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(→‎How to Submit Your Character's Card: update for naming convention)
(40 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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<includeonly><div style="position: relative; z-index:3; left:4px; width: 357px; height: 499px; overflow: hidden"><div style="position: absolute; z-index:4; left: 0px; top: 0px; padding: 0;">
<includeonly>{{#if: {{{TRAIT 1|}}}
{|border=0 width=360 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 align=center style="font-family:Lucida Sans, Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, sans-serif"
|{{#if: {{{SPECIAL|}}}
|height=72 valign=bottom|<font size=4>'''''{{{NAME}}}'''''</font>
|{{#switch: {{{SPECIAL|}}}
|Incident={{Special1 Card|NAME={{{NAME|}}}|SPECIAL={{{SPECIAL|}}}|IMAGE={{{IMAGE|}}}|ABOUT={{{ABOUT|}}}}}
!colspan=100% height=260 valign=bottom style="text-transform:uppercase; font-weight: 100"|{{{SPECIES|}}}
|incident={{Special1 Card|NAME={{{NAME|}}}|SPECIAL={{{SPECIAL|}}}|IMAGE={{{IMAGE|}}}|ABOUT={{{ABOUT|}}}}}
|INCIDENT={{Special1 Card|NAME={{{NAME|}}}|SPECIAL={{{SPECIAL|}}}|IMAGE={{{IMAGE|}}}|ABOUT={{{ABOUT|}}}}}
|colspan=100% height=10 valign=bottom|
|Objective={{Special1 Card|NAME={{{NAME|}}}|SPECIAL={{{SPECIAL|}}}|IMAGE={{{IMAGE|}}}|ABOUT={{{ABOUT|}}}}}
|Objective={{Special1 Card|NAME={{{NAME|}}}|SPECIAL={{{SPECIAL|}}}|IMAGE={{{IMAGE|}}}|ABOUT={{{ABOUT|}}}}}
|Objective={{Special1 Card|NAME={{{NAME|}}}|SPECIAL={{{SPECIAL|}}}|IMAGE={{{IMAGE|}}}|ABOUT={{{ABOUT|}}}}}
|width=240 style="font-size:x-small"|{{{ABOUT|}}}
|{{Special2 Card|NAME={{{NAME|}}}|SPECIAL={{{SPECIAL|}}}|IMAGE={{{IMAGE|}}}|ABOUT={{{ABOUT|}}}|ACTION={{{ACTION|}}}}}}}
|{{Ship Card|NAME={{{NAME|}}}|IMAGE={{{IMAGE|}}}|{{{1|256}}}|CLASS={{{CLASS|}}}|ABOUT={{{ABOUT|}}}|SYSTEMS={{{SYSTEMS|}}}|RANGE={{{RANGE|}}}|WEAPONS={{{WEAPONS|}}}|SHIELDS={{{SHIELDS|}}}}}
|colspan=100% height=60 valign=bottom|
<font size=6>'''StarBase 118 Offline RPG Card Game'''</font><br>
|width=130 style="font-size:small"|
*'''{{{TRAIT 1|}}}'''
*'''{{{TRAIT 2|}}}'''
|width=130 style="font-size:small"|
*'''{{{TRAIT 3|}}}'''
*'''{{{TRAIT 4|}}}'''
|colspan=100% height=42 valign=bottom|
|width=120 align=right|'''{{{INTEGRITY|}}}'''
|width=87 align=right|'''{{{CUNNING|}}}'''
|width=90 align=right|'''{{{STRENGTH|}}}'''
|}</div><div style="position: absolute; z-index:2; width: 357px; height: 499px; left: 0px; top: 2px; padding: 0;">[[File:Card.png|link=]]</div><div style="background:black; position: absolute; left: 52px; top: 100px; width: 256px; height: 187px; overflow: hidden"><div style="position: relative; background:black; z-index:1; width: 256px; left: 0px; top: -40px;">[[File:{{{IMAGE|}}}|256px|center|link=]]</div></div></div></includeonly><noinclude>
<font size=6>'''Print your own StarBase 118 Trading Cards!'''</font><br>
Attention, fleetmates! We're excited to announce that after two decades of simming online, StarBase 118 is expanding to new frontiers: '''table top gaming!'''
Attention, fleetmates! We're excited to announce that after two decades of simming online, StarBase 118 is expanding to new frontiers: '''table top gaming!'''

