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Alright, so... I was glancing at this article in [particular, along with Swoop and both terms were instantly recognizeable as being from the Star Wars universe, along with the phrase "Imperial Stormtroopers" that is in this article.

There is a line between adapting from another's work and outright theft, and I am concerned that this might be crossing that line. Granted, it is only words and very tangential concepts, but these small details seem like a little bit of laziness and can possibly turn away potential writers. I know that I, personally, steered clear of several possible SIM groups when I was researching them because they had blatant "Cool Factor" elements from Star Wars, StarCraft, or other universes.

I do not mean to pass judgement, but it is a matter that I have some not inconsequential feelings on, and I think that it needs to be properly considered. --RogueGypsy47 16:20, 15 July 2006 (CDT)