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{{Template:ILI TBD|
image = [[Image:Megans.jpg]]|
image = [[Image:NellaDaren.jpg|thumb|210px|center|<center>Lt.Cmdr Nella Daren - Acomplished Musician]]|
4letter = MGAN|
4letter = KERE|
fedstatus = Unknown|
fedstatus = Member|
origin = Megas-Tu|
origin = Kerelia|
encountered = [[MA:TAS|TAS:]] [[MA:The Magicks of Megas-Tu|"The Magicks of Megas-Tu"]]|
encountered = [[ma:TNG|TNG]]: ''[[ma:Lessons|Lessons]]''|
techlevel = Unknown|Magical
techlevel = N+|
A planet that was encounted by Captain Kirk on Stardate 1254.4. The Planet of Megas-Tu accused Kirk and his crew of bringing evil to their planet. He finally proved his innocence by showing that the evil one was Lucien. The one who brought them to the planet.
* '''Proper Name''': Megan
* '''Proper Name''': Kerelian
* '''Pronunciation''': Meg'an
* '''Pronunciation''': Keh'Reh'Lian
==Home System==
==Home System==
* '''Quadrant''': another Universe
* '''Quadrant''': Beta
* '''Location''': The Enterprise was as the juncture in space where all quadrants meet when they encountered matter-energy whirlwind and thrown into an alternate universe.
* '''Location''': Donatu Sector (coordinates B23-0002-1300)
* '''Proper Name''': Unknown
* '''Proper Name''': Keral Cias
* '''Pronunciation''': Unknown
* '''Pronunciation''': Ker'Al Ci'As
* '''Star''': Unknown
* '''Star''': Beta Eridani
* '''Distance from Star''': Unknown
* '''Terran Name''': Cursa
* '''Companions''': Unknown
* '''Spectral Type''': A3 III (Light Blue)
* '''Distance from Star''': approximately 410 million km
* '''Companions''': 7 other planets. It is the 3rd planet in the system

==Home World==
==Home World==
* '''Proper Name''': Megas-Tu
* '''Proper Name''': Kerelia
* '''Pronunciation''': Meg'as-Too
* '''Pronunciation''': Ker'el'Ia
* '''Diameter''': 10,277 km (6,423 miles)  
* '''Diameter''': 13,749 km (8,543 miles)
* '''Gravity''': 0.90 standard gravity with a density of 6.1
* '''Gravity''': 1.07 standard gravity with a density of 5.5
* '''Axial Tilt''': 19% with minor to earthlike seasons
* '''Axial Tilt''': 3.9%, no appreciable tilt and no seasons  
* '''Orbital Period''': 35 Earth days
* '''Orbital Period''': 321 days  
* '''Rotational Period''': 20 hours
* '''Rotational Period''': 28 hours
* '''Classification''': M
* '''Classification''': M
** '''Surface Water''': 68%  
** '''Surface Water''': 85%
** '''Atmosphere''': Composition of Earth's
** '''Atmosphere''': 1/3 earths measured from sea level with 72% nitrogen, 26% oxygen, 2% trace chemicals
** '''Climate''': Earthlike
** '''Climate''': Warm semi-tropical with tropical at the equator and moist continental climate at the northern latitudes
** '''Population''': Unknown
** '''Population''': 2.8 Billion
** '''Geography''': Both poles are ice-capped, extending several kilometers deep. Two percent of the total population lives at the southern pole, known as Ecosa. Originally one land mass, massive tectonic plate shifts resulted in the formation of two continents, known today as Actya and Abaran. These land masses are separated at the closest point by a distance of 8,000 kilometers. Actya and Abaran, constituting 80 percent of the total planetary land mass, are found between latitudes 75N and 60S. Eighty percent of the total population lives on the two continents. Four major islands and several minor islands formed due to underwater volcano eruptions. Eighteen percent of the total population lives on these islands.
During the 13th century, the Megans traveled to Earth where they assisted Humans with the art of magic, and were eventually responsible for the ancient legends of witches and warlocks.  
'''Early History'''
During the planetary "Bronze Age," cosmologists theorize that a stellar core fragment passed close enough to the planet to cause massive tectonic shifts. As a result, it is believed that what was once a singular land mass, inhabited by a thriving culture, was broken into the two continents that exist today. This period, known as the Tes'Aedra, or New Beginning, saw Kerelian society branch with survivors settling on each of the two continents.
Three million survivors on Actya formed into tribes. Initially, the tribes fought amongst themselves for limited resources. Over time, as availability of food and other necessities increased, the wars ended and the tribes were able to form a single, nation state. As the nation state prospered, a period of exploration saw new settlements established on three of the four major islands, Clessa, Adatlkina, and Edela.
Modern understanding about Actyan society from this period stems from literature and music which was preserved, originally by word of mouth, from the start of the Tes'Aeda and passed down from generation to generation.
The 500,000 survivors on Abaran had ample resources and settled almost immediately into a peaceful, agrarian society that placed a strong emphasis on the arts. Even by modern standards, the Abarans were highly advanced in their understanding of the relationship between mathematical and musical concepts.
A brief period of exploration led to the discovery of the uninhabited island of Tanis. Valleys and caves on the island proved to have unique acoustical properties and a colony was quickly established that is now home to the Kerelian Institute of Music, one of the most prestigious music schools in Federation space.