In preparation for the launch of our new format, you can use this template to create RPG playing cards of your existing characters.
===Consider the following:===
*Ever want to sim but the wi-fi is just terrible at your location?
*Find all this "reading of sims" gets in the way of the action?
*Do you enjoy collecting things and want something a bit more tangible of your characters?
*Like numbers?
The '''StarBase 118 Offline RPG Card Game''' will bring a whole new generation of fans to the StarBase 118 universe! Whether you're an old school table top gamer or a newbie, the SB118ORPGCG offers something for everyone!
[[File:SB118CardGame.jpg|center|thumb|600px|'''Coming Spring 2015!''' StarBase 118 Offline RPG Card Game starter set]]
Our starter set coming in Spring 2015 will launch with the entire [[Fleet Roster]] of current characters and all current ships in the fleet. In addition, mission cards compiled from the best missions in our archives will be included, and we'll continue to add more with future expansion packs.

<pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">
===But we need your help!===
In preparation for the launch of our new format, you can use this template to create RPG playing cards of your existing characters and submit them to our [http://forums.starbase118.net/index.php/topic/11685-new-starbase-118-offline-rpg-card-game-announced/ official launch thread] for final printing and mass production.
A full rulebook is currently being drafted, so until then, feel free to make your best guess as to what traits and stats your character needs. We'll ultimately balance the card game so that no one character card trumps the others.
|NAME=Tristam Core
|NAME=Tristam Core
|ABOUT=Chief Engineer of USS ''Garuda''. Components expert. Loves swuit sticks. Hates propulsion.
|ABOUT=Chief Engineer of USS ''Garuda''. Components expert. Loves swuit sticks. Hates propulsion.
Line 49: Line 47:
|NAME=Roshanara Rahman
|ABOUT=Project Manager for the SCE. Starship R&D expert. Doctorate in Engineering. Tone deaf.
|TRAIT 1=Leadership
|TRAIT 2=Calm
|TRAIT 3=Quick Thinker
|TRAIT 4=Mischievous
==How to Submit Your Character's Card==
To create a card for your character, add /Card to the end of your current character's bio page's URL to create a new StarBase 118 Offline RPG Card Game subpage for your character.
Example: [[Roshanara Rahman/Card]]
Then, cut and paste the following template code:
<pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">
|NAME=Tristam Core
|NAME=Tristam Core
Line 65: Line 84:
Then just replace Tristam Core's information with the information and an image for your character!
===Longer Species Name or Hybrids===
If your character is a hybrid or has a long species name that doesn't quite fit in the species box, just put font size tags around it like so:
<pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">|SPECIES=<font size=1>Human/Gideon</font></pre>
|NAME=Roshanara Rahman
|NAME=Jess Webber
|IMAGE=Falls Webber Selfie.jpg|0
|SPECIES=<font size=1>Human/Gideon</font>
|ABOUT=Project Manager for the SCE. Starship R&D expert. Doctorate in Engineering. Tone deaf.
|ABOUT=Operations Officer of the ''Mercury''. BFFs with Nick Falls (pictured). Musician. Loves gossip.
|TRAIT 1=Leadership
|TRAIT 1=Playful
|TRAIT 2=Calm
|TRAIT 2=Carefree
|TRAIT 3=Quick Thinker
|TRAIT 3=Restless
|TRAIT 4=Mischievous
|TRAIT 4=Impatient
|NAME=Lenette Firestarter
|SPECIES=<font size=1>Betazoid/Vulcan</font>
|ABOUT=Chief Engineer of the USS ''Gemini''. Fiery personality with a twist of mild insanity.
|TRAIT 1=Aggressive
|TRAIT 2=Intelligent
|TRAIT 3=Displaced
|TRAIT 4=Fierce
===Image adjustment has now been added!===
If you need to adjust your image up or down because the head's too low or high, simply add the the number of pixels you want to move the image up after the image name, separated by a "|" character.
The template by default moves the image up by 40 pixels, so if you want to move the image down, choose a number less than 40 all the way down to 0 by putting |20 or |0 for instance. (Negative numbers are treated as 0 because a picture at 0 has its top edge aligned with the edge of the card window.)
Play with the number and hit preview until you're satisfied.
<pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">
|NAME=Msafiri Bakari
|ABOUT=First officer of the ''Garuda''. Survivor of the Vaadwaur Occupation of 2387. History buff.
|TRAIT 1=Loyal
|TRAIT 2=Protective
|TRAIT 3=Romantic
|TRAIT 4=Hot Tempered
<center><font size=5>'''Unadjusted vs Adjusted:'''</font></center>
|NAME=Msafiri Bakari
|ABOUT=First officer of the ''Garuda''. Survivor of the Vaadwaur Occupation of 2387. History buff.
|TRAIT 1=Loyal
|TRAIT 2=Protective
|TRAIT 3=Romantic
|TRAIT 4=Hot Tempered
|NAME=Msafiri Bakari
