Gila Sadar/Artemis Service: Difference between revisions

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First Update of Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
(Finished up Frontier Day)
(First Update of Wolf in Sheep's Clothing)
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The ''Artemis''-A returns to the Borderlands and are immediately tasked with locating a missing freighter. The ''Tritorian'' - a mysterious civilian vessel with no crew or cargo manifests to speak of - has gone missing in the vicinity of the Celendi Nebula, which is currently extraordinarily radioactive. Working only by a very scrambled and unhelpful distress signal, [[Addison MacKenzie|Flt.Cpt. MacKenzie]] and her crew attempts to locate the vessel, but that's easier said than done. Gila, meanwhile, assists [[Kyle Morgen|LT Morgan]] in Sickbay to prepare them both for the extensive task of inoculating the entire Artemisian crew against radiation while also making room for what is likely a freighterful of new patients. Unfortunately, the ''Artemis'' ' rapid deployment following Frontier day has left the ''Luna''-Class vessel unprepared for the arduous task of inoculating the entirety of the vessel against radiation, as they find their medical stores in suboptimal condition. Aided by the Operations Department's extra manpower and resources to get the anti-radiation medication replicated as soon as possible, [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Adea]] orders Gila to get preparations underway to organize a non-essential personnel redeployment, to protect as many as possible from the nebula's ambient radiation by having them stationed as close to the center of the ''Artemis'' as possible.



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