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image = [[Image:Centauran.png|250px]]|
| image = [[Image:Centauran.png|250px]]
4letter = CENT|
| 4letter = CENT
fedstatus = Member|
| fedstatus = Member
origin = [[Alpha Centauri IV|Velestus]], Beta Quadrant|
| origin = [[Alpha Centauri IV|Velestus]], Alpha Quadrant
encountered = TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday" & "Metamorphosis"|
| encountered = TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday" & "Metamorphosis"
techlevel = N|
| T/E rating = T0/E0 - T4/E4
| techlevel = N

The '''Centaurans''', also known as "Centaurians" or "Velestians", are a species indistinguishable from the [[Human]] race, hailing from [[Alpha Centauri IV]], or Velestus in their own language. They are the fifth species to join the [[United Federation of Planets|Federation]] following its founding.
The '''Centaurans''', also known as "Centaurians" or "Velestians", are a species visibly indistinguishable from the [[Human]] race, hailing from [[Alpha Centauri IV]], or Velestus in their own language. They are the fifth species to join the [[United Federation of Planets|Federation]] following its founding.
==Home System==
:'''''See also:''' [[Alpha Centauri system]]''

==Home world==
==Home world==
:'''''See also:''' [[Alpha Centauri IV]]''
:'''''See also:''' [[Alpha Centauri IV]]''

=== Description ===
Dubbed "Alpha Centauri" by Humans long before they had achieved interstellar travel, the home system of the Velestians has always been visible to the naked eye from Earth, appearing as the brightest star in the Centaurus constellation. The system consists of binary stars, Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B along with thirteen orbiting planets. Velestus is the fourth planet from the gravitational center of the system.
=== Early History ===
Centauran history prior to the infamous "Plague Years" remains sparse and enigmatic. Many records were destroyed during the global conflicts and subsequent pandemic and crises that eventually led to Centauran reformation. Some early human explorers, struck by the Centaurans' physical resemblance and some linguistic similarities, mistook them for transplanted Greeks due to their common traits. Despite these observations, they are a genetically distinct species of alien origin, and the specifics of their private history and cultural origins remain closely guarded.
=== The Plague Years ===
Concurrent with Earth's mid-19th century, the Centauran people faced near-extinction as the result of a devastating worldwide plague. Following a global ban on nuclear weapons, many Velestian city states experimented with biological weapons. Whether accidental or by design, a deadly genetically-engineered retrovirus was released. The virus mutated rapidly into several potent strains, causing widespread illness, suffering, and billions of deaths. This period, lasting over a decade, would come to be known as ''The Plague Years''.
While at first, world leaders attempted to find antidotes or vaccines, their efforts eventually failed, and they began looking for scapegoats. City states declared "war" on the virus as well as declaring war on each other, only furthering the chaos. As the death tolls rose, however, continued fighting eventually become unsustainable.

Unlike Earth, there are no truly large continental landmasses on Alpha Centauri IV. A "[[Planetary Classification|Class-O]]" world, over 80% of the planet's surface is covered in water and is dotted with many archipelagos and islands, large and small, with few land-bridges or easily-crosses straits connecting one island to the next. Expectedly, the planet's landmasses are quite verdant and hardy to intense oceanic weather events. There is one polar landmass in the northern hemisphere, which is covered in an ice cap year-round. There are two primary oceans on Velestus, roughly divided along the northern and southern hemispheres of the planet, though these oceans are further subdivided into numerous small seas and bays.  
Eventually, governments were forced to collaborate and pool their resources. The international Emergency Medical Council (EMC) was formed, uniting scientists and doctors to combat the plagues. After over a decade of devastation, an effective antiviral agent and vaccine were developed in Terran Year 1871. The trauma of the plagues emphasized the importance of unity and peace, which informed the next chapter of Centauran history.

