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The '''Andorians''' are a humanoid species from the moon Andoria, homeworld of the Andorian Empire, and one of the founding members of the United Federation of Planets.

image = [[Image:Aenar.jpg|200px]]|
The Andorian people are humanoid in appearance with white hair, blue skin and 3 to 4 inch antenna sticking up out of their heads. On the average they tend to be a very tall, slim race. They tend to be 1.7 to 2.1 meters tall. While obesity is not unknown among them, it is culturally condemed by the majority of them.
4letter = AENR|
fedstatus = Member|
origin = [[ma:Andoria|Andoria]]|
encountered = [[ma:ENT|ENT]]: "[[ma:The Aenar|The Aenar]]"|
techlevel = N|

While their tall slim forms can seem to be frail and slight this is completely incorrect. They have very dense bone and muscle tissue that gives them incredible physical strength. In fact the average Andorian can easily lift twice their body weight with little effort.
*'''Proper Name:''' Aenar
*'''Pronunciation:''' Ee-nar

==Home System==
They prefer high levels of humidity, give off a sweet floral smell when exerciseing and turn purple when they blush due to embarrassment.
*'''Quadrant:''' [[MA:Beta Quadrant|Beta]]
*'''Location:''' Sector 006
*'''Name:''' [[MA:Andorian System|Andorian System]]
*'''Star:''' Kuy’va, [[MA:Spectral Type|Type A]] (Blue-White)
*'''Other Information:''' [[MA:Andoria|Andor]] is a moon that orbits the fifth planet in the [[MA:Andorian System|Andorian System.]]

[[Image:Andoria.jpg|thumb|''The Aenar are a subspecies of the [[Andorian|Andorians]], and share there homeworld of [[MA:Andoria|Andoria]].'']]
While they have a normal skeleton like any other humanoid race they also have cartilage plates under their skin that act as a partial exoskeleton. This gives added protection to their vital organs, but it also provides addition strength to their muscles.  

==Home World==
Andorian zhen and shen may be taller than thaan and chan, if Tarah and Talas, seen next to their male companions, are any indication.
*'''Proper Name:''' [[MA:Andoria|Andoria/Andor]]
*'''Pronunciation:''' An-dore-ee-ah/An-dore
*'''Diameter:''' 10,084km
*'''Gravity:''' 1G 
*'''Rotational Period:''' 32 hours
*'''Classification:''' [[MA:Class M|M]]
*'''Surface Water:''' 85%
*'''Climate:''' Frigid. Average temperature during the summer months in an Aenar settlement averages around -28˚C
*'''Population:''' Less than 5,000 Aenar, although the [[Andorian|Andorians]] share this homeworld.

[[Image:AenarTunnels.jpg|thumb|''[[MA:Jonathan Archer|Jonathan Archer]] and [[MA:Shran|Shran]] travel the Aenar tunnels in search of the Aenar city.'']]
===Circulatory System===
Due to the frigid, ozone-rich environment in which they live in which they live, Andorians have evolved a twin-layered circulatory system. This system makes intravenous injection impossible, and therefore physicians must administer medication through intermuscular injection instead. Andorians are true bluebloods, their blood being based on cobalt as opposed to the iron-based red blood of humans or the copper-based green blood of Vulcans. Andorian tongues and gums alternated from dark blue to pink.
Since their discovery by the [[Andorian]] government in 2104, the Aenar have preferred to remain in seclusion. They have kept contact with the [[Andorian|Andorians]], but aside from playing a role in a [[Romulan]] attempt to destabilize politics in the [[MA:Alpha Quadrant|Alpha Quadrant]] in 2154 they have played only a minor part in galactic history. A few [[Andorian|Andorians]] who have served in [[MA:Starfleet|Starfleet]] have been recorded as having some Aenar ancestry.

[[Image:Gareb.jpg|thumb|''[[MA:Gareb|Gareb]] was abducted from the Aenar city in 2153, and brainwashed by [[Romulan|Romulans]].'']]
[[Image:Jhamel.jpg|thumb|150px|''[[MA:Jhamel|Jhamel]], sister of the abductee [[MA:Ghareb|Ghareb]], aided the allied forces against the [[Romulan|Romulans]] in 2154.'']]
Andorians have heightened senses. Their visual ability is astounding and well above that of what is considered as generally accepted levels for normal humans. They also have increased senses of smell and hearing thanks to their ability to recieve addition information with the use of their antenna. This information is usually superior to what they can recieve from their nose or ears. Antennae are linked to the sinus cavity, and can detect (among other things) temperature change, change in air pressure, subtle variations in air flow and sub-sonic sounds.
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Andorians have two supercranial antennae that aid in balance as well as the sensory enhancements mentioned above. If one is lost an Andorian's balance is temporarily disrupted, rendering them unable to fight, but they could adapt to its loss within a day. Antennae take up to nine months to regrow, though electrical stimulation and cranial massage therapy can cut regeneration time in half. While it is true that if they lose their antenna they will grow back in about 9 months, most Andorians prefer not to survive the loss. The loss of an antenna is very similar to being mute, deaf, castrated and mutilated all at the same time in human terms. It is because of this that most Andorians suffer from a deep and wide spread fear of antenna loss. There is also the fact that while waiting for their antenna to regenerate that they are at a severe disadvantage in situations that require their balance to be unimpaired such as physical combat.  
|2104 || A settlement of Aenar, long since assumed to be a myth by the [[Andorian|Andorians]], is discovered beneath a dampening field in [[MA:Andoria|Andor’s]] Northern Wastes.
|2153 || The Aenar known as [[MA:Gareb|Gareb]] is abducted by [[Romulan]] operatives. He is brainwashed into believing that he is the last surviving Aenar, and coerced into assisting the [[MA:Romulan drone-ship|Romulan Drone-Ship]] project. His [[MA:Telepathy|telepathy]] is to be used to pilot the ship via [[MA:Telepresence|telepresence]].
|2154 || The [[MA:Romulan drone-ship|drone-ship]] piloted by [[MA:Gareb|Gareb]] is the instrument used to manifest a [[Romulan]] plot to cause a war between the [[Tellarite|Tellarites]] and the [[Andorian|Andorians]]. It also makes an attempt to cause a strain in relations between [[Human|Humans]] and [[MA:Rigellian|Rigellians]]. [[MA:Jonathan Archer|Jonathan Archer]] theorizes that the [[Romulan|Romulans]] are trying to destabilise a large area of space in preparation for an invasion.
|2154 || Captain [[MA:Jonathan Archer|Jonathan Archer]] and [[Andorian]] Commander [[MA:Shran|Shran]] contact the Aenar for assitance in foiling the [[Romulan]] plot. The Aenar are unwilling to help but for one [ zhen], [[MA:Jhamel|Jhamel]]. With her assistance, and co-operation from the [[Vulcan|Vulcans]], [[Tellarite|Tellarites]], [[Andorian|Andorians]], and [[MA:Starfleet|Starfleet]], the [[MA:Romulan drone-ship|Romulan drone-ship]] is destroyed. However [[MA:Gareb|Gareb]] is killed as a result by his [[Romulan]] captors.
|2154 || [[Orion]] slavers raid the Aenar settlement in the Northern Wastes. [[MA:Jhamel|Jhamel]] is captured, and later rescued by the crew of [[MA:Enterprise (NX-01)|Enterprise]]. [[Romulan]] involvement is uncovered after Commander [[MA:Shran|Shran]] attempts to kill one of the [[Orion|Orions]] captors on [[MA:Adigeon Prime|Adigeon Prime]]. [[MA:Jhamel|Jhamel]] is returned home, but one of the members of her breeding group is killed in the process. [[MA:Shran|Shran]] accepts the request to take his place.
|2156 || [[MA:Talla|Talla]], a ¾ Aenar, ¼ [[Andorian]] is born. She retains some [[MA:Telepathy|telepathic]] ability and has fully working eyesight. Her skin has a green tint. [[MA:Jonathan Archer|Jonathan Archer’s]] effort to rescue her from being kidnapped was a contributing factor in the formation of the [[MA:Coalition of Planets|Coalition of Planets]], which later became the [[MA:United Federation of Planets|United Federation of Planets]].

Antennae are moved by muscles that can be controlled separately from one another. Such movement can express feelings in much the same way as other humanoids use their facial muscles to the same effect. They easily convey such emotions as fear (by quivering), excitement (by standing rigid), confusion (by lashing about), rage (by pressing back against the skull), amusement (by the antenna faceing each other), interest (by curving towards object of interest), tiredness (by drooping) and sexual arousal (by slow writhing. Andorians often point their antennae at potential mates to signify attraction, in fact the most erotic caress or intimate kiss among Andorians involves the touching of the tips of their antennae together. Antennae are considered to be more than just a sensory organ, in fact they are so important to Andorians that touching them without permission is considered to be the ultimate act of rudeness and any threat of injury to their antennae is considered grounds for assault and murder.
It is believed that because they can sense subtle variations in pitch and vibration that Andorian speech is soft and sibilant. This is also believed to be partially due to their language originating from music and partially due to their hearing being different from other races. This theory is lent support by the fact that as a culture  Andorians have a great interest in music.

[[Image:Lissan.jpg|thumb|150px|''In 2154, [[MA:Lissan|Lissan]] was chosen to act as speaker for the Aenar. This position was temporary, until the visitors to the Aenar city departed.'']]
Andorians, with a higher metabolic rate than Humans, were especially vulnerable to phase pulse infection; even minor phase injuries could prove fatal. However, they have demonstrated resistance to a wide range of environmental conditions. In a climate where the temperature is near the boiling point of water, an Andorian could still thrive, despite losing 10% of their body weight in two days.

It is theorised that due to Andorian metabolism being higher than that of Humans they are quicker to tire during periods of physical exertion.
The Aenar have no system of leadership, implying an [ egalitarian] regime. Whenever it is necessary, the Aenar select one of their number as a speaker to represent their collective wishes. Using [[MA:Telepathy|telepathy]] to communicate with others of their species, the speaker is quickly able to canvas the opinion of many Aenar in order to arrive at an acceptable course of action when required. In 2154 an Aenar named [[MA:Lissan|Lissan]] acted as speaker for her people in response to a communiqué from the [[Andorian]] Chancellor.

The Andorian digestive system can not tolerate chocolate.
The Aenar are an [[Andorian]] sub-species (specifically a strain of the Bish’ee species) native to the Northern Wastes of the moon [[MA:Andoria|Andor]]. Similar in appearence to [[Andorian|Andorians]], they lack skin pigment giving them a paler appearence than thier [[Andorian]] cousins. They are also completely blind, but highly [[MA:Telepathy|telepathic]]. Their population, during the mid-22nd century, consisted of only a few thousand.

[[Image:JhamelandShran.jpg|thumb|150px|''Commander [[MA:Shran|Shran]] and [[MA:Jhamel|Jhamel]], who would eventually become a part of the same breeding group.'']]
Andorians are neither nocturnal or diurnal and can function just as well at any time of the day or night. In fact they can easily survive on 3 to 4 hours of sleep during a standard 32 hour Andorian day.
[[Image:ShranandTalla.jpg|thumb|''[[MA:Talla|Talla]], an [[Andorian]]/Aenar hybrid, with her father, [[MA:Shran|Shran]].'']]

The Aenar are physiologically very similar to the [[Andorian|Andorians]], with two antennae sprouting from their heads, although the antennae of the Aenar have small indentations in the funnel shaped tips. The Aenar are completely blind and have no skin or hair pigment, resulting in a pale white appearance (similar to [[human]] albinos). On average they stand between 1.7 and 2.2 metres tall, and are roughly of the same build as the average [[human]]. Their metabolism is high, a trait that has been evolved to aid their survival in the sub-freezing temperatures of the planet’s polar ice-cap. Their blood is cobalt-based.
There are 3 races and 1 sub-race among the Andorians. These are the Thallassan, Talish, Bish'ee and the Aenar (a sub-race of the Bish'ee).  

The most distinctive trait of the Aenar, however, are their highly evolved [[MA:Telepathy|telepathic]] abilities. An Aenar is capable of reading minds and of [[MA:Telepathy|telepathically]] projecting itself to other [[MA:Humanoid|humanoids]]. They use [[MA:Telepathy|telepathy]] to communicate amongst themselves. Being that they are a subspecies of [[Andorian]], therefore actually a member of the same species, they are completely genetically compatible with [[Andorian|Andorians]], allowing for the birth of hybrid offspring. Such hybrids often retain the strongest abilities of their genetic donors, as the offspring of the breeding group that contained [[MA:Jhamel|Jhamel]], [[MA:Shran|Shran]], Shenar, and Vishri produced [[MA:Talla|Talla]], who retained both [[MA:Telepathy|telepathy]] and the ability to see.
The Thallassan race are the most common and numerous of the Andorian races. They can be identified by their bumpy antenna that stick up from the top of their heads, but then curve forward so that the tips face forward. These tips tend to look like a flower because they flare out right at the tip around the opening.
The Talish race can be identified by their thin, smooth antenna that stick out from the tops of their foreheads and extend out forward with a slight bend in the antenna. The tip is smooth, does not flare out and ends with a small tiny opening that they use to hear and smell with.  

The antenna of the Bish'ee are straight, standing up from their heads about halfway between where they would be on a Talish or a Thallassan. They are smooth and end in an almost unnoticable flare right at the tip around the opening to the internal sensory organs.