|ABOUT=First officer of the ''Garuda''. Survivor of the Vaadwaur Occupation of 2387. History buff.
|TRAIT 1=Loyal
|TRAIT 2=Protective
|TRAIT 3=Romantic
|TRAIT 4=Hot Tempered
===Limited Edition Cards===
To make your card a '''Limited Edition''' card (such as an alternate version of your regular character, simply create a new subpage for your character such as /LimitedEditionCard and add |LIMITED EDITION=Yes to your card code. This will give it a unique background from your regular character's card and add the Limited Edition card to the [[:Category:Limited Edition Cards|Limited Edition Cards category]].
<pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">
|NAME=Ayelet - Mirror Universe
|ABOUT=Raised to be a comfort woman. Instead, found ever creative ways to kill her suitors.
|TRAIT 1=Tenacious
|TRAIT 2=Amoral
|TRAIT 3=Capricious
|TRAIT 4=Independent
|NAME=Ayelet Kadosh
|IMAGE=Ayelet kadosh.jpg|0
|ABOUT=Nurse and Vaadwaur Occupation survivor. Sings. Allergic to cats. Still loves her Caitian.
|TRAIT 1=Compassionate
|TRAIT 2=Adventurous
|TRAIT 3=Devoted
|TRAIT 4=Resilient
|NAME=Ayelet - Mirror Universe
|ABOUT=Raised to be a comfort woman. Instead, found ever creative ways to kill her suitors.
|TRAIT 1=Tenacious
|TRAIT 2=Amoral
|TRAIT 3=Capricious
|TRAIT 4=Independent
<font size=5><center>'''Link your card page to the [http://forums.starbase118.net/index.php/topic/11685-new-starbase-118-offline-rpg-card-game-announced/ official launch thread on the forums]!'''</center></font>
==Want to help make [[:Category:Ship Cards|ship card]] for us?==
To make a [[:Category:Ship Cards|ship card]], just use the following code:
<pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">
|NAME=U.S.S. Victory
|ABOUT=Long-range science vessel. QSD. Expansive science equipment. Tends to get in battle. Recently underwent extensive refit in 2392.
|SYSTEMS=Holodeck, Tractor Beam, Quantum Slipstream
|NAME=U.S.S. Victory
|ABOUT=Long-range science vessel. QSD. Expansive science equipment. Tends to get in battle. Recently underwent extensive refit in 2392.
|SYSTEMS=Holodeck, Tractor Beam, Quantum Slipstream
|NAME=U.S.S. Garuda
|ABOUT=Second generation explorer, suited for deep space exploration of the Menthar Corridor. Commanded by Captain Egan Manno.
|SYSTEMS=Piano Bar, Arboretum, Extensive Science Suites
Unlike the character cards, the ship cards fit the image by height rather than width and automatically center the image. If you want to move the image manually left or right, just use that image adjustment trick again (except this time, the number will move the image horizontally) and play around until the image is right where you want it.
All ship cards get added automatically to the [[:Category:Ship Cards|ship card category]].
==Special Cards: Incidents, Objectives, Artifacts, Interrupts, Events, and Dilemmas==
By popular request, you can now make special cards in the following six categories:
*'''Incident Cards'''
*'''Objective Cards'''
*'''Artifact Cards'''
*'''Interrupt Cards'''
*'''Event Cards'''
*'''Dilemma Cards'''
Simply add a SPECIAL= to the card code and the template will interpret what kind of card you want.
<pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">
|NAME=Intercept the ''Mercury''
|ABOUT=The USS ''Mercury'' has gone rogue and attacked a fellow Starfleet vessel. You are hereby ordered to hunt her down and apprehend the crew.
'''You will need officers with cunning and engineering, security, and leadership skills.'''
'''Incident''' and '''objective''' cards only need the four variables of NAME, IMAGE, SPECIAL, and ABOUT.
The other four special cards ('''artifact, interrupt, event,''' and '''dilemma''') have an additional ACTION= variable for you to specify what the card does.
<pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">
|NAME=Ion Storm
|ABOUT=An ion storm has wreaked havoc with StarBase 118’s systems and sent a civilian freighter crashing into the starbase’s strategic ops tower.
|ACTION=Lose a turn.
'''Any other vessels in play are reduced in RANGE by 2.'''
|NAME=Intercept the ''Mercury''
|ABOUT=The USS ''Mercury'' has gone rogue and attacked a fellow Starfleet vessel. You are hereby ordered to hunt her down and apprehend the crew.
'''You will need officers with cunning and engineering, security, and leadership skills.'''
|NAME=Ion Storm
|ABOUT=An ion storm has wreaked havoc with StarBase 118’s systems and sent a civilian freighter crashing into the starbase’s strategic ops tower.
|ACTION=Lose a turn.
'''Any other vessels in play are reduced in RANGE by 2.'''
<small>...also. Happy April Fools! Thanks everyone for making this truly awesome and memorable! :D [[User:Rich|'''♫ Rich''']] ▪ [[User talk:Rich|<small>talk</small>]] ▪ [[118Wiki:Administrators|<small>118Wiki Administrator</small>]]</small>

