User:Ceciri: Difference between revisions

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{{NPCShipListing|Vesta|USS Tears of the Prophets|Destroyed}}
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Revision as of 11:25, 26 February 2015

Hi. My name is Nicholas but you may as well call me by Ceciri. I'll answer it as well. I write for Ceciri Ariadust of the USS Constitution-B. I'd like to say I write for more things but I really don't, so.

In addition to simming, I am a member of a few groups (WikiOps, SDC).

Feel free to leave a line if you want to talk to me.


  • Name: Nicholas/Ceciri
  • Joined SB118: December 7 2014
  • Training Cruise: December 10-14 2014

Ships of the Line

USS Constitution-logo.png Galaxy-scale.png
USS Constitution-BGalaxy class

Player Characters

Main Character/s
Insignia Rank Character Name Vessel Current Post Status
Lieutenant JG. Ariadust USS Constitution-B HCO Officer Active
Insignia Rank Character Name Vessel Current Post Status
Petty Officer First Class Smith USS Constitution-B HCO Officer Active
Chief Petty Officer Agrippina USS Constitution-B Part Time Bartender Active
Petty Officer First Class Pavone USS Constitution-B Part Time Bartender Active
NPC Vessels
Icon Vessel Type Status
Galaxy-X-icon1.jpg USS Tears of the Prophets Galaxy-X-class Destroyed

OOC Activities

Wiki Ops logo.png Sdcbig.jpg History


Fns.png Utopia Planitia.png

In Progress