The Aenar are a sub-race as they are closely related to the Bish'ee but they are also radically different from any of the other Andorian races. They are blind, albino cave dwellers that live in the far north in underground cities that exist under the polar cap. They were considered to be a myth for many years but since have been proven to exist. Still very few people have ever seen one as they are isolationists who value their carefully guarded privacy.
While they are considered to be a very secretive people it is considered fact that they are quiet, intelligent, peaceful and carry themselves with a kind of reserved dignity. They are also telepathic but are polite enough to ask for permission before they read someones mind. How they are able to get around with out being able to see is unknown. Just another one of the many mysteries that they either can't or won't explain about themselves.

The remarkable blue color that everyone has come to associate with the Andorians is due to a protein dye called HZB-41 that is very similar to melanin in humans. This protein dye is produced by almost every form of animal life on their homeworld. The dye has a very short life span and as such Andorians need to constantly replace this protein. The most common method is through their diet.
When an Andorian becomes ill their skin coloration tends to fade. This is because their immune system is fighting off the illness and can not produce enough dye to maintain their normal skin color.

Andorians have 4 genders, 2 of which resemble males and 2 of which resemble females. These are called Thaan, Chan, Shen and Zhen. This can result in some confusion among outsiders. Sometimes it is difficult to tell what gender an Andorian is on sight. This is especially true as a chen can appear to be feminine and a shen can appear to be masculine.

A Thaan has internal testes, retractable penis and produces sperm to fertilize the egg of a Shen.
A Chan has internal testes, retractable penis and produces sperm to fertilize the egg of a Shen.
A Shen has a retractable ovipositor which they use to transver the fetus from their uterus to the pouch of a Zhen. They also have a vagina, ovaries and uterus. They recieve the sperm, produce the egg which then develops into a embryo and then transfer it to the Zhen's pouch once it has developed enough to make the transfer safely.

A Zhen has a vagina which is only useable for pleasure, not reproduction. They also have 4 teats on their lower abdomen and the ability to produce a pouch that is used to house the transfered embryo while it grows.

In order for Andorians to produce a child it takes 1 of each gender. They each have a specific role to play. This starts with the Thaan fertilizing the Shen's egg. Then the Chan has to fetilize it next. The reason for this is that the 2 males, the Thaan and the Chen each have 1/4 of the nessassary genetic material needed to create a child. The Shen has the other half with in her egg.

Once the egg has developed into a fetus it has to be transfered to the Zhen. This is because only the Zhen can nurse the young. When the Shen becomes pregnant special glands along the Zhen's spine become active. They will secrete a membrane that forms a pouch around the lower torso. At this time the 4 teats on the Zhen's lower abdomen will start to form milk. Unlike Humans these do not result in rounded breasts. The inner lineing of the pouch produces a thick gel that will protect the baby while it nurses until it is mature enough to survive outside of the pouch.

Once the baby has emerged from the pouch the Zhen will come out of protective seclusion. Her pouch will dry up and flake away. The other 3 bondmates will then assist by rubbing her with oils and help to peel off the remains of the now useless pouch.
Due to the fact that Andorian fertility periods have been slowly getting shorter they will try to concieve as many children as possible during this period and since fewer viable children have been born the Andorians have been forced to arrange bondings among genetically compatible members of their society. This has replaced allowing the young people to pick their bondmates.
As with most humanoid races most Andorians will experiment with sex at puberty. Since their fertility period is so short it is impossible to produce offspring before or after this time. If they are found to be genetically acceptable they will generally be bonded by the age of 23.


The Andorian race has a genetic tendency towards violent behaviour. The cause of this is a biochemical reaction to possible danger. The result is an increase in sensory input levels, enhanced analytical, reasoning skills and usually physical violence depending on the source of the danger.

Andorians have a greater ability to handle stress and pressure. They usually become calmer and more focused in a crisis until they finally allow themselves to resort to violence if the situation calls for it.

The Andorian people are a complex and often puzzling race for others to try and understand. One reason is that most non-Andorians think that they are humorless and irritable. This is not true. They have a unique form of humor that most other races find almost impossible to understand. They also have trouble understanding the humor of other races.

As for being irritable this may be because they have a strong cultural taboo against frivolity or any activity that that may be a waste of time. They are very serious and hard working and tend to avoid activities that others enjoy. Since they tend to avoid all most all recreational activites or social gatherings this has resulted in many thinking they are unsociable or snobbish. Another aspect of this problem is that they do not take part in small talk. All conversations tend to be very business like.

Andorians almost never create strong personal friendships with anyone who is not bonded with them. This is due to their cultural concept of the whole that can only be achieved by bonding with the other 3 members of their bondgroup.
Andorians have a long history of conflict. While it is true that they do not tend to enter into combat without a good reason, when they do they fight they can attack quickly, fighting with extreme skill and savagery. However they prefer to take their time, thinking out all the pros and cons of a strategy if the battle permits. It is because of their strong martial spirit, personal honor and strong sense of duty that they tend to make excellent military officers.

Another aspect of their nature that has and probably will continue to cause them problems with other races is their concept of privacy. They do not use doors and tend to have communal sleeping and living areas. For them privacy is a personal concept. They avoid seeing or hearing anything that happens within someone else's personal space. For them to listen in or observe something of a personal nature would be considered incredibly rude and culturally unacceptable.
Should anyone happen to wrong an Andorian it is likely to provoke an extreme reaction, often resulting in violence, depending on the nature of the misdeed.

Among Andorians a smile is convayed by a soft, liquid gaze. It is only because of their exposure to humans and other races to who facial expressions are the custom that they have learned to mimic and make a reserved human-like smile. In many different situations an Andorian's emotions can be read by looking at the position of their antennae.

==Culture and Society==
Andorians are a militaristic race, exemplified in small part by weaponry without stun settings. They consider it an honor to serve in their Imperial Guard, and military rank greatly influenced social reputation. Deploring dishonesty and never fighting without reason, Andorians are nonetheless capable of duplicity. They consider themselves deeply emotional, passionate, even violent; not known for their charity or sympathy, they place a high value on family.

Andorians of all four genders enjoy an equal position in society, both in civilian and military circles. A strict code of honour is adhered to for settling disputes in order to prevent a return to the Time of Lament, an age of planet-wide civil war which almost resulted in the extinction of the Andorian species. As a race and a culture the Andorians can not stand disabilities among their people. Some even say that imperfect infants may be exposed to the environment.

===Recreation and the Arts===
Andorians make prodigious artists; Ezri Dax's mother Yanas Tigan bought handpainted Andorian tiles for her solarium in 2375, and Andor's Academy was widely considered the best art school in the Federation.
Andorians excel at many performance arts such as poetry, literature and especially music. They have also been known to create impressive forms of two and three dimensional art.
There are many different Andorian musical instruments but Andorians have no problem learning and using off-world instruments as well. One of their best known native instruments is the hyperblat, another is the flabbjellah which is a combination musical instrument and combat weapon.