=== Demographics ===
Following The Plague Years, the Centaurans built upon the EMC's foundation and established the planet's first global government under Dr. Kulei Asephas, the vaccine's discoverer. Despite Dr. Asephas' objections, she became global president by popular acclamation. Her government outlawed biological weapons and laid the foundations for a lasting time of world peace, focused on demilitarization and common good.
The current global population of Velestus is just over three billion Centaurans, along with several thousand Humans and Vulcans. Additional exoplanetary research facilities and small colonies have also been founded in the system, with similar population demographics.

Due to the inherent physical isolation between oceanic landmasses, early Centauran history is characterized by significant cultural and political fragmentation and factionalization. It was common for individual islands, or island chains, to coalesce into city states centered on one capital. During this period, jingoism, isolationism, and fierce political loyalty were ubiquitous, with each competing city state focused solely on ensuring their own interests. Many distinct cultures and political systems flourished during the early period of Centauran civilization.
=== First Contact & Earth ===
Centaurans never achieved interstellar travel independently. First contact occurred in the Terran Standard Year 2066 when a human scouting vessel detected radio signals from Alpha Centauri's fourth planet. Upon investigation, the vessel found an advanced satellite network and a moonbase, leading to the formal establishment of first contact, somewhat mirroring the historic encounter Earth had with the Vulcans. An immediate cultural and technological exchange between the two people was initiated.

The Centauran influence on Earth was profound. Although they lacked warp drive technology, their unparalleled terraforming capabilities played a pivotal role in restoring Earth's natural vigor from its devastated post-war state - however, this assistance was not immediate. Tensions arose among Earth's nations during colonization efforts, leading to conflicts near Alpha Centauri. The Centaurans withdrew their terraforming technology, insisting (along with the Vulcans) on dealing with a unified Earth government.
Many of the humans living on Alpha Centauri are descended from the first immigrants from Earth, dating all the way back to the 21st century.

During Earth's 19th Century, the Centaurans faced the threat of extinction. Many city-states experimented with biological weapons following a worldwide nuclear weapons ban. Either by design or accident, a genetically engineered retrovirus was released on one of the northern continents. This retrovirus quickly mutated into several deadly strains and spread to the four corners of the globe. Millions sickened and died. The different city-states declared war on the virus and on each other. World leaders desperately searched for an antidote or a vaccine. When that search failed, governments looked for scapegoats.
Zefram Cochrane's move to Alpha Centauri, and his statements regarding Earth's uncertain future, motivated the people of Earth to establish a United Earth Government. Relations were restored, and Centaurans resumed cooperation, providing terraforming assistance, medical technologies, and becoming involved in Federation interstellar exploration and diplomacy.

The Centaurans refer to this time of death and disease as The Plague Years. It lasted over a decade. Strains continued to mutate, exacting a terrible toll in lives. Billions of Centaurans would die before the plague ran its course. The different governments of Alpha Centauri eventually ceased fighting--armies died faster than they could be trained--and began pooling their resources to combat the virus. The best scientists and doctors gathered in an Emergency Medical Council to coordinate their efforts in fighting the plagues.
=== Cooperation & The Federation ===
In the early days of the proto-Federation, a significant advancement occurred through collaboration between Centaurans and human scientists. They enhanced the livability of early scouting ships, making long interstellar journeys bearable. Together, they developed "recreation suites" or "rec rooms" that simulated various environments, easing the strain of space travel.

Finally, in Terran Year 1871, this international team developed an effective antiviral agent and vaccine. The Centaurans stopped the plagues, but they did not forget the lessons The Plague Years had taught. The Emergency Medical Council became a full-fledged world government only five years after the end of the Plague War, as every surviving Centauran city voted to make Dr. Kulei Asephas, the discoverer of the vaccine, its leader. Despite Dr. Asephas' objections, she became global president by popular acclamation. Her government outlawed biological weapons and laid the foundations for a lasting time of world peace. This time of horror made the Centaurans realize how easily conflict could result in the destruction of all life on their planet. They learned to put aside their differences and work for the common good of all.
Decades later, a Centauran-led team of scientists and engineers from throughout the Federation would develop the modern Federation Holodeck and the associated harmonized technologies required to make it possible. This crucial tool has had a profound impact on training and recreation and holodeck technology continues to iterate and find new uses aboard starships and outposts.

