bajor and helps evaccuate as many as possible.
*''' Stardate: 238811.19''' Arrived at Andor to rescue Andorian elders.
*''' Stardate: 238908.14''' Arrived at Betazed and defends shuttle pads while evaccues escape, beamed up by the USS Tomcat.
*''' Stardate: 239103.15''' Assigned as Commander of 2nd SAS and offered a one-way volunteer Mission on her birthday Aged 35
*''' Stardate: 239103.20''' Arrived at Earth to make a last stand during the Second Dominion War
*''' Stardate: 238901.14''' She is pulled into a random Spatial anomaly never to be seen again.
*''' Stardate: 238910.00''' Arrives confused at [[Duronis II Embassy]]
[[Category:Starfleet personnel]]

Latest revision as of 01:46, 18 June 2019

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S'arila Donovon was a former marine officer who last served aboard the USS Gorkon.