Andorians do not have very many forms of recreation as this is seen as a waste of time, however thay do play one sport, elan'tina which seems to have developed out of their strong militaristic background. It is very similar to various military simulations like capture the flag.

===Code of Honour===
The Aenar are a private and pacifistic people. Their [[MA:Telepathy|telepathic]] abilities are considerable, but they have a strict tenet that forbids them from reading the thoughts and minds of others without express permission. On meeting Commander [[MA:Shran|Shran]] in 2154, [[MA:Jhamel|Jhamel]] immediately apologized for having sensed the loss of his partner, [[MA:Talas|Talas]], despite having done so unintentionally due to [[MA:Shran|Shran’s]] tumultuous emotional state.
In order to limit disputes to small numbers of individuals rather than entire clans, Andorians follow a strict code of honour that governs duelling as a means of resolving differences.
The Aenar are strong-willed, and will often adhere to their ideals of pacifism in the face of danger, despite the potential harm it may cause to them. They deplore violence, and it was this sentiment that caused [[MA:Lissan|Lissan]] to question the actions of [[MA:Jhamel|Jhamel]] when she decided to become involved with the allied forces led by [[MA:Jonathan Archer|Jonathan Archer]] to save her brother from the [[Romulan|Romulans]] in 2154. Aside from being telepathically contacted by his sister, it was the realization of the number of people for whose deaths he was responsible that gave [[MA:Gareb|Gareb]] the strength to resist his conditioning and command the [[MA:Romulan drone-ship|drone-ships]] he was controlling to destroy each other. He did so even knowing that it would lead to his execution.
In contrast to the [[Andorian|Andorians’]] somewhat passionate mentality, the Aenar enjoy more subtle forms of music, and are more receptive to emotions and sentiments that may be considered weak by outsiders.

A crucial part of Andorian tradition is Ushaan, a code of honor demanding a duel to the death, with combatants pitted against one another using an ushaan-tor (iceminer's tool). A vast body of regulations with around 12,000 amendments binds this code. Such a fight can be called off if one combatant disabled the other enough to prevent its continuance. Though Ushaan can be called by someone to avenge a personal loss, there exists a right of substitution wherein each combatant can offer up a replacement, and married combatants could postpone duels indefinitely if they had no children to continue their clans.  
The Aenar themselves form a part of [[Andorian]] mythology, as they were believed not to exist until their discovery beneath the Northern Wastes of the Issa ice cap.

Invoked for personal grievances, the Ushaan can be settled by first strike, first blood, or in the cases of extreme actions such as murder, to the death. Most Andorians reserve these customs for other Andorians only, but traditionalists may hold other species to the same values.
[[Image:AenarCity.jpg|thumb|''The Aenar city, built below ground in the [[Andorian]] Northern Wastes.'']]
The Aenar civilization is built in an expansive system of caverns beneath the Issan ice cap. Circular pod-like modules are attached to rock supports to provide dwellings for the Aenar people, along with facilities such as hospitals, libraries and other public services. Access to the service is gained through a system of tunnels that have deliberately been made confusing to navigate. This is to prevent unwanted discovery by outsiders. The Aenar have been known to deliberately mask the senses of those who are trying to find them, or trying to leave the compound against the will of the Aenar. This is achieved by using [[MA:Telepathy|telepathic]] projections.

[[Image:AenarHair.jpg|thumb|''An example of the traditional Aenar braid.'']]
Imperial Guard members who died far from home could count on their companions to transport a body part back to the Andorian ices.
[[Image:AenarVeil.jpg|thumb|150px|''[[MA:Jhamel|Jhamel]] wearing the traditional Aenar veil.'']]

==Culture & Customs==
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Due to their reclusive behaviour very little is known of Aenar culture. However, from what outsiders have managed to learn it has been proven that the Aenar are a benevolent species. While they prefer not to be disturbed by people from outside their settlement they will offer help to those who need it. Their ideals of non-violence and pacifism are very rarely broken.
Reading an individual’s thoughts without permission is considered a violation. Accidental occurences are often resolved with an apology, but a prolonged or regular series of incidents (while very rare) incurs expulsion from the Aenar settlement – the only solution that removes the problem without resorting to violence.
|Chaka || 35cmx75cm ||A claw-like weapon designed to be cradled between the fingers to form a punch-blade. Multiple blades protrude from the sides of the weapon, allowing for multiple lacerations in one stroke.
|Hrisal|| 60cm long ||Single-edged fighting knife favoured by the Andorian Imperial Guard.
|Flabbjellah|| Unknown ||Combined musical instrument and weapon
|Ushaan-tor|| Unknown ||Miner’s ice-pick

While the Aenar do not follow the [[Andorian]] clan system, many of them choose to devote their life to the study of science or medicine.
Listed below are some of the better known Andorian dishes and drinks.  

Aenar ''[ zhen]'' and ''[ shen]'' often wear a white translucent veil that covers the lower half of their faces. Their hair is often worn long, and tied in braids behind their heads. White is the favoured colour of Aenar garments, despite their inability to see the colours of the fabrics they produce.
====Alcoholic Beverages====
*Probably the best known alcoholic drink is Andorian Ale which comes in a few different varieties. The most common is a colorful blue ale with a very high alcohol content. They also produce a yellow ale that has a nutty flavour.  

[[MA:Ice Bore|Ice Bore]] worms commonly reside in the icy expanses of the Issa cap. As such, they often travel through the Aenar settlement. While such creatures are dangerous due to their need to generate heat through and internal chemical reaction, they pose no threat to the Aenar who are able to sense their presence [[MA:Telepathy|telepathically]]. Children are often known to pursue swarms of [[MA:Ice Bore|Ice Bores]], tracking them with their [[MA:Telepathy|telepathic]] senses and attempting to track them through the labyrinthine tunnels around the city.
*Another very popular and well known alcoholic drink is the Andorian Sunset cocktail.  

[[Image:IceBores.jpg|thumb|150px|''[[MA:Ice Bores|Ice Bores]] are harvested by the Aenar due to their ability to produce heat through an internal chemical reaction.'']]
====Hot Beverages====
*Katheka is a stimulant drink that is very similar to Terran coffee.  
[[MA:Ice Bore|Ice Bores]] are often harvested from around the Aenar city, as they are useful for a number of scientific and engineering-related purposes. Aside from this, the Aenar tend not to trade with the outside world. Their [ egalitarian] culture leaves them with no need for currency or trade, as they are able to exist in a self-supportive state.
*Srjula is a bright yellow tea that is very bitter yet tart at the same time. It is made by dissolveing orange colored leaves in hot water.  
*Another Andorian tea is Talla which is made from the bark of a talla tree. It is a cheaper drink and not as popular as srjula.  

