Simply insert this Template onto a page (wherever you want it) and it will generate a warning for mobile users + a redlink to create a mobile-optimized page. If you want, you can also include a single parameter to change the destination of the redlink.
Default Usage:
Let's assume we're using this on a character, named Joe Boggs', wiki page.
Page not optimized for mobile!
For a better experience, visit:
Joe Boggs/Mobile
Parameter Usage:
Let's assume we're using this on a page with a complicated name (e.g. Amity Auxiliary Craft) and we want to simplify it.
Note - This will change the appearance of the redlink, but not the actual page it links to - as that could produce some broken links/pages!
Page not optimized for mobile!
For a better experience, visit:
Note - This template should only appear on mobile devices (small screens); If you want to force it to appear, add a parameter called "template" and set it to "true", e.g.: