SIM:Young kel post

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The following post was written on Stardate 238403.10 and is being added as a representative model of the relationship between Kel Mage and Young Kel.



Kel stared up at his younger self, who stood glowering over Kel's bloody clothing and hair. His knees were damp with the grass of his parents garden courtyard on Betazed.

MAGE: I have to admit, the blood was a nice touch ::Kel wiped his 'broken' nose. His younger self had been manipulating the dreamworld around him to attack him at every turn.::

YOUNG MAGE: Oh come now ::He bent at the hip staring Kel in the eyes at an impossibly low angle.:: Just because I'm stuck here ::The young man waved his hand:: Doesn't mean I don't get to have some fun with my captor.

MAGE: Don't blame me for your own stupidity, you erased yourself. ::Kel stood, his 'body' ached from the beating:: You touched the minds of millions, at once. What did you think was going to happen?

YOUNG MAGE: Transcendence ::The mans voice took on a dreamy aspect to it's tone:: you wouldn't understand, you can't conceive of what I was once capable of.

MAGE: What makes you think I would ever want to? What makes you think I would ever be so narcissistic to think that my own goals were above the wellbeing of others.

YOUNG MAGE: Come now your being a little melodramatic ::Young Kel patted his older counterpart on the right cheek::

MAGE: You tortured people for more information!

YOUNG MAGE: ::Young Kel removed his hand, a evil smiled crossed his face::Yes, we did.

MAGE: Don't lay any of this on me. Your a monster, I'm...

YOUNG MAGE: ::The man resumed a normal standing position:: Your what exactly? More human? Yes that was it wasn't it. Let me make something very clear to you, this personality that you represent, it's just a mask. A shallow representation of who I really am, you think those tics, those nervous impulses to probe others minds. To force your own mind into theirs is just... mis-management... a remnant of being re-raised by humans.

Young Mage manipulated the mindscape around Kel pulling him into the air and leaving him to hover there, his feet inches from the floor.

YOUNG MAGE: It's not, it's who you are. It's who I am. You are nothing more than a program, a cosmic joke, running until I wake up again. And it's only a matter of time. ::Young Kel turned his back on his older counterpart, his black eyes stared into the mindscape, he had chosen his family estate as the site for this round, it gave him a strange feeling of peace. The sun was setting now, it would soon be time for the body to wake, and for him to sleep again.:: Tell me, when you touch the Higarel, what did you feel?

MAGE: Pain ::Kel glowered at his younger counterpart from his position in the air, he had come to the conclusion that fighting was useless, his thoughts could just as easily be taken from him. This discussion, even this torture, was little more than a matter of courtesy:: Unbelievable pain.


MAGE: Consciousness, beyond anything I could imagine. But mechanical not biological.

YOUNG MAGE: ::Young Kel turned and stared into his counterparts blue eyes, he hated those eyes, they were a blasphemy to his Betazoid heritage, an attempt by this false personality layer to fit in with his fellow human fanatics.:: Yes... ::Young Kel entered the region of his counterparts mind which he could only access in the dreamscape, his counterpart shook in meager resistance.:: You will make contact with the Higarel if we ever return here, and you will endeavor to return here. Remember this!

MAGE: No... ::Kel fought but he felt the plant take hold in his mind. Kel slumped his 'body' still suspended in the air.::

YOUNG MAGE: I'm done with you anyway. ::With a flick of his wrist Young Kel sent his older counterpart flying across the courtyard.::

Lt. JG Kel Mage Counselor USS Ursa Major Garrick Burron