Attack on Paldor II (Chin'toka): Difference between revisions

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(Notable sims updated)
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|240111.03||[ <nowiki>[MISSION START]</nowiki> Commander Serala: Attack on Paldor II]||The bridge receives a distress call and prepares.
|240111.03||[ <nowiki>[MISSION START]</nowiki> Commander Serala: Attack on Paldor II]||The bridge receives a distress call and prepares.
|240112.03||[ Commander Serala: Cloaked Peril]||The Valcarian battle cruiser tries to suicide bomb the Chin'toka.
|240112.15||[ <nowiki>[End Mission]</nowiki> Commander Serala: Regrouping]||De-briefing.
|240112.15||[ <nowiki>[Start Shore Leave]</nowiki> Commander Serala: Now, Where to Begin...]||Captain's Log & continuation into shore leave
|240112.17||[ MSNPC "Sheri" - You Ain't Hnaev]||The interrogation of "Sheri".


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