====Vegetable Dishes====
The Aenar share the same level of technological capability as the [[Andorian|Andorians]], as they have access to advances made by the [[Andorian]] government. In the past, the Aenar developed technology independently from their blue-skinned cousins, and were able to use a large dampening field to shield their city from detection. They were also recorded as having developed dermal regeneration technology.
*Andorian Tuber Root may be served in a variety of ways. One way is to serve it raw sliced into a salad. It is considered a staple for most Andorians and is very high in calories.
*Flat Root is usually roasted and is a brownish, orange vegetable dish.
*Fat-grass, a grain bearing plant found growing all over Andoria except in the Northern Wastes, is a highs source of protein.
*Most babies are fed mashed xixu fronds (a marine plant) once they have started to be weaned off of ''zhiassa'', which is the milk produced by a nurseing zhen who is also called a zhavey while nurseing.

==Federation Intelligence Files==
====Other Food====
The Aenar are not widely known across the galaxy. They are somewhat of an [[Andorian]] internal affair. As the [[Andorian]] species is reportedly in decline, it is reasonable to assume that this is also true of the Aenar, whose numbers were already limited on their discovery. Should the [[Andorian|Andorians]] find a way to solve this crisis, it would most likely come into Aenar possession as well.
*Hari is the traditional Andorian bread served with most meals.  
*Another popular dish is Impararay Redbat which is made using an Andorian redbat.  
*Many visitors to Andor are offered steamed Shaysha which is a barely edible orange speckled beetle like andorian insect. Many unwary newcomers to Andor have been encouraged to try them.
*Seafood of many kinds are also a staple of most Andorians diet.
This is a aphrodisiac and psychoactive chemical that is refined from a native Andorian plant. It does not replicate well and only grows successfully on their native homeworld of Andoria. It is used by Andorians during sex as it provides a number of benefits when it comes to pleasure and sexual function. Normally only sanctuary priests and priestesses are allowed to dispense it to bonded groups. It is generally only available by medical prescription.  

It is illegal to possess Saf offworld and can be fatal to some non-Andorians. It has been used by some as a recreational drug and is still available on the black market. The Cardassians were known to use it during the Bajoran Occupation.  
*Star Trek:Enterprise (United, The Aenar, These Are the Voyages)
*[ Memory Alpha] (various pages)
*[ Memory Beta] (various pages)
*Star Trek Customizable Card Game (Decipher Inc., 1994-2007)
*Star Trek RPG: Aliens (Decipher Inc., 2003)
*Star Trek RPG: Worlds (Decipher Inc., 2003)
*The Good That Men Do (Andy Mangels & Michael A. Martin, Pocket Books)


[[Image:Andoria.jpg|thumb|150px|''Andoria is a frigid moon in orbit of the [[MA:Gas giant|gas giant]] Andor V.'']]
===The Spring Water Festival===
'''Andoria''' is a frigid [[MA:Class M|M]]-Class moon that orbits the fifth planet (a ringed [[MA:Gas giant|gas giant]]) in the Andorian system. Approximately 85% of the moon's surface is covered in water, and the moon is characterized by two large ice caps at its poles. These are much bigger than those found on [[MA:Earth|Earth]].  
This is the most important Andorian holiday. It involves a chan and a shen joining together in a ritual to plead for the protection of the Water Guardian. It is a widely celebrated festival that is so important that many Andorians return home to Andor to participate even though it occurs during the stormy season.
This holiday involves fasting, prayer and personal sacrifice. In the past after the proper rituals were observed the people would indulge in drinking, overeating, saf and tezha which is sex with strangers. Many of the older practises have now been outlawed but are still practiced in the oldest levels of the cities. The recreation use of saf is still a major part of these festivities.  

Andoria is one of the five founding worlds of the [[MA:United Federation of Planets|United Federation of Planets]]. It is in close proximity to [[Vulcan]], with whose people the [[Andorian|Andorians]] endured great conflict for many years. Andoria forms the capital of the [[MA:Andorian Emprire|Andorian Empire]], and is home to the [[Andorian|Andorians]] and their offshoot species, the [[Aenar]]. Andoria is relatively close to the [[MA:Sol|Sol]] system.
Andorian dress varies as much as would be expected of any member-race of the Federation. However, there are some traditions that have been upheld since the Federation was founded.

Andoria is also referred to as ''Andor'', both by [[Andorian|Andorians]] and off-worlders.
Members of the Andorian Imperial Guard have short hair cuts. Civilians wear their hair long, and often braided.

====Ritual attire====
[[Andorian]] history is characterised by periods of extreme turbulence, which reflects the people's tendencies towards violence. Records from before 1692 (Earth-Gregorian) may be of limited value, as nearly all of Andoria's historical documents were destroyed during periods of global civil war.
The attire used for formal Andorian rituals differs by gender:-