The people of Alpha Centauri never managed to break the light barrier on their own. First contact between the [[Terran]]s and the Centaurans was in the Terran Standard Year 2066, when a human scouting vessel detected radio transmissions around the fourth planet. Approaching, they saw an advanced satellite network, and a moonbase, and, much as the [[Vulcan]]s had done with them, they made first contact.

The Centauran impact on Earth is immeasurable. While the Centauran's had never managed to develop warp drive, their terraforming capabilities were well beyond anyone else's, and were instrumental in reclaiming the ruin that was Earth. They were equally as instrumental in helping the Earth develop a single world government. After 2066, the various Terran nations, now that the Earth was being rebuilt, turned their attention to the stars, racing to colonize various planets, both within their own system and in other areas. Such races led to conflict, and the people of Alpha Centauri were enraged when a South American spacecraft fought with one from the European Hegemony in orbit of Alpha Centauri. With that, the Centaurans withdrew their terraforming technology, and along with the Vulcans, stated that they would be willing to deal with "any single unified Earth government." When Zefram Cochrane, Earth's number one citizen at the time, emigrated to Alpha Centauri, stating that he would sooner not see the Earth go through another world war, this shocked the Earth into action. Once the United Earth Government was started, relations resumed and the Centaurans returned with their terraforming equipment.
== Description ==
[[File:Velestus.png|thumb|240x240px|Velestus, home world of the Centaurans]]
Dubbed "Alpha Centauri" by Humans long before they had achieved interstellar travel, the home system of the Velestians has always been visible to the naked eye from Earth, appearing as the brightest star in the Centaurus constellation. The system consists of binary stars, Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B along with thirteen orbiting planets. Velestus is the fourth planet from the gravitational center of the system.

The other major advance of the early days of the proto-Federation was a simple esoteric one, but one which has much impact. The Centaurans were able to make the early scouting ships much more livable, so that the long treks between stars became actually bearable. These livability touches continue to this day; it was a Centauran who invented the Federation Holodeck, which aid modern starships in training and recreation.
Unlike Earth, there are no truly large continental landmasses on Alpha Centauri IV. A "[[Planetary Classification|Class-O]]" world, over 80% of the planet's surface is covered in water and is dotted with many archipelagos and islands, large and small, with few land-bridges or easily-crosses straits connecting one island to the next. Expectedly, the planet's landmasses are quite verdant and hardy to intense oceanic weather events. There is one small polar landmass in the northern hemisphere, which is covered in an ice cap year-round. There are two primary oceans on Velestus, roughly divided along the northern and southern hemispheres of the planet based on ocean currents and climates, though these oceans are further subdivided into numerous small seas and bays.  

=== Demographics ===
The current global population of Velestus is just over three billion Centaurans, along with several thousand Humans and Vulcans. Additional exoplanetary research facilities and small colonies have also been founded in the system, with similar population demographics.

Due to the inherent physical isolation between oceanic landmasses, early Centauran history is characterized by significant cultural and political fragmentation and factionalization. It was common for individual islands, or island chains, to coalesce into city states centered on one capital. During this period, jingoism, isolationism, and fierce political loyalty were ubiquitous, with each competing city state focused solely on ensuring their own interests. Many distinct cultures and political systems flourished during the early period of Centauran civilization.
Centaurans are outwardly indistinguishable from [[Human]]s. One thing to note, however, is that as a whole, the Centauran people are considered by most to be a very attractive people. This comes, probably from having had a few more centuries of evolution wherein good hygiene was figured out.  

With minor differences in organ placements and DNA in comparison to [[Human]]s, Centaurans and Humans are able to interbreed with little difficulty - as such, it requires only minimal medical supervision.  
Centaurans are outwardly quite indistinguishable from Humans as a result of convergent evolutionary forces, often being mistaken for humans by everyone except physicians.  

Centaurans are capable of manifesting empathic or telepathic abilities anywhere from E1 to E4 and T1 to T3, though most Centaurans do not.  
Developing advanced scientific and medical techniques several centuries ahead of Earth societies, Centaurans have long been characterized by good health and long lives. Early explorers from Earth would often comment on the natural beauty of the Centaurans they met - though this is generally attributed to the species' notable vitality and typically-graceful features.
With minor differences in organ placements and DNA in comparison to [[Human]]s, Centaurans and Humans are able to interbreed with little difficulty - as such, it requires only minimal medical supervision. One such minor difference is in the placement of the heart which, in typical human physiology resides between the lungs, slightly to the left of center; In Centaurans, the heart is located further to the right<ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-ops/c/0Dv8PsXOZ9s/m/TVS6UgTnAgAJ Ensign Madison Marsh - "Madison is the Man"] (SD 240008.14)</ref>. In Human-Centauran hybrids, either placement is possible.  

The average lifespan of Centaurans is considerably longer than Humans, despite their outward similarities - with it not being uncommon for healthy Centaurans to reach ages of over 250 years.  
The average lifespan of Centaurans is considerably longer than Humans, despite their outward similarities - with it not being uncommon for healthy Centaurans to reach ages of over 250 years.  
=== Telepathic and Empathic Abilities ===
Some Centaurans are capable of manifesting empathic or telepathic abilities anywhere from E1 to E4 and T1 to T4, though most are not<ref name=":0">[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-amity/c/a_JapUzsvGk/m/Rl52djOpAQAJ Lt. Cmdr Robin Hopper: Facing the Day (Part 1)] (SD 240012.06)</ref>. This preternatural ability may be linked to a recessive genetic component, however it has been known to appear spontaneously in families with no history of the ability.

Centaurans, as a rule, tend to be artistic, contemplative and analytical. Many are pacifist and think deeply about any significant action before taking it. Of course, as each city-state is distinctive, this stereotype can change radically.
Most Centaurans tend towards contemplative, analytical, and reflective mindsets - which leads many into the arts, sciences, or some combination of the two. Many are pacifists, preferring to think deeply about the potential consequences and impacts of their actions before making significant commitments. As a culture typified by intentional and structured diversity and social harmony, Centaurans are largely a gregarious and outgoing people who tend to focus on the needs of others ahead of their own.

They are, as a rule, the most invisible people in the Federation. While carrying a great deal of pride in their homes, they also know that they are members of the Federation, as is everyone. Thus asserting their own race above being a Federation citizen reminds them of the city-state patriotism that led to the Plague Wars. Because of this belief, and a lack of assertion of their own racial identity, they are often mistaken as either Human or [[Betazoid]]. Many do not seem to mind - they know the truth in their hearts, and they know that just because they aren't rubbing peoples' faces in their culture doesn't devalue it. This is evidenced by the fact that they let themselves be called Centaurans. Such is a Terran term; they call their planet Velestus. They know it is Velestus though, so they don't need others to call it such.
Centaurans have oft been referred to as "the most invisible people in the Federation" on account of both their physical similarities to Humans and other humanoid species and their reserved nature regarding their unique cultural identity. While they, generally, feel a great deal of personal pride in their home world and their culture, it is typical for Centaurans to consider themselves citizens of the Federation first and foremost. This mindset has likely developed in response to the prior cultural schisms and intense city-state jingoism which typified earlier Centauran history.

