Ligonian: Difference between revisions

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580 bytes removed ,  8 August 2005
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(Ligonians are humanoids with stricts codes of honour and rituals.)
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Four Letter Species Code: Ligo
== new section ==
=== sub-section ===
Federation Status: Allied
Planet of Origin: Ligon II
Encountered: On stardate 41235.25, by the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D, (Code of Honour, TNG).
Current Tech Level: G
Description: Well-built, muscular people of dark skin whose culture closely resembles those in feudal Japan and the 13th century Sung Dynasty of China. Ligonians have a highly structured society and live by strict codes of honour; they show great respect for patience and have a passion for ritualistic displays. The women own the land and so convey power (and partnership) to the men they choose to protect it.


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