By the 17th century, the Megans settled in Salem, Massachusetts, after realizing that Humans only wished to use them to serve greed and lust. They chose to live their lives there as "normal men" to avoid the accusations of being "devils, warlocks and evil sorcerers." Unfortunately, while living in Salem, several of the Megans made mistakes and used their powers, and were burned for doing so, as witches during the Salem witch trials.  
1500 years later, at the end of the Tes'Aedra period, an exploratory team from Actya happened upon the colony on the island of Tanis. This unexpected contact led to a series of historic meetings in which representatives of both societies discovered common belief systems and ancestry. Scientists on both continents formulated the theory, through examination of archeological evidence, that at one time, Kerelians had been one people.  

Those Megans who escaped the witch trials were forced to leave Earth and return to their homeworld, where they remained bitter and fearful of Humans.  
Neither society had ever known bigotry or class warfare and while there were temperamental differences between the two groups, there were by far more similarities than differences. Ultimately the decision was made to unify under one planetary government. The Age of Enlightenment, as it is now known, saw the newly merged society make rapid advancements and moved from a pre-industrial state to intra-solar system exploration in a period of only about 150 years.

In 2269, the USS Enterprise made contact with the Megans, but due to their distrust of Humans, they put the Enterprise crew in a recreation of a Salem witch trial. (TAS: "The Magicks of Megas-Tu")
'''Space Faring Age'''
By 1905, Kerelians had launched their first satellite. Exploration of their own system followed within a few years. By the year 2003, the Kerelians had become warp-capable and were embarked on exploration outside of their own system. Encounters with other warp-capable species introduced the Kerelians to the greater galactic community but also led to an attack on their home world by a species known on Kerelia as the Ornis.
After the attack, the Ornis demanded unconditional surrender. The Kerelians fought back and within one year, the Ornis retreated never to be heard from again. To this day, neither the reason for the attack nor the reason for their abrupt departure is known.
The war had been brutal and led to a decision by the Kerelians to dismantle their warp-capable ships and retain only those ships that could provide for planetary defense and intra solar system commerce.
'''Contact with the Federation'''
In 2270, 138 years after the war with the Ornis, the first Federation ship made contact. Diplomatic and trade relations developed between Kerelia and several member planets. When the Federation offered membership, Kerelia politely declined though agreement was reached on other matters and Kerelia became a favored port of call for Starfleet vessels on shore leave.
About this time, a small, religious faction opposed to interaction with any other species, broke away and established their own colony at the southern pole, Ecosa.
By 2293, the Federation had started peace negotiations with the Klingon Empire and were maintaining a tense truce with the Romulan Empire. As a result of mounting fear that Kerelia could be open to a second attack by an alien species, Kerelia requested Federation membership and was admitted as a full member in 2297.
Kerelians, mostly from Actya, joined Starfleet; the first Kerelian to graduate from Starfleet Academy was Lieutenant Commander Nella Daren in 2352.
In 2371, a Marine training camp was established east of Actya Bay near the city of Afina. In their request for a base on Kerelia, the Marines cited the variety of training environments available -- deep oceans, low pressure atmosphere, and extremely rugged, high-altitude terrain in the mountains.
Over time, Kerelia also became a resupply point for Starfleet vessels and today, hosts permanent embassies for most of the Federation member worlds.
>> questions/comments: Some of the facts presented for the Bronze Age don't seem realistic. How could anyone know how many people lived in that time period? And if there was a way to know, then that should be presented here. For that reason, I haven't included numbers like 50 million in the "Bronze Age", 3 million on one continent, etc. Two oceans are mentioned between the major continents - would be better to put that on a map and not in the general explanation.