Latest revision as of 22:55, 6 March 2018

StarBase 118 Offline RPG Card Game
Attention, fleetmates! We're excited to announce that after two decades of simming online, StarBase 118 is expanding to new frontiers: table top gaming!

Consider the following:

  • Ever want to sim but the wi-fi is just terrible at your location?
  • Find all this "reading of sims" gets in the way of the action?
  • Do you enjoy collecting things and want something a bit more tangible of your characters?
  • Like numbers?

The StarBase 118 Offline RPG Card Game will bring a whole new generation of fans to the StarBase 118 universe! Whether you're an old school table top gamer or a newbie, the SB118ORPGCG offers something for everyone!

Coming Spring 2015! StarBase 118 Offline RPG Card Game starter set

Our starter set coming in Spring 2015 will launch with the entire Fleet Roster of current characters and all current ships in the fleet. In addition, mission cards compiled from the best missions in our archives will be included, and we'll continue to add more with future expansion packs.

But we need your help!

In preparation for the launch of our new format, you can use this template to create RPG playing cards of your existing characters and submit them to our official launch thread for final printing and mass production.

A full rulebook is currently being drafted, so until then, feel free to make your best guess as to what traits and stats your character needs. We'll ultimately balance the card game so that no one character card trumps the others.

Tristam Core
Chief Engineer of USS Garuda. Components expert. Loves swuit sticks. Hates propulsion.
  • Dramatic
  • Overconfident
  • Protective
  • Outspoken
4 8 5
Roshanara Rahman
Project Manager for the SCE. Starship R&D expert. Doctorate in Engineering. Tone deaf.
  • Leadership
  • Calm
  • Quick Thinker
  • Mischievous
8 7 3

How to Submit Your Character's Card

To create a card for your character, add /Card to the end of your current character's bio page's URL to create a new StarBase 118 Offline RPG Card Game subpage for your character.

Example: Roshanara Rahman/Card

Then, cut and paste the following template code:

|NAME=Tristam Core
|ABOUT=Chief Engineer of USS ''Garuda''. Components expert. Loves swuit sticks. Hates propulsion.
|TRAIT 1=Dramatic
|TRAIT 2=Overconfident
|TRAIT 3=Protective
|TRAIT 4=Outspoken

Then just replace Tristam Core's information with the information and an image for your character!

Longer Species Name or Hybrids

If your character is a hybrid or has a long species name that doesn't quite fit in the species box, just put font size tags around it like so:

|SPECIES=<font size=1>Human/Gideon</font>
Jess Webber
Operations Officer of the Mercury. BFFs with Nick Falls (pictured). Musician. Loves gossip.
  • Playful
  • Carefree
  • Restless
  • Impatient
3 5 4
Falls Webber Selfie.jpg
Lenette Firestarter
Chief Engineer of the USS Gemini. Fiery personality with a twist of mild insanity.
  • Aggressive
  • Intelligent
  • Displaced
  • Fierce
3 8 5
Firestarter, Lenette.png

Image adjustment has now been added!

If you need to adjust your image up or down because the head's too low or high, simply add the the number of pixels you want to move the image up after the image name, separated by a "|" character.

The template by default moves the image up by 40 pixels, so if you want to move the image down, choose a number less than 40 all the way down to 0 by putting |20 or |0 for instance. (Negative numbers are treated as 0 because a picture at 0 has its top edge aligned with the edge of the card window.)