{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
!width="800"|Ritual Attire
|Pre-1284 || Andoria is torn by planetary civil war. Clans form alliances, attack other clans, then break allegiance and fight each other. Chaos ensues.
|Thaan|| Suit of chain mail.  
|1284 || A clan lord, [[MA:Krotus|Krotus]], succeeds in conquering Andoria by defeating the most powerful opposing clans before turning them against the weaker remnants. This act unites Andoria and puts an end to the hundreds of years of bitter fighting. [[MA:Krotus|Krotus]] ushers in an industrial age. Andoria begins to prosper.
|Chan|| Traditional Andorian warrior's attire.
|1332 || [[MA:Krotus|Krotus]] is assassinated by his daughter. She seizes control of his clan, but is by no means as successful at maintaining control of the planet. While technological advances continue to be made, the planet's political situation begins to rapidly destabilise.
|Shen|| A robe that exposes the whole of the shen's back. Shen often wear body paint to ritual ceremonies.
|1597 || Disputes over the Tharan Mountains trade route ignite hostilities between warlords, resulting in 100 years of bitter warfare that destroys nearly everything the [[Andorian|Andorians]] had built. This came to be known as the ''Time of Lament''.
|Zhen|| Three piece bodysuit. This is knitted and form fitting. An over-garment is worn to protect the privacy of a zhen who is carrying a child to term.
|1692 || Lor’Vela, a 14 year-old girl, slays her mother and takes control of her ''keth'' in response to a fever-induced dream. She calls together the leaders of the clans to the Council of Tarsk, and persuades them to forego attacks on each other in an attempt to restore Andor to its former glory. The government she set up during this time remains in effect even to this day.
===Language & Names===
Andorians speak ''Graalen'' (their native tongue) and Federation standard.
Andorian names are comprised of a given name, which may be considerably longer than the name as to which they are referred. This is followed by an abbreviation of their gender, which prefixes their clan name. For example, and Andorian zhen referred to as ''Indra'' may have the full given name KalIndra, and her surname would be prefixed by ''zh''' to represent her gender. Assuming she is a member of the Idrani clan, her full name would be KalIndra zh'Idrani. Federation practice often allows Andorians to be referred to by a section of their given name with their rank attached.
====Graalen (Andorian Language)====
Below is an example of ''Graalen'', showing the ways in which the four genders are referred to in various situations and through varying levels of politeness.
{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
!width="250"|Apparent Sex
!width="250"|Polite form of Address
!width="250"|Bondmate Endearment
!width="250"|Parental Name
!width="250"|Offspring Name
!width="250"|Parent by Marriage
!width="250"|Child by Marriage
|c.1910 || The [[Vulcan|Vulcans]] make first contact with the [[Andorian|Andorians]], whom they believe show promise despite their tendency towards strong emotion. The [[Andorian|Andorians]] quickly reject their offers of aid and collaboration due to what they perceived as overly meddlesome behaviour.
|She ||Zhen ||Zha ||Zh'yi ||Zhavey ||Zhei ||Zhi ||Zhadi ||Zhri'za
|c.1950 || The [[Andorian|Andorians]] and [[Vulcan|Vulcans]] begin a border dispute that will last for the next 200 years. The [[Vulcan|Vulcans]] are unsettled by neighbours that they consider to be barbaric and casually violent. The [[Andorian|Andorians]] believe that the an invasion may be imminent, and rely on their ability to stage a massive counterattack as a deterrant.
|She ||Shen ||Sha ||Sh'za ||Shreva ||Shei ||Shi ||Shidei ||Shri'za
|c.2050|| [[Andorian|Andorians]] terraform [[MA:Weytahn|Weytahn]], a class-[[MA:Class D|D]] [[MA:Planetoid|planetoid]], that lies in a strategic location close to the [[Vulcan]] homeworld. When the [[Vulcan]] demand to inspect the colony to ensure there are no military installations on the surface is denied, the [[Vulcan|Vulcans]] decide to forcibly evacuate the planet. The dispute rages on for many years.
|He ||Chan ||Cha ||Ch'te ||Charan ||Chei ||Chi ||Chada ||Chri'ze
|2097 || A treaty is signed in which the [[Vulcan|Vulcans]] claim [[MA:Weytahn|Weytahn]], and rename it Paan Mokar. A surveillance sattelite is placed in orbit to monitor the planet's surface.
|He ||Thaan ||Tha ||Th'se ||Thavan ||Thei ||Thi ||Thadu ||Thri'ze
|2104 || [[Andorian|Andorians]] discover a hidden settlement of [[Aenar]] located below the Issan ice cap, also referred to as the [[MA:Northern Wastes|Northern Wastes]]. Until this time, the existence of the telepathic [[Aenar]], a subspecies of [[Andorian|Andorians]] was thought to have been a myth.
|2118 || [[Andorian|Andorians]] Develop [[MA:Warp drive|warp]] travel.

Andorians are divided not by countries or political boundaries, but by family and clan groups. The clans, known as keth, each specialise in an area of expertise, as well as representing a portion of the Andorian government. Below is a sample of some major Andorian clans and their specialisms.

[[Image:P'Jem.jpg|thumb|150px|''An interior view of the covert [[Vulcan]] monitoring station at P'Jem.'']]
[[Image:BattleofAndoria.jpg|thumb|150px|''The [[Vulcan]] fleet engages the [[Andorian|Andorians]] at the Battle of Andoria.'']]
[[Image:VHATAlliance.jpg|thumb|150px|''[[MA:Jonathan Archer|Jonathan Archer]] forms an alliance between the [[Andorian|Andorians]] and three other races. This foreshadows the [[MA:Coalition of Planets|Coalition of Planets]].'']]
[[Image:CoPsigning.jpg|thumb|150px|''The signing ceremony for the [[MA:Coalition of Planets|Coalition of Planets]].'']]
[[Image:UFoPfounding.jpg|thumb|150px|''The founding ceremony for the [[MA:United Federation of Planets|United Federation of Planets]].'']]
{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
|2151 || [[Andorian|Andorians]] make first contact with [[Human|Humans]] at the [[Vulcan]] sanctuary of [[MA:P'Jem|P'Jem]]. While hostilities arise in the first instance, Captain [[MA:Jonathan Archer|Jonathan Archer's]] involvement in exposing a secret [[Vulcan]] listening post ingratiates him with [[Andorian]] Commander [[MA:Shran|Shran]].
|2151 || Commander [[Shran]] saves the [[human]] Captain [[MA:Jonathan Archer|Jonathan Archer]] from rebel forces on the planet [[MA:Coridan (planet)|Coridan]], despite [[Vulcan]] interference almost compromising the operation.
|2152 || [[MA:Starfleet|Starfleet]] Captain [[MA:Jonathan Archer|Jonathan Archer]] mediates negotiations that lead to a ceasefire between [[Vulcan]] and [[Andorian]] forces on the colony world of [[MA:Weytahn|Weytahn]], despite resistance from both sides.
|Aldin ||Sciences
|2153 || An [[Andorian]] vessel under the command of [[MA:Shran|Shran]], the [[MA:Kumari|Kumari]], enters the [[MA:Delphic Expanse|Delphic Expanse]] in search of the starfleet ship, [[MA:Enterprise (NX-01)|Enterprise]]. On learning that the [[Xindi]] are developing a super-weapon that is intended to destroy [[MA:Earth|Earth]], the [[Andorian|Andorians]] attempt to harness the weapon to use in their own defense force.
|Athrun ||Piloting
|2153 || The [[Vulcan]] High Command begins plans to invade Andoria.
|Birev ||Engineering
|2154 || The [[Vulcan]] High Command authorizes a fleet of [[Vulcan]] ships amassed near the [[MA:Regulus|Regulus]] system to open fire on an [[Andorian]] Task Force. The attack, which had been engineered through [[Romulan]] interference, became known as the [[MA:Battle of Andoria|Battle of Andoria]].
|Dara ||Black Ops
|2154 || After the [[Vulcan]] High Command is dissolved and replaced by a new regime, the [[Vulcan|Vulcans]] enter into a more peaceful stance with the [[Andorian|Andorians]]. The Cold War is finally over.
|Dovoro ||Business and Trade
|2154 || The [[Andorian]] Empire is among the galactic powers involved in preventing the destabilization of their region of space by a [[MA:Romulan drone-ship|Romulan drone-ship]]. The [[Romulan|Romulans]] had been using an [[Aenar]] to pilot their vessel by [[MA:Telepresence|telepresence]] to prevent the [[Vulcan|Vulcans]] from being able to make visual contact.
|Idrani ||Armed Combat
|2155 || Formation of the [[MA:Coalition of Planets|Coalition of Planets]], an agreement of mutual defense and co-operation between the [[Andorian|Andorians]], [[Tellarite|Tellarites]], [[Vulcan|Vulcans]] and [[Human|Humans]].
|Idisha ||Theater
|2156 || Andoria becomes involved in the [[Romulan]]-[[MA:Earth|Earth]] war as a member of the [[MA:Coalition of Planets|Coalition of Planets]].
|Kor ||Negotiation
|2160 || The [[Romulan|Romulans]] are routed at the [[MA:Battle of Cheron|Battle of Cheron]]. This leads to the establishment of the [[MA:Romulan Neutral Zone|Romulan Neutral Zone]], an area of space into which neither side may cross lest it be considered an act of war.
|P'Trell ||Medicine
|2161 || The [[MA:Coalition of Planets|Coalition of Planets]] is consolidated to become the [[MA:United Federation of Planets|United Federation of Planets]].
|Talliryen ||Industry
|2164 || Captain [[MA:Jonathan Archer|Jonathan Archer]] is inducted as an honorary member of the [[MA:Andorian Imperial Guard|Andorian Imperial Guard]] by [[MA:Shran|Shran]]
|2169 || [[MA:Jonathan Archer|Jonathan Archer]] becomes the [[MA:United Federation of Planets|Federation]] Ambassador to Andoria.
|2230 || The Atlin Zoological park is founded. The zoo is said to contain more than 500 different animal species from many different [[MA:United Federation of Planets|Federation]] worlds.
|2247 || [[Andorian]] Captain Igrilan Kor begins service on the [[MA:USS Eagle|U.S.S. Eagle]], an all [[Andorian]]-crewed starship. The crew receives more decorations and awards than any other in the fleet.
|2268 || [[Andorian]] Ambassador [[MA:Shras|Shras]] attends the [[MA:Babel Conference|Babel Conference]], and supports [[MA:Coridan (planet)|Coridan's]] entry into the [[MA:United Federation of Planets|United Federation of Planets]].
|2286 || [[Andorian|Andorians]] now hold two seats on the [[MA:Federation Council|Federation Council]], more than ever before.