Lucien explained that Megas-Tu was not governed by the same laws as their own universe and that magic thrived among Megans. By holding trials similar to those in Salem, Earth, would seem they have a Judicial form of government in place.
Trysia, located on Actya, is home to the planetary government. The government structure consists of a Prime Minister, or Coi, who is appointed by the parliament, or Chovina, for a period of >> how long ??. The prime minister is advised by cabinet ministers who are nominated by the Prime Minister and confirmed by the Chovina.
Proposed laws are written in the Chovina and signed into Law by the Chovina. Adjudication complaints are handled at the provincial level (see information below). There is no judicial arm at the planet-wide level.
=== Responsibilities ===
'''Prime Minister (Coi)'''
The Coi serves as chief administrator for the planet and president of the Chovina. The Coi is responsible for implementation of planetary policy and law. In matters of a tie within the Chovina, the Coi has the deciding vote.
The Coi duties and responsibilities for:
* '''President of the Chovina'''
* '''Nominates cabinet ministers'''
* '''Provides support to Cabinet Ministers in their duties'''
* '''Nominates the United Federation of Planets ambassador and planetary ambassadors'''
* '''Ensures compliance with the Kerelian Constitution'''
* '''Final arbiter on Judicial matters'''
* '''Proposes changes to the Constitution'''
* '''Superintendent of the Kerelian Academies for Music and Science'''
* '''Represents and speaks for Kerelia on inter-planetary issues'''
* '''Final Arbiter in judicial matters (see Judicial)'''
>> What's the difference in duties between a Federation ambassador and a planetary ambassador?
The Chovina is the planetary parliament and consists of nine members from each province.
* Abaran: Twelve provinces, 108 members
* Actya: >> how many provinces, how many members
* Tanis: Eight provinces, 72 members
* Adatlina, Edela, and Clessa: >> How many provinces? 144 Members
* Ecosa: Not represented
The Chovina, which meets 6 times a year unless an emergency session is called by the Coi, serves as the legislative body for Kerelia. Chovina members are elected locally by each province.  The Chovina:
* '''Creates and Amends Laws'''
* '''Investigates the use of money by the government'''
* '''Represents the People'''
* '''Ratifies treaties presented by the Coi'''
* '''Holds hearings and confirms the nominations for Cabinet Ministers'''
The Chovina confirms the Coi's nominations for cabinet ministers. The major cabinets are:
* '''Department of Planetary Defense'''
* '''Department of Treasury'''
* '''Department of Space'''
* '''Department of Sciences'''
* '''Department of Music'''
* '''Department of Federation and Inter-Planetary Relations'''
Adjudication complaints are resolved at the provincial level. Each province has:
* '''A Supreme Arbiter'''
* '''1-4 Appeals Courts'''
* '''1-15 Local Courts'''
Cases brought to the local court are decided by a sole arbiter. An appeal on conviction is automatic and is heard by a three member Appeals Court. Rulings by the Appeals Court must be unanimous. If not unanimous, the case is moved to the Supreme Arbiter who makes his/her decision based on transcripts alone. The decision of the Supreme Arbiter is always sent to the Coi for final approval. Although rarely done, the Coi can overturn the decision of the Supreme Arbiter.
There are no Civil Courts on Kerelia. The Supreme Arbiter and all members of the Local and Appeals Courts are appointed by the Chovina Representatives for the Province.
===Provincial Governments===
Provincial government consists of:
* '''Chief Administrator who is also one of the Chovina representatives'''
* '''9 Chovina Members who also serve as provincial lawmakers and administrators'''
Routine administration of the provincial government is handled by the nine Chovina representatives with one of their number selected as Chief Administrator and given the task of managing governmental day-to-day operations.
The Chovina representatives also appoint the Supreme Arbiter for the province as well as members of the Local and Appeals courts.
[[Image:Lucien_Megan.jpg|frame|right|Lucien as he appeared on the Enterprise]]
A race of [[ma:Humanoid|humanoids]] with extremely advanced vocal and audiotory abilities.  They have significantly larger ears and  have a greater range of skin tones and eye colors. The average male and female are 3-6 cm taller than their human counterparts. Hairstyles and facial hair are varied.
The Megans were an ageless species from the planet Megas-Tu that specialized in the ethics of magic and wizardry, therefore they can take any form they wish. The Megan what appeared on the bridge of Enterprise was a red-skinned humanoid with small horns on his head. Others appeared later as hooded beings.
* '''Height M/F''': 1.83/1.75 m
* '''Weight M/F''': 80/62 kg
* '''Eye Colors''':  Standard humaniod  i.e brown,green,blue (<1 percent are born with silver)
* '''Hair Colors''': Standard humaniod  i.e black,blonde,brown
* '''Skin Tones''': Varies from olive to golden brown
* '''Life Expectancy''': 134 years
* '''Handedness''': Ambidextrous
* '''Telepathic Status''': Fifteen percent born E1 or E2 [[T/E Rating System|Telepathic/Empathic Scale]]

