Gila Sadar (talk | contribs) (→Phase 1: Prelude to Frontier Day: - Artemis' info input) |
Gila Sadar (talk | contribs) (Finishing up Phase 1 - adding hour 1 of Phase 2 (tags still missing)) |
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|Content = '''USS ''Artemis'''''<br> | |Content = '''USS ''Artemis'''''<br> | ||
With the personnel aboard the Cube safely transported back onto the ''Artemis'', the events aboard take a turn for the better as the Cube prepares to warp out of the area. In the transporter rooms, the personnel freshly beamed aboard from the Cube set to verifying each others’ personalities and disseminating throughout the vessel to assist with whatever their unique skill sets permit. | With the personnel aboard the Cube safely transported back onto the ''Artemis'', the events aboard take a turn for the better as the Cube prepares to warp out of the area. In the transporter rooms, the personnel freshly beamed aboard from the Cube set to verifying each others’ personalities and disseminating throughout the vessel to assist with whatever their unique skill sets permit. Cpt. [[Addison MacKenzie]] brings LTs [[Charlena Vanlith]] and [[Jovenan]] with her to the Bridge, soon joined by Lt.Cdr. [[Robin Hopper]], to assist the Bridge Crew with analyzing the current situation and figuring out what repairs to prioritize. As the Cube heads to transwarp speeds, the hampered sensors of the ''Artemis'' do their best to attempt to extrapolate a course, but the worst suspicions of every Officer is soon honored, as it becomes apparent that the Cube is headed straight for Sector 001.<br><br>Their primary objective must now be to warn Starfleet about the incoming threat, but with long-range communications and warp functionality still not functioning as per the Changelings’ sabotage, there’s a long way until they’re able to warn anyone. Intending gain as much information about the enemies’ plans as possible, Lt.Cdrs. [[Talos Dakora]] and [[Robin Hopper|Hopper]] head to the Intel Suite alongside [[Charlena Vanlith|LT Vanlith]] in order to discern what part the stolen technology from Amity plays in the Borg’s plans for Frontier Day.<br><br> | ||
Cpt. [[Addison MacKenzie]] brings LTs [[Charlena Vanlith]] and [[Jovenan]] with her to the Bridge, soon joined by Lt.Cdr. [[Robin Hopper]], to assist the Bridge Crew with analyzing the current situation and figuring out what repairs to prioritize. As the Cube heads to transwarp speeds, the hampered sensors of the ''Artemis'' do their best to attempt to extrapolate a course, but the worst suspicions of every Officer is soon honored, as it becomes apparent that the Cube is headed straight for Sector 001.<br><br>Their primary objective must now be to warn Starfleet about the incoming threat, but with long-range communications and warp functionality still not functioning as per the Changelings’ sabotage, there’s a long way until they’re able to warn anyone. Intending gain as much information about the enemies’ plans as possible, Lt.Cdrs. [[Talos Dakora]] and [[Robin Hopper|Hopper]] head to the Intel Suite alongside [[Charlena Vanlith|LT Vanlith]] in order to discern what part the stolen technology from Amity plays in the Borg’s plans for Frontier Day.<br><br> | On the lower Decks, Cmdr. [[Genkos Adea]], LT [[Hallia Yellir]] and Ensigns [[Jaseb Chevalier]], [[Kel Solas]] and [[Gnai]] meet up in the Shuttlebay - sort of, as the two Ensigns who’d previously been at the mercy of the Changeling known as Ravicz are still in a floating shuttle - and after a thorough examination of each others’ true identities by way of 20 Questions, the two groups link up. Running out of ideas on how to locate the remaining Changeling Saboteur, the group is soon joined by LT [[Vailani Zoyara]] and LtJG [[Savel]], who bring recent information on how to chase down the errant shapeshifters. Meanwhile, in Sickbay, the remainder of the crew who had been on the Cube assembled for medical care. There’s a clear divide between the two distinct crews - with the Amity-group more comfortable with taking care of their own - but taking care of each others' wounds while the Ship is still being rocked by Borg weaponry has a way of bridging such differences, and soon enough, the two crews intermingle in the interest of getting everyone on their feet as soon as possible. LT [[Rebecca Iko]] and LtJG [[Kaito Moore]] turn their focus on how to combat the Changeling saboteur, while LtJG [[Gila Sadar]] enlist the assistance of the other medical scientists to safely conduct the necessary cranial surgery on LtJG [[David Flint]].<br><br> | ||
On the lower Decks, Cmdr. [[Genkos Adea]], LT [[Hallia Yellir]] and Ensigns [[Jaseb Chevalier]], [[Kel Solas]] and [[Gnai]] meet up in the Shuttlebay - sort of, as the two Ensigns who’d previously been at the mercy of the Changeling known as Ravicz are still in a floating shuttle - and after a thorough examination of each others’ true identities by way of 20 Questions, the two groups link up. Running out of ideas on how to locate the remaining Changeling Saboteur, the group is soon joined by LT [[Vailani Zoyara]] and LtJG [[Savel]], who bring recent information on how to chase down the errant shapeshifters. | |||
Meanwhile, in Sickbay, the remainder of the crew who had been on the Cube assembled for medical care. There’s a clear divide between the two distinct crews - with the Amity-group more comfortable with taking care of their own - but taking care of each others' wounds while the Ship is still being rocked by Borg weaponry has a way of bridging such differences, and soon enough, the two crews intermingle in the interest of getting everyone on their feet as soon as possible. LT [[Rebecca Iko]] and LtJG [[Kaito Moore]] turn their focus on how to combat the Changeling saboteur, while LtJG [[Gila Sadar]] enlist the assistance of the other medical scientists to safely conduct the necessary cranial surgery on LtJG [[David Flint]].<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Astraeus'''''<br> | '''USS ''Astraeus'''''