Play with the number and hit preview until you're satisfied.

|NAME=Msafiri Bakari
|ABOUT=First officer of the ''Garuda''. Survivor of the Vaadwaur Occupation of 2387. History buff.
|TRAIT 1=Loyal
|TRAIT 2=Protective
|TRAIT 3=Romantic
|TRAIT 4=Hot Tempered
Unadjusted vs Adjusted:
Msafiri Bakari
First officer of the Garuda. Survivor of the Vaadwaur Occupation of 2387. History buff.
  • Loyal
  • Protective
  • Romantic
  • Hot Tempered
5 6 7
Msafiri Bakari
First officer of the Garuda. Survivor of the Vaadwaur Occupation of 2387. History buff.
  • Loyal
  • Protective
  • Romantic
  • Hot Tempered
5 6 7

Limited Edition Cards

To make your card a Limited Edition card (such as an alternate version of your regular character, simply create a new subpage for your character such as /LimitedEditionCard and add |LIMITED EDITION=Yes to your card code. This will give it a unique background from your regular character's card and add the Limited Edition card to the Limited Edition Cards category.

|NAME=Ayelet - Mirror Universe
|ABOUT=Raised to be a comfort woman. Instead, found ever creative ways to kill her suitors.
|TRAIT 1=Tenacious
|TRAIT 2=Amoral
|TRAIT 3=Capricious
|TRAIT 4=Independent
Ayelet Kadosh
Nurse and Vaadwaur Occupation survivor. Sings. Allergic to cats. Still loves her Caitian.
  • Compassionate
  • Adventurous
  • Devoted
  • Resilient
7 3 4
Ayelet kadosh.jpg
Ayelet - Mirror Universe
Raised to be a comfort woman. Instead, found ever creative ways to kill her suitors.
  • Tenacious
  • Amoral
  • Capricious
  • Independent
0 9 5

Link your card page to the official launch thread on the forums!

Want to help make ship card for us?

To make a ship card, just use the following code:

|NAME=U.S.S. Victory
|ABOUT=Long-range science vessel. QSD. Expansive science equipment. Tends to get in battle. Recently underwent extensive refit in 2392.
|SYSTEMS=Holodeck, Tractor Beam, Quantum Slipstream 
U.S.S. Victory
Intrepid class
Long-range science vessel. QSD. Expansive science equipment. Tends to get in battle. Recently underwent extensive refit in 2392.
Holodeck, Tractor Beam, Quantum Slipstream
8 7 8
U.S.S. Garuda
Galaxy class
Second generation explorer, suited for deep space exploration of the Menthar Corridor. Commanded by Captain Egan Manno.
Piano Bar, Arboretum, Extensive Science Suites
9 6 7

Unlike the character cards, the ship cards fit the image by height rather than width and automatically center the image. If you want to move the image manually left or right, just use that image adjustment trick again (except this time, the number will move the image horizontally) and play around until the image is right where you want it.

All ship cards get added automatically to the ship card category.

Special Cards: Incidents, Objectives, Artifacts, Interrupts, Events, and Dilemmas

By popular request, you can now make special cards in the following six categories:

  • Incident Cards
  • Objective Cards
  • Artifact Cards
  • Interrupt Cards
  • Event Cards
  • Dilemma Cards

Simply add a SPECIAL= to the card code and the template will interpret what kind of card you want.

|NAME=Intercept the ''Mercury''
|ABOUT=The USS ''Mercury'' has gone rogue and attacked a fellow Starfleet vessel. You are hereby ordered to hunt her down and apprehend the crew.

'''You will need officers with cunning and engineering, security, and leadership skills.'''

Incident and objective cards only need the four variables of NAME, IMAGE, SPECIAL, and ABOUT.

The other four special cards (artifact, interrupt, event, and dilemma) have an additional ACTION= variable for you to specify what the card does.

|NAME=Ion Storm
|ABOUT=An ion storm has wreaked havoc with StarBase 118’s systems and sent a civilian freighter crashing into the starbase’s strategic ops tower.
|ACTION=Lose a turn.

'''Any other vessels in play are reduced in RANGE by 2.'''


Intercept the Mercury
The USS Mercury has gone rogue and attacked a fellow Starfleet vessel. You are hereby ordered to hunt her down and apprehend the crew.

You will need officers with cunning and engineering, security, and leadership skills.

Ion Storm
An ion storm has wreaked havoc with StarBase 118’s systems and sent a civilian freighter crashing into the starbase’s strategic ops tower.
Lose a turn.

Any other vessels in play are reduced in RANGE by 2.


...also. Happy April Fools! Thanks everyone for making this truly awesome and memorable! :D ♫ Richtalk118Wiki Administrator