Humanoid in form, but can assume any form due to their magical abilities.
Kerelians have a unique auditory system which minimizes noise and distortion and gives an accurate frequency response. While most humanoid species hear between 20-20000 hz, Kerelians have an incredible range of 2-42,000 hz and can hear sounds 8 times fainter than other humanoids.
The ridges that make up the outer ear, or pinna, amplify and pass sound waves to 6 sets of canals and eardrums, thus splitting sound waves into 6 distinct frequency ranges. Vibrations from the ear drums are sent to 6 cochleas for conversion to nerve impulses and transmission to an enlarged temporal lobe.  Also unique to other species, there is no degenerative hearing loss.
The Kerelian voice consists of sounds made by the vocal folds (cords), muscles of the larynx, and size of the vocal tract. Frequencies ranges from about 10 to 42,000 Hz, 6 times greater than other humanoids.  The lungs pump air into the larynx which vibrates 2 sets of vocal folds producing two different sets of frequencies. The frequencies are sent to a complex set of microscopic tubes and valves that can selectively add or subtract the frequencies resulting in incredible range. The muscles of the larynx adjust the length and tension of the vocal folds to ‘fine tune’ pitch and tone.
>> removed the part about Kerelians being the only ones with 2 sets of vocal folds. Its not canon and given the fact that more is being developed in the Star Trek universe, its always possible that another race will appear that is part of canon and has this particular physiology.
To live in a low pressure/oxygen atmosphere, Kerelians developed larger than normal lungs and heart. Efficient anaerobic and aerobic systems manage how oxygen is delivered to key organs and muscles. A mini-organ, called an Ebra, augments the production of red blood cells. Kerelians have two kidneys and two lungs and need both of each to survive. In the case of disease or injury the body can survive with one until a new one regenerates, a process that takes 2-4 weeks. In the interim a prosthetic is used.
The brain consists of 4 lobes. The temporal lobe, the largest and most complex, is responsible for processing audio information and a large portion, the Euadin, is used solely as a "back up" memory node for the other lobes. In case of injury to a lobe, information stored in that area can later be retrieved from the Euadin thus preventing memory loss. An area in the Temporal lobe, the Zyfur, is active in only about 15 percent of Kerelians who are born empathic, either E1 or E2 on the [[T/E Rating System|Telepathic/Empathic Scale]]. There is no genetic evidence that emphatic abilities are inherited.  Kerelian neurologists theorize a gene mutates while the fetus is developing.
>> Needed some downside to their physiology. Weak points, etc.

Megans are distrustful of Humans, and left Earth to go back to their homeworld due to the Salem trials that sent several of them to their deaths. The Megans were alone in their universe; there were no other lifeforms.  
Kerelians are both "idea"-people and "people"-people, who see everyone and everything as part of a cosmic whole. They want to both help and to be liked and admired by other people, on both an individual and species level. This is rarely a problem for Kerelians, as they are outgoing and warm, and genuinely liked people. Some Kerelains have a great deal of charm, which can ingratiate them to the most unexciting of people.
Kerelians have strong values and viewpoints. They tend to try to use their social skills to persuade others of the rightness of their views. This sometimes results in Kerelians neglecting what is closest to them while caught up their efforts to change the galaxy.
Dealing with the Federation and other species, Kerelians are pleasant and friendly, and interact in a positive and creative manner. Kerelians are problem solvers and quick thinkers.  They are not easily distracted and dislike performing small, uninteresting tasks. Kerelians are equally  productive when working in a group or as an individual.
Kerelians have a "silly switch." They can be intellectual, serious, all business for a while, and during the middle of a crisis come up with witticisms to relieve tension in a group.  Nothing seems to keep a Kerelian down nor those around them.
Kerleains are galactic learners and perfectionists. Close enough is not enough to satisfy a Kerelian. They can be intolerant of races that that feel “good enough” is fine. Kerelians excel at exacting disciplines such as mathematics and music. All of their music is based on advanced mathematics.  

The populace that has family roots to Actya are more adventurous and care free than their Abaran counter parts. Whilst Abarans are content to stay on their planet, Actyans are more prone to go to other worlds. It is by no coincidence that Actya was selected as the site for a Star Fleet Marine training base and that all Kerelians that have joined Star Fleet have famliey ties to Actya. Abaran is happy to be part of the UFoP's and welcomes visitors to their planet. Abarans make up nearly 100 percent of the diplomats to other planets and the UFoP's Ambassador. These are only small personality abberations between the people of the two continents and is a source of good natured planetary rivalry.

The Megans were an ageless species from the planet Megas-Tu that specialized in the ethics of magic and wizardry. During the 13th century, the Megans traveled to Earth where they assisted Humans with the art of magic, and were eventually responsible for the ancient legends of witches and warlocks.
'''Origin and History'''
The Heart of Kerelia, an ancient religion, emerged during the Tes’Aedra, or New Beginning.  On Actya it was known as Rona , and on Abaran as Cytus It is unknown how the religion and its practices flourished with nearly identical dogma and rituals on continents separated by 8000 km.  Followers of the Heart believe it was a test of the Kerelian people and if they kept the faith they would be one people again.
The texts for Heart of Kerelia are the compilation of the ancient teachings from both Rona and Cytus written by the prophets Bondara and Eocoll respectfully. Approximately 90 percent of Kerelians are followers of the Heart of Kerelia to varying degrees of faith and obedience.
It is a core belief to conquer all temptations and inner enemies such as anger, greed and pride by practicing non-attachment with the material[[Image:H_of_k.jpg|200px|right|thumb|Heart of Kerelia]] world and by living a peacefully disciplined lifestyle. Non-attachment was defined as “a believer would willingly give up all possessions to the Heart of Kerelia if asked”.  Followers are not prohibited from accumulating physical things and property even for comfort and entertainment.  For everything that is acquired that is not needed for sustenance an equal amount in value of food or shelter must be given to less fortunate, even if a non-believer.  This ritual of giving became the basis for the Kerelian monetary system.
'''Philosophy of non-violence'''
Actya, which had a period of tribal wars viewed any violence in self-defense is acceptable even if one must attack first to survive.  Ancient Rona texts validated the concept of forgiveness from the Gods if violence is used justly. Across the ocean the Abarans, who never knew of violence or wars, maintained that non-violence extended to all living things on earth which includes animals, fish and plants. Ancient Abarans had a strict diet of milk, nuts, seeds, and anything that fell from a plant naturally and was considered not living. The modern day following of followers of the Heart adhere more closely to the ancient Rona interpretation of non-violence. The symbol for the heart of Kerelia is a Heart which symbolizes the value of life. Inside the heart is a tear drop which symbolizes non-violence.  On either side are souls marching up to heaven after achieving hallador.
'''Life and Afterlife'''
[[File:Dais.jpg|200px|left|thumb|Death Dais]]Karma is the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one life according to that person’s deeds in the previous life.  A soul will live an endless cycle of lives until they reach  hallodor (an end from the cycle of rebirth) by a life of strict non-violence and repudiating the human body.  After death the body is put on a stone dais adorned with the Heart of Kerelia in a garden. If the body is left undisturbed by the elements and animals by sunrise then it is believed that the soul has achieved hallodor. Once hallodor is achieved the soul is liberated and sent to heaven where it becomes a God and sits with the other Gods. If the body is disturbed in any way hallodor is not achieved and the soul will be reincarnated. If the body is no longer on the dais the soul will cease to exist.
Followers believe every sentient being can become a God. They do not believe in a supreme creator or creators.  Further, they believe that only the soul has determination on its faith and no Being can help the soul.  According to the ancient texts, the universe is eternal. Nothing that exists now has ever been created nor will ever be destroyed.  The universe consists of only heaven and  hell.
Worship is practiced to ask the Gods for their guidance in the journey to liberate the soul. Worship takes place publicly at temples or at home at alters built of stone. The worship consists of devotions to the Gods by placing symbols of their possessions on the alter and meditation. Music and singing are key componets in the rituals. Worship is practiced every 16 days and may last hours.
'''The Dindri'''
The Dindri were once followers of the Heart of Kerelia but believed Kerelians were not adhering to the wishes of the prophets. They are xenophobes and broke away from the continents after the Ornis War. The sight of violence and devastation drove them to a monastic life style and the live in the caves carved below Ecosa. It is a mystery how they survive in the depths of Ecosa but signs of life are detected by space borne sensors.

For years scientists have theorized that if our galaxy was created from a great explosion, then the center of the galaxy might still be creating new matter. The Enterprise was sent on a scientific mission to find the creation point, an area in the galactic core where matter was being created.
Ancient Merindorans believed that before the world was created there was a place called Ganindara. Ganindara was a cold and dark place void of stars and sun.  Rivers flowed from mountians and formed great oceans. The waves from the oceans beat against the mountains until three giant statues were formed. A being from the heavens, Merindora, happened upon Ganidara and saw these statues.  Merindora was cast from his own world and was given the power to cast one spell. Once he used that power he would soon cease to exist.  Merindora was lonely from travelling throught the heavens for unknown millenia and wanted friendship. When he saw the statues he used his power to give them life. The statues came alive and [[File:Statue11.jpg|150px|thumbnail|left|Millan]]he called them gods and named them Millan, Ouduna, and Rysuan.  Merindora enjoyed his last days with the gods he created. When Merindora died they buried him in the center of the triangle where the lifeless statues once stood. The earth growled and moaned for seventy three days and soon a huge land mass was born. The gods named this Merindora.
Soon the gods grew weary of Merindora and they too wanted to travel the heavens. Before they departed they wanted Merindora to be bathing in light and be lush with vegetation and creatures so their fathers soul will not be lonely.  Millan went to the frozen waste land and heaved a giant glacier into the air. It burst into many shiny pieces of crystal which became the stars. He heaved a second slab into the air and it burst with light to become the sun. Ouduna traveled to the volcanoes and reached his hand inside extracting the lava. Slowly he molded the semi-molten rock into the form of creatures which would roam and master the land and oceans of Merindora.  He called these creatures Kerelians. Ouduna continued to shape the lava into lesser creatures which became the animals. Rysuan crushed a mountain into ashes and sent them flying with the wind.  The ashes fell on the land and oceans of Merindora and soon plants of every imaginable kind were flourishing.  Satisfied they carved 3 statues with likenesses of themselves. One of ice, one of wood, one of stone. They then left Merindora to explore the heavens never to return.
Tales of Merindora are enjoyed by Kerelian children today. Anthropologist theorize the that the foundation of the mythology rest with reproduction characteristics of the Kerelain women.  Kerelian females give birth only once and bear three children. The gestation period is seventy three days.  In the Kerlian Museum of History are what is beleived to be the stautes of wood and stone. The statue of ice, if it existed at all, was to have been destroyed during the upheaval that split Merindora in two.

Kerelian society has a love for music and to a lesser degree arts and sciences. Everything from personal names to the names of cities reflect the musical heritage. Most Kerelians live in large cities with vast farmland in between. An advanced transportation system consists of Transporters and a complex network of "near the speed of light" magnetic rail cars. They are an advanced technological society with a rating of N+ on the [[T/E Rating System|Telepathic/Empathic Scale]] but choose to live as an agrarian society who still works the farmlands by hand and animal.  Technological wonders that have seen their birth on Kerelia are used sparingly. Utilities such as water and power plants are automated  requiring  minimal maintenence and giving citizens the time to focus on their personal intersts.  The Kerelian Academy of Sciences still produce galaxy class scientists who are sought through out the Federation.

Kerelians have nuclear families but beleive that the community as whole is responsible for the development of a well versed citizen.  Kerelian parents exchange children from family to family for 2 months of the year so they can experience different forms of the arts. Children choose a Klata, or life path, when they are 16 and choose a mate at the age of 26 for females and 24 for males who become life long partners.  Females give birth only once and will have three offspring.  There are three major rituals that each Kerelain must go through or achieve. 
Kerelians are a non violent race but are fierce to defend themselves if attacked. No murder has been committed by a Kerelian in over 100 years and the incidence of violent crime is low but has seen a rise since the admittance to the Federation and the associated increase in visitors to the planet.  The society welcomes all races and approves of inter species mating. There is little crime on the planet.

The culture of Kerelia has evolved over thousands of years, beginning with Tes'Adeara, The New Beginning then continuing on with the Enlightenment period.  Historians credit the Age of Enlightenment (when the peoples from Actya and Abaran met) with giving birth to and solidifying a single culture. The core Kerelian belief is that the mind and body are intruments of art and music. The number Seventy Three
is used an inordinate amount of times to be a coincidence. It is seen in musical notation, the amount of symbols in their language, and art and architecture.
'''Music and Dance'''
The music of Kerelia is diverse and rooted deep in its history. Kerelian music separates into two parts: Traditional music, that which [[File:Kerelian_Music.jpg|150px|thumbnail|right|Music Notation]]originated on Abaran; and combined music, music that is influenced by Actya. Many compositions have existed for millennia that originated in the Tes'Adears amd the Enlightnment Ages. Ironicaly Kerelians discourage the creation of new genres and instead concentrate on perfecting the perfect relationship between math and music.  Music notation is expressed with mathematical models and the use of wavelengths and colors. Every social function or activity on Kerelia, no matter how small, has a music or vocal component to it.
Dance is considered a lesser form of expression but is not frowned upon.  While Kerelians view music as a science, they view dance as entertainment and recreation.

Meditation is conducted privately and outdoors except for Devotional meditation which is done at an alter or temple.  It is not uncommon to meditate up to 4 hours a day. Kerelians practice 3 forms of meditation:

* '''Awareness Meditation''': Is about being aware of the sounds and activities happening around you.
Magic Potions are commonplace among Megan. Example: A love philtre is a magic potion used by the Megans to attract lovers. Since all the women of Megas-Tu are as young and beautiful as they want to be, they need an edge to ensnare the man they desire. (TAS: "The Magicks of Megas-Tu")
* '''Devoional Meditation''': Is for those who regularly participate in prayer. It is based on communicating with God.
* '''Convergent Meditation''': Focusing on a sounds, objects, or thoughts.
'''Art and Architecture'''
Kerelians beleive that the body is a canvas.  Children get thier first body art at the age of 6 and first piercings at 8. Both paintings and body art are anti-naturalist. They favor symbolism over realism. Artisans consider the art of sculpting as simplistic and avoid the art.  Exceptions are for decorative pieces that adorn the various temples across the planet.
Kerelian architecture is unique as it is beautiful. Each structure must be approved by the Provincial Board of Music to ensure it meets specific acoustic properties. Each structure design represents musical notation. When all adjacent structures are viewed together from above they represent a  musical composition. Each city is named after the composition.
'''Language'''[[File:Kerelian1_Language.png|200px|thumbnail|right|Kerelian Language]]
It is generally accepted that Kerelians have some of the most beautiful voices in the Galaxy. This a result of a unique physiology and an intricate and complex language. It is an extremely precise language with 43 constanants, 13 vowels, and 17 dipthongs. Much emphasis is placed on the vowels and dipthongs. Nouns in Kerelian are either masculine or feminine. There are no neuter nouns in the language. Gender is assigned arbitrarily; there are no set of concrete rules that govern whether a noun should be masculine or feminine. Nine tenses exist in the Kerelian language; present, past, far past, near future, future, infinite, and conditional. There are no dialects but there exist six distinct accents that originate from the two continents and the 4 major islands. Most say the voices have a sing song like quality.
'''Martial Arts'''
[[File:Kerelian_dagger.jpg|200px|thumbnail|left|Cyluin Dagger]]As with most art forms, Kerelains have embraced martial arts.  All citizens are masters of at least 2 forms. Martial arts are studied for many reasons. Fitness, self-defense, and competition. Many disciplines have developed over the centuries. The more commonly practiced are:
* '''Avyan''':The most common. Avyan is required for school children and most become Journey Masters by the age of 17 and achieve Great Grand Master status by the age of 25. Avyan is practiced after morning meditation. It focuses on using the bodies core strength with fast powerful movements to throw an attacker off balance. Any child over the age of 12 can compete with most adults that have not achieved Journey Master.
* '''Blabeta''': Taught only after one has achieved Journey Master in Avyan. An offensive style, it is taught to those in the Orbital Security Forces and Provincial Peace Officers. Known for quick brutal moves it is a particularly dangerous form of the arts and results in many injuries for those trying to achieve Highest Master.
* '''Cyluin''': The most difficult and deadly of the arts.  Its history goes back before the Age of Enlightenment and originated on Actya. It stress's agility, strength, cunning, stealth and the use of various weapons including poisons.  Grandest High Masters of this art are respected with high esteem. All of the training is conducted in secret and when one achieves Master level they are adorned with an honored tattoo.
* '''[[ma:Mok'bara|Mok'bara]]''': A Klingon form of martial arts became popular after Kerelia became a member of the Federation.  It has been growing in popularity over the years and may someday overtake Avyan in popularity. Use of the Bat'Leth and othe Klingon weapons are incorporated in the training.
Kerelians spend there leisure with many activities.  They enjoy the challeges of climbing Mt. Aujin, 40,000m, to diving to the depths of the oceans, 29,000m. Many arenas are used for various sporting events. The most popular are, [[ma:Geskana|Geskana]], [[ma:Vajhaq|Vajhaq]], [[ma:Parrises_squares|Parrises Squares]], and [[ma:Karo-Net|Karo-Net]]. In addition to the daily performances in the arts Kerelians enjoy leisury games such as [[ma:Tongo|Tongo]] and [[ma:Three-dimensional_chess|3D Chess]].
==Customs and Rituals==
Kerelians have many customs and rituals ranging from simple greetings to rituals celebrating milestones in life. Some of the more interesting customs are:
* It is bad luck to not make a small joke or pun when meeting someone new
* When invited to a friends house for a gathering you must sing briefly at the entrance to announce your arrival
* At meal time pets are fed first
* When an adult approaches a table the children must stand and greet him
Rituals are taken very seriously by Kerelains.  They have many rituals but the following three are rooted in their history and religion and are considered sacred and protected by law against blasphemy. For one to ridicule a ritual is a crime. It is not a crime however for those who do not follow the Heart of Kerelia. Many who are not followers do partake in the rituals out of respect for their culture and families.
* '''Hekla (Ritual of Birth)''':[[File:Ceremony.jpg|150px|thumbnail|right|Hekla Tea Set]] The Hekla rituall is performed seventy three days after a Kerlian female gives birth.  The parents are required to compose three unique compositions of music, one for each child. The mother will compose one for the first child to enter the world and the father for the last.  Together they will compose one for the middle child. During the ritual each piece of music is played by members of the family as the children are presented individually to the gathering of well wishers. The music is archived and will not be played again until the Ritual of Death. All present meditate for an hour praying for the reborn souls. To conclude the ceremony the parents drink tea from a ceremonial tea set called a Hekla. Each Hekla is unique and made for the family by a craftsman. The parents will sip from three cups, each adorned with the childs name on it.  The individual tea cups are destroyed during the Death Ritual if hallodor has been attained by that child.
* '''Naris (Ritual of Marriage)''': Kerelian men and woman join as life long companions at the age of 24 for males and 26 for females. It is the longest of the Kerelian rituals and consists of three parts; the proposal, the betrothal, and the union.
** '''Proposal''': [[File:Statue3.jpg|150px|thumbnail|left|Naris Stone]]The Naris begins with an elaborate marriage proposal and acceptance. The parents of the woman are responsible for the wording of the proposal that she will recite to the man. The parents of the man prepare a song acceptance that the man will perform for the woman. After the woman approves of the song the couple will move into the mans parents house.
** '''Betrothal''': Both sets of parents exchange family histories and Lomin's (family crest).  They consult with an artist to combine the Lomins and give him permission to carve the new one. The parents of the couple work together to choose names for the expected children. The parents of the bride choose the first names while the parents of the groom choose the middle names.  Between the Betrothal and the Union the couple must undergo a journey. The bride must travel to the island of Adatlina and meditate facing the east.  The groom meditates on Clessa facing west. They join together on Edela and meditate on Mt. Urys.
** '''Union''': The Naris is complete after the Union ceremony.  All Union ceremonies are held on the island of Tanis. The ceremony is lavish and can take over five hours.  During the Betrothal period the couple was required to write a Comic Opera about the history of both families. Friends of the families perform the opera. The elders of both families pretend they are offended by the comical depictions of themsleves and throw vegetables at the couple who are in a booth of honor. The couple has time to change into formal attire and stand before a priest who performs the ceremony. After the vows have been recited in song the couple is stripped to the waist and a tattoo of the new Lomin is painted on their left shoulders. To complete the ceremony the couple hold onto each side of an Utra stone that contains three pieces of straw.  The straw is a fertility symbol representing the three children they will be entrusted with. A large party follows lasting through out the night.
* '''Linal (Ritual of Death)''': [[File:Dais.jpg|150px|thumbnail|right|Death Dais]]The Linal is an elaborate and the most ritualistic of the Rituals. Great care is given to the preperation and protection of the body. The body is the vessel for the soul.  While alive the body, by its actions and deeds, is responsible for protecting the soul.  After death this responsibility falls to a select group of Eota's, literally body guards. The body is stripped and an artist make likeness's of the deceases tattoos. Then the body is washed and wrapped in linen. Chosen friends and family carry the body to a dais that has a carving of the Heart of Kerelia in the center. The body is layed upon the dais.  A priest gives a prayer and the body is left until morning. If the body is left undisturbed by the elements and animals by sunrise then it is believed that the soul has achieved hallodor. Once hallodor is achieved the soul is liberated and sent to heaven where it becomes a God and sits with the other Gods. If the body is disturbed in any way hallodor is not achieved and the soul will be reincarnated. If the body is no longer on the dais the soul will cease to exist.

Megan technology is limited only by the humanoid technology they encounter. Lucien was able to restore the Enterprise computers and systems when they failed, rendering the crew consciousness due to the lack of oxygen.
[[File:Lightspeed.jpg|200px|thumbnail|left|Near Light Speed Rail]]Kerelia is classed as N+ (Civil Technocracy Age) on the [[Planetary_Development_Scale#N.2B|Planetary Development Scale]]. They are a space travelling race and have achieved warp capability. Power on the planet is produced from a unique method of harnessing ionized gases emitted from their sun and incorporating it into cold fusion.  This method is highly efficient and portable devices can be used to power entire cities in case a natural disaster destroys the existing power producing facilities. Kerelia had developed cloaking technology but abandoned it after admission to the Federation in keeping with the [[ma:Treaty_of_Algeron|Treaty of Algeron]].  They developed an unique transportation system which utilizes Transporters but also developed a revolutionary "near light speed" underground rail system. Sonic sciences technology is a major export of Kerelia.  This technology has revolutionized how ore is mined on asteroids using remote sonic drills.

There is no official tender used by the citizens of Kerelia to purchase items. The economic system on Kerelia is based on shared wealth. Over a period of hundreds of years, giving to those that need what you do not need ended with the elimination of economic classes.  Today all Kerelians work toward common goals. Barter and trade are common forms of exchange of goods and services as well as individual promises and contracts. The provincial governments use a complicated formula to buy and sell Latinum with each other.  The formula is based on how much one provinces services and skills are lended to another province. The Treasury Department collects taxes on the accumulated Latinum and is used to trade with other planets for resources and goods not available on Kerelia. The profits made from trades are then re-distributed back to the provinces where they may make unilateral trades with approved trading partners.

No known military.
Kerelia has no standing military designed to defend against attacks from other space faring species.  Full membership to the Federation guarantees protection in the event of an aggressor. Because of the historical memories of the Ornis War all Kerelians at the age of 23 under go mandatory training in basic military skills and conduct planetary wide defense drills every two years. An Orbital Security Force (OSF) is equipped with 20 heavy cruisers to protect 8 space stations, prevent smuggling, and defend against piracy. An additional 7 light cruisers armed with Type 3 phasers are used to escort transports and cargo ships into Federation protected space. A small contingent of Star Fleet Marines is assigned to their permanent base north west of Actya Bay and can be used for defense with the permission of Star Fleet and UFoP's.

==Federation Intelligence Files==
==Federation Intelligence Files==
For more data see Federation Intelligence File # [[MA:The Magicks of Megas-Tu|TAS-1254-4821]]
For more data see Federation Intelligence files # [[ma:Lessons|TNG-2361-8463]]

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