Though a small percentage of Centaurans are capable of empathic and/or telepathic abilities, they tend to shy away from revealing them.  
As such, most don't seem to mind this relative "invisibility" and accept mistakes about their heritage with good nature and humour, preferring to rest assured in their own connection to Velestus and avoid rubbing it in others' faces. This is further evidenced by their general acceptance of the term "Centauran," which is in fact a Human term and bears no connection to the mythology or history of the Velestians themselves.
Similarly, those rare Centaurans who do develop empathic and/or telepathic abilities are frequently mistaken for Betazoids and rarely bother with offering correction - however, they tend to shy away from demonstrating their abilities around others, preferring to 'mind their own business'.


Centauran mythology includes references to ancient peoples inhabiting islands that rose from the seas<ref name=":0" />.

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: See also: [[Centauran/Language|Centauran Language]]
: See also: [[Centauran/Language|Centauran Language]]

Family life on Alpha Centauri is very loose -- traditional families giving way to a very cautious breeding plan that allows the genetic material of the population to be as diversified as possible. Couples might pair-bond for life, but more than one child is rarely born to the same couple.  
=== Family Structures ===
Family life among the Centaurans often involves loose familiar borders, with typical 'nuclear' earth structures giving way to a more communal and open system. While it is not uncommon for couples to form lifelong committed bonds, it is less common for any one pairing to bare more than one child, with most Centauran parents coupling with several partners throughout their lives. Such 'ebb and flow' has always existed as a part of Centauran culture, but it has only become more pronounced in the time following the Plague Years, with government incentives attempting to support repopulation and genetic diversification efforts.

Children on Alpha Centauri are raised in a grouping that translates as a crèche until they are five years old and are then either raised by their biological family or, if the parent or parents are not interested, by some other pairing to be supervised and mentored. It is not as cold as it seems -- the Centaurans are naturally affectionate, if at times a bit intense. They take pride in what they can contribute to the community and that pride shows up in their children.
Children on Velestus are typically raised in mutually-cared for groupings or "creches", as the Universal Translator describes it - a method supposedly inspired by the way the Centauran Manta schools<ref name=":0" />. Children often remain in these creches until around the age of five and are then either raised predominantly by their biological family or, if the parents are disinterested in forming a close-knit family unit, may be adopted by another pairing for parenting. Centaurans insist that, despite initial human attitudes towards these practices, they are not as cold as they seem. Centaurans are naturally affectionate, if at times a bit aloof, generally taking pride in contributing to these communal child-rearing groups while enjoying the 'time off' afforded to parents during those difficult early years.
=== Food & Beverages ===
Noted Centauran food and beverages include:
* Fikarionin Voristh ("Breakfast of Seaweed") - a wrap-style breakfast food encased in seaweed which may be reminiscent of gyros and/or sushi<ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-amity/c/Q3rK8orQ9tg/m/gRoJDf5_AAAJ JP - Robin Hopper & Nathan Richards: A Special Kind of Knowing (Part 1)] (SD 240012.01)</ref>.
* Centauran Sunset - an alcoholic drink, supposedly popular on Velestus<ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-amity/c/0k2hsPGCa5k/m/a_gRjbGAAQAJ JP - Robin Hopper & Nathan Richards: A Special Kind of Knowing (Part 4)] (SD 240012.04)</ref>.
* Mellithran - A purple jicama-like vegetable native to Velestus. ''Traditionally sliced up into wafers and dipped into nelthria nectar as part of the "Eikostasia" holiday tradition''<ref name=":1" />''.''
=== Pop Culture ===
* A widely-read publication, ''The Centaur Chronicle'', reports on Federation and galactic happenings from a Velestian perspective<ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-khitomer/c/xRdRtl4Vyy0/m/hpy84zxpBQAJ NPC C3 Chennit Astrid - Operation Opera] (SD 240105.21)</ref>.

* Eikostasia - A holiday dedicated to environmental harmony; Traditionally involves eating sliced mellithran dipped in nelthria nectar<ref name=":1">[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-amity/c/Q7vkihZajL8/m/ue6rro9CAQAJ JP - Robin Hopper & Nathan Richards: A Special Kind of Knowing (Part 3)] (SD 240012.04)</ref>.
* Imbatis - While not a militaristic culture, there are several traditional schools of Velestian Martial Arts which are taught in various cultural centers across the planet. Among these is Imbatis, which focuses on real world scenarios.{{SimRef | SIMLINK=https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-khitomer/c/XjHSUdZZwkI/m/cJBhOWzWBQAJ | CHARACTERS=PO3 Jill Wynters | SIMTITLE=Subscribe and Save! | SHIP=[[USS Khitomer]] }}

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[[Category:Intelligent Lifeform Index Species]]
[[Category:Intelligent Lifeform Index Species]]
[[Category:Federation Member]]

Latest revision as of 01:56, 9 November 2024

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This page is missing sections of information that may be filled using 118 canon encounters, or further detail from Memory Alpha. Feel free to edit this page to include new information, using the reference tool (<ref>) where possible.

Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code CENT
Federation Status Member
Planet of Origin Velestus, Alpha Quadrant
Encountered TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday" & "Metamorphosis"
T/E Rating T0/E0 - T4/E4
Current Tech Level N
List of Named Centaurans

Full ILI GalleryPermitted Species Gallery

The Centaurans, also known as "Centaurians" or "Velestians", are a species visibly indistinguishable from the Human race, hailing from Alpha Centauri IV, or Velestus in their own language. They are the fifth species to join the Federation following its founding.

Home System

See also: Alpha Centauri system

Home world

See also: Alpha Centauri IV


Early History

Centauran history prior to the infamous "Plague Years" remains sparse and enigmatic. Many records were destroyed during the global conflicts and subsequent pandemic and crises that eventually led to Centauran reformation. Some early human explorers, struck by the Centaurans' physical resemblance and some linguistic similarities, mistook them for transplanted Greeks due to their common traits. Despite these observations, they are a genetically distinct species of alien origin, and the specifics of their private history and cultural origins remain closely guarded.

The Plague Years

Concurrent with Earth's mid-19th century, the Centauran people faced near-extinction as the result of a devastating worldwide plague. Following a global ban on nuclear weapons, many Velestian city states experimented with biological weapons. Whether accidental or by design, a deadly genetically-engineered retrovirus was released. The virus mutated rapidly into several potent strains, causing widespread illness, suffering, and billions of deaths. This period, lasting over a decade, would come to be known as The Plague Years.

While at first, world leaders attempted to find antidotes or vaccines, their efforts eventually failed, and they began looking for scapegoats. City states declared "war" on the virus as well as declaring war on each other, only furthering the chaos. As the death tolls rose, however, continued fighting eventually become unsustainable.

Eventually, governments were forced to collaborate and pool their resources. The international Emergency Medical Council (EMC) was formed, uniting scientists and doctors to combat the plagues. After over a decade of devastation, an effective antiviral agent and vaccine were developed in Terran Year 1871. The trauma of the plagues emphasized the importance of unity and peace, which informed the next chapter of Centauran history.

Following The Plague Years, the Centaurans built upon the EMC's foundation and established the planet's first global government under Dr. Kulei Asephas, the vaccine's discoverer. Despite Dr. Asephas' objections, she became global president by popular acclamation. Her government outlawed biological weapons and laid the foundations for a lasting time of world peace, focused on demilitarization and common good.

First Contact & Earth

Centaurans never achieved interstellar travel independently. First contact occurred in the Terran Standard Year 2066 when a human scouting vessel detected radio signals from Alpha Centauri's fourth planet. Upon investigation, the vessel found an advanced satellite network and a moonbase, leading to the formal establishment of first contact, somewhat mirroring the historic encounter Earth had with the Vulcans. An immediate cultural and technological exchange between the two people was initiated.

The Centauran influence on Earth was profound. Although they lacked warp drive technology, their unparalleled terraforming capabilities played a pivotal role in restoring Earth's natural vigor from its devastated post-war state - however, this assistance was not immediate. Tensions arose among Earth's nations during colonization efforts, leading to conflicts near Alpha Centauri. The Centaurans withdrew their terraforming technology, insisting (along with the Vulcans) on dealing with a unified Earth government.

Zefram Cochrane's move to Alpha Centauri, and his statements regarding Earth's uncertain future, motivated the people of Earth to establish a United Earth Government. Relations were restored, and Centaurans resumed cooperation, providing terraforming assistance, medical technologies, and becoming involved in Federation interstellar exploration and diplomacy.

Cooperation & The Federation

In the early days of the proto-Federation, a significant advancement occurred through collaboration between Centaurans and human scientists. They enhanced the livability of early scouting ships, making long interstellar journeys bearable. Together, they developed "recreation suites" or "rec rooms" that simulated various environments, easing the strain of space travel.

Decades later, a Centauran-led team of scientists and engineers from throughout the Federation would develop the modern Federation Holodeck and the associated harmonized technologies required to make it possible. This crucial tool has had a profound impact on training and recreation and holodeck technology continues to iterate and find new uses aboard starships and outposts.



Velestus, home world of the Centaurans

Dubbed "Alpha Centauri" by Humans long before they had achieved interstellar travel, the home system of the Velestians has always been visible to the naked eye from Earth, appearing as the brightest star in the Centaurus constellation. The system consists of binary stars, Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B along with thirteen orbiting planets. Velestus is the fourth planet from the gravitational center of the system.

Unlike Earth, there are no truly large continental landmasses on Alpha Centauri IV. A "Class-O" world, over 80% of the planet's surface is covered in water and is dotted with many archipelagos and islands, large and small, with few land-bridges or easily-crosses straits connecting one island to the next. Expectedly, the planet's landmasses are quite verdant and hardy to intense oceanic weather events. There is one small polar landmass in the northern hemisphere, which is covered in an ice cap year-round. There are two primary oceans on Velestus, roughly divided along the northern and southern hemispheres of the planet based on ocean currents and climates, though these oceans are further subdivided into numerous small seas and bays.


The current global population of Velestus is just over three billion Centaurans, along with several thousand Humans and Vulcans. Additional exoplanetary research facilities and small colonies have also been founded in the system, with similar population demographics.

Due to the inherent physical isolation between oceanic landmasses, early Centauran history is characterized by significant cultural and political fragmentation and factionalization. It was common for individual islands, or island chains, to coalesce into city states centered on one capital. During this period, jingoism, isolationism, and fierce political loyalty were ubiquitous, with each competing city state focused solely on ensuring their own interests. Many distinct cultures and political systems flourished during the early period of Centauran civilization.


Centaurans are outwardly quite indistinguishable from Humans as a result of convergent evolutionary forces, often being mistaken for humans by everyone except physicians.

Developing advanced scientific and medical techniques several centuries ahead of Earth societies, Centaurans have long been characterized by good health and long lives. Early explorers from Earth would often comment on the natural beauty of the Centaurans they met - though this is generally attributed to the species' notable vitality and typically-graceful features.

With minor differences in organ placements and DNA in comparison to Humans, Centaurans and Humans are able to interbreed with little difficulty - as such, it requires only minimal medical supervision. One such minor difference is in the placement of the heart which, in typical human physiology resides between the lungs, slightly to the left of center; In Centaurans, the heart is located further to the right[1]. In Human-Centauran hybrids, either placement is possible.

The average lifespan of Centaurans is considerably longer than Humans, despite their outward similarities - with it not being uncommon for healthy Centaurans to reach ages of over 250 years.

Telepathic and Empathic Abilities

Some Centaurans are capable of manifesting empathic or telepathic abilities anywhere from E1 to E4 and T1 to T4, though most are not[2]. This preternatural ability may be linked to a recessive genetic component, however it has been known to appear spontaneously in families with no history of the ability.


Most Centaurans tend towards contemplative, analytical, and reflective mindsets - which leads many into the arts, sciences, or some combination of the two. Many are pacifists, preferring to think deeply about the potential consequences and impacts of their actions before making significant commitments. As a culture typified by intentional and structured diversity and social harmony, Centaurans are largely a gregarious and outgoing people who tend to focus on the needs of others ahead of their own.

Centaurans have oft been referred to as "the most invisible people in the Federation" on account of both their physical similarities to Humans and other humanoid species and their reserved nature regarding their unique cultural identity. While they, generally, feel a great deal of personal pride in their home world and their culture, it is typical for Centaurans to consider themselves citizens of the Federation first and foremost. This mindset has likely developed in response to the prior cultural schisms and intense city-state jingoism which typified earlier Centauran history.

As such, most don't seem to mind this relative "invisibility" and accept mistakes about their heritage with good nature and humour, preferring to rest assured in their own connection to Velestus and avoid rubbing it in others' faces. This is further evidenced by their general acceptance of the term "Centauran," which is in fact a Human term and bears no connection to the mythology or history of the Velestians themselves.

Similarly, those rare Centaurans who do develop empathic and/or telepathic abilities are frequently mistaken for Betazoids and rarely bother with offering correction - however, they tend to shy away from demonstrating their abilities around others, preferring to 'mind their own business'.



Centauran mythology includes references to ancient peoples inhabiting islands that rose from the seas[2].


Without usurping the rights of the individual, the Centaurans have managed to find a fine balance in a loosely structured communal society. The population is spread out into self-contained communities across the planet's many island -- each settlement known as a da'den can exist alone but they regularly trade goods and knowledge and breeding stock.


See also: Centauran Language

Family Structures

Family life among the Centaurans often involves loose familiar borders, with typical 'nuclear' earth structures giving way to a more communal and open system. While it is not uncommon for couples to form lifelong committed bonds, it is less common for any one pairing to bare more than one child, with most Centauran parents coupling with several partners throughout their lives. Such 'ebb and flow' has always existed as a part of Centauran culture, but it has only become more pronounced in the time following the Plague Years, with government incentives attempting to support repopulation and genetic diversification efforts.

Children on Velestus are typically raised in mutually-cared for groupings or "creches", as the Universal Translator describes it - a method supposedly inspired by the way the Centauran Manta schools[2]. Children often remain in these creches until around the age of five and are then either raised predominantly by their biological family or, if the parents are disinterested in forming a close-knit family unit, may be adopted by another pairing for parenting. Centaurans insist that, despite initial human attitudes towards these practices, they are not as cold as they seem. Centaurans are naturally affectionate, if at times a bit aloof, generally taking pride in contributing to these communal child-rearing groups while enjoying the 'time off' afforded to parents during those difficult early years.

Food & Beverages

Noted Centauran food and beverages include:

  • Fikarionin Voristh ("Breakfast of Seaweed") - a wrap-style breakfast food encased in seaweed which may be reminiscent of gyros and/or sushi[3].
  • Centauran Sunset - an alcoholic drink, supposedly popular on Velestus[4].
  • Mellithran - A purple jicama-like vegetable native to Velestus. Traditionally sliced up into wafers and dipped into nelthria nectar as part of the "Eikostasia" holiday tradition[5].

Pop Culture

  • A widely-read publication, The Centaur Chronicle, reports on Federation and galactic happenings from a Velestian perspective[6].


  • Eikostasia - A holiday dedicated to environmental harmony; Traditionally involves eating sliced mellithran dipped in nelthria nectar[5].
  • Imbatis - While not a militaristic culture, there are several traditional schools of Velestian Martial Arts which are taught in various cultural centers across the planet. Among these is Imbatis, which focuses on real world scenarios.[7]



Starfleet Intelligence Files


A good source on Alpha Centauri A & B: http://www.glyphweb.com/esky/stars/alphacentauri.html

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