One Andorian clan of note is Reiji, a near-forgotten clan who devote themselves to representing the old way of life. They have been known to take part in an archaic form of gambling in which they stake their own teeth.

Clans meet in keeps, underground fortresses that are formed either naturally in the case of volcanic caves, or else are man-made. A representative from each ''keth'', known as a Presider, is sent to represent the clan on the Andorian government.

The upper floor of council chamber contains an eight-sided room known as the Heroes’ antechamber. The Andorian Chancellor and the Federation Ambassador are both elected by members of the keth and serve on the Andorian government.

===Marriage & Upbringing===
Andorian wedding rings are worn on the left antennae. To give an Andorian antennae jewellery or bells for their antenna is considered an act of friendship or courtship. Andorian weddings commonly required four people.

Once a bonding has occured between a compatable set of 4 Andorians, only the clan's ruling Zhavey (oldest zhen) can give permission for one of them to be released from their bond. In rare cases bondmates can ask the elder to invoke the Whole Vessel Law to evict a bondmate from the bond. This is an extreme act as all 4 Andorians will suffer but not nearly as much as the one evicted, who will suffer the most psychologically from being alone.

While this is hard for outsiders to understand a bond is whole even if the members are far apart pursuing their own lives and careers. When one of the members of a bond is lost due to death or removal from the bond they will seek to try and replace that individual as quickly as possible. Once the fertility period is over and any children have been raised it is not uncommon for bondmates to move away and pursue lives and careers that may result in their being totally secluded from the other members of their bond for years at a time.
While sexual union outside of the bond is frowned upon it is also understood that young adults will experiment. However once the bond has become formalized it is generally uncommon.

A nurseing zhen is called a zhavey and will go into seclusion for the safety of her child while it is growing within her pouch. During this time she will wear a modesty drape over her pouch. She will also have a purplish pigmentation on her neck that will identify her as a nurseing mother. This is usually still visible once she comes out of seclusion.

===Declining Population===

Due to the requirement of four parents in the reproductive cycle and the usual production of less than four offspring, the Andorian species is in decline.

With the decline in population the Andorian Science Institute has been hard at work exploring possible solutions to this problem.

The most promising form of research has been into altering the Andorian chromosome #17. It is believed that by altering this chromosome they could increase the length of fertility considerably, thus increasing the number of years during which conception would be possible.

Another area of research is into the possability of altering the way the gametes divide in the body. If successful, this would make both the Thaan and the Chan fully functional males with viable sperm. The long term implications for them as a race would be the elimination of the need for paired quads as their would eventually only be two sexes.
However this research has produced great controversy within the Andorian society. It goes against all their customs and traditions. Many Andorians are outraged by this research and feel that any and all work into altering the four sexes should be stopped and destroyed.

[[Image:AndorianMap.jpg|thumb|150px|''Physical map of Andoria''.]]
Andorian classes are held at any time of the day or night as they have no set sleep cycle. Students sit in age groups and will all wear a tunic like uniform of brown. Young children learn to chant the history, legends and traditions of their people, thus memorizing this information at a young age. Older students wear a fitted brown uniform.  
Many [[Andorian]] cities are subterranean, using [ geothermal energy] to warm them in order to make habitation more comfortable. They connected by thousands of kilometers of ice tunnels. The surface is referred to as bracingly cold, even by the [[Andorian|Andorians]] themselves, as the temperature only ever rises above zero degrees centigrade during rare heatwaves. Scientists theorise that it was in volcanic rifts, and in underground pockets near the planet's core that temperatures were high enough to sustain the origins of life.

There are 4 continents on Andoria, Issa (Northern Ice-Cap), Ka’thela, Tlanek (Southern Ice-Cap) and Voral. Ka’thela and Voral are connected by the Tharan Mountains.
==Religion and Spirituality==
While Andorians do not appear outwardly to be religious, there are tenets and beliefs that they hold dear. Perhaps the most important axiom of the Andorian people is: ''“With the bond we are whole, without the bond we are nothing”''
===Deities and Religious Principles===
Uzaveh the Infinite is the main deity in the Andorian belief system. It is believed that he was responsible for the ''Breaking'' (dividing of the Andorian people into four genders). The ''Tale of the Breaking'' recounts in detail as to how the four Andorian genders tie in with religion. This relates to each representing an element of Andorian spirituality.
*Thaan are believed to represent wisdom. Their spiritual element is Star.
*Zhen are believed to represent strength. Their spiritual element is Earth.
*Shen are believed to represent blood. Their spiritual element is Water.
*Chan are believed to represent passion. Their spiritual element is Fire.
Thori is the Andorian deity who governs nature, including the growth of crops and the ecology of Andoria.

Lor'Tan is the largest city on Andoria, although its administrative capital is Laibok. Borders between countries do not exist, instead various areas are controlled by different ''keth'', similar to a tribal territorial system.
====The Sending====
The Sending is a ritual that is observed to mark the death of a clansman.
*It is preceded by the Rite of Memory in which mourners record memories of the deceased in the form of biochemical imprints on a crystalline cipher.
*Mourners create their own mask of death for this ritual. It cannot take place until all members of the clan concerned are present to participate. As such, the deceased is kept preserved in the clan keep until the ritual can begin.
*The ritual is timed to be completed before midnight. Clan members are summoned by five tolls of a bell, at which time the coffin is brought out from the keep by hooded, robed figures to the rhythm of a drum beat. The procession is led by the three surviving bond mates of the deaceased, and a priest or priestess who represents the missing gender from the bond. Each one represents one of the four Andorian elements – Wisdom, Strength, Blood and Passion.
*The coffin is placed on an obsidian coffin while ritual songs are sung. When the entirety of the procession reaches the table, the leader of the ceremony offers a prayer before both the body and the memory cipher are cremated.

===Andorian Landmarks===
====The Time of Knowing====
*The [[MA:Andorian Academy|Andorian Academy]] is considered one of the foremost educational institutions for artists within the entire [[MA:United Federation of Planets|Federation]].
The Time of Knowing is a ritual of betrothal between a member of each of the four sexes. A locked containing a strand of each member’s hair, and the symbols of each sex placed around a cross-shape is given to participants.
*The [[MA:Wall of Heroes|Wall of Heroes]] is a place on Andoria where fallen members of the Imperial Guard can be honoured by depositing a vial of their blood.
*The [[MA:Mountains of Andoria|Andorian Mountains]] are considered to be a place of outstanding natural beauty within the galaxy, and many newlywed couples visit them as a honeymoon location.

*The [[MA:Andorian Amoeba|Andorian Amoeba]] holds particular scientific interest due to its somewhat unique reproduction system. Through fusing with another single cell organism, the amoeba produces a completely new species.
As members of the United Federation of Planets, the Andorians have access to many different types of Starfleet Vessel. However, Andorian Battle-Cruisers are used as the mainstay of the Andorian Imperial Guard.
*[[MA:Andorian bull|Andorian Bulls]] are known for their extremely aggressive dispositions.
*[[MA:Andorian redbat|Andorian Redbats]] are considered by some to be a great delicacy.
*[[MA:Andorian tuber root|Andorian tuber roots]] are extremely high in calorific content. As such they make ideal additions to emergency provisions.
[[Image:IceBore.jpg|thumb|150px|''[[Andorian]] [[MA:Ice bore|Ice Bores]]''.]]
*In the polar regions of Andoria, [[MA:Ice bore|Ice Bore]] swarms often congregate. These worms are able to produce heat internally through a chemical reaction, and are harvested by the [[Aenar]] for worldwide distribution.
*Sharing a similarity with horses on Earth, [[MA:Zabathu|Zabathu]] are often used as mounts by [[Andorian]] riders.

==Federation Intelligence Files==
All [[Andorian|Andorians]] are members of clans, or ''keth'', which specialise in different professional skills. These ''keth'' all have different views, which need to be represented in some way in the global government. As such, the Kethni council, made up of a number of members from different ''keth'' is the global government of Andoria, and it comprises around 300 members. Legislation, as well as the election of a Chancellor, is decided democratically. The Council is directly responsible for the Andorian Defence Force, which does not fall under the jurisdiction of [[MA:Starfleet Command|Starfleet Command]].
*The Andorian Merchant Fleet is the largest in Federation space.

[[Image:AndorianBoots.jpg|thumb|150px|''An example of [[Andorian]] military-issue boots.'']]
*Andorian Volna Viria gangsters are often involved in the affairs of the Orion Syndicate.
The most important overland trade route on the planet is through the Tharan Mountains. This trade route was the source of a great deal of dispute during the Time of Lament. Its importance has dwindled since the introduction of atmosphere-capable [[MA:Shuttlecraft|shuttlecraft]] and [[MA:Transporter|transporter]] technology.

The [[United Federation of Planets|Federation]] underwent an [[Andorian]] fad in the early 23rd Century, as [[Andorian]] clothing and cuisine became fashionable on [[MA:Earth|Earth]]. Many [[human|humans]] purchased [[Andorian]] ''Hrisal'' (ceremonial blades) as well as fake antennae. [[Andorian]] silk is prized for its softness, and [[Andorian]] jewellery is highly collectable. [[MA:Andorian ale|Andorian Ale]] remains a well-loved beverage throughout the [[MA:United Federation of Planets|Federation]] to this day.
*No members of this Federation race were aboard the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) when Data's offspring, Lal, was "born." Lal rejected an Andorian female as one of four final choices for a racial type, instead opting to become a human female.

[[Andorian]] tiles are exported to many different worlds as they are regarded as being extremely well crafted. Their high quality lends itself well to hand painting.
*Andor is among the many planets providing a registry home to numerous ships that use Deep Space Nine.  

[[Image:AndorianAdmiral.jpg|thumb|150px|''An [[Andorian]] Admiral.'']]
*Chirurgeon Ghee P'Trell, an Andorian, was nominated for the Carrington Award in 2371.  

==Federation Intelligence File==
*It is said that Andorian renegades, in the Triangula system, once embarrassed a Starfleet admiral's supposed search when they hid their ship by dismantling it.  
It is rumoured that an extremely top secret group, known as the Am Tal, operate for the [[Andorian]] government as an intelligence agency. This organisation is not widely known of within the [[MA:United Federation of Planets|Federation]].

The [[Andorian|Andorians]] are a passionate people who are well known for their military prowess. The [[MA:Andorian Imperial Guard|Andorian Imperial Guard]] continues to act as a defense for Andoria, and operates outside of [[MA:Starfleet|Starfleet's]] command structure. Although relations with the [[Vulcan]] people were once strained, they have now settled onto more friendly terms.
*This Federation member-race was the subject of some kind of gender-swapping joke by Quark but Morn was slow to catch; the punchline was "and the Andorian says, 'Your brother? I thought it was your wife!"

Line 292: Line 341:
*[ Memory Alpha] (various pages)
*[ Memory Alpha] (various pages)
*[ Memory Beta] (various pages)
*[ Memory Beta] (various pages)
*Star Trek RPG: Aliens (Decipher Inc., 2003)
*Star Trek RPG: Worlds (Decipher Inc., 2003)
*The Good That Men Do (Andy Mangels & Michael A. Martin, Pocket Books)
*Andor: Paradigm – Jarman, H.(Worlds of Deep Space Nine, Book 1, Pocket, 2004)
*Avatar, Book 2 – Perry, S.D. (Pocket, 2001)
*Section 31: Abyss – Weddle, D. & Lang, J. (Pocket, 2001)
*Gateways: Demons of Air and Darkness, DeCandido, K.R.A. (Pocket 2001)
*Star Trek Roleplaying Game: Aliens (Decipher, 2003)
*Invasion!: Time’s Enemy – Graf, L.A. (Pocket 1996)
*STARFLEET Star Trek Fan Club, Andorian Orientation College documentation.


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