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Serellan Sector
Trinity Sector
Jenatris Cloud Sector
(Sector 118 map)
Local Species
Stellar Phenomenae
Federation Presence

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The Trinity Sector (coordinates B02-0005-1300) is also sometimes called Sector 118 or the Serellan Sector. This region is of major strategic importance, and is shared between the three major powers of the Beta Quadrant. The sector name comes from the presence of these three major powers which are; the Federation, Romulan Star Empire and Klingon Empire.

One edge of the sector is dominated by the Azure Nebula, which extends into the Acamar Sector. The "bottom" of the sector is bordered by the Jenatris Cloud, which rests just outside Federation jurisdiction. On the far side of the Cloud, through the Jenatris Corridor, is the Par'tha Expanse.

The Federation maintains an active starbase along with a small fleet in the region but the other two major powers also maintain a heavy presence in their part of this sector as well.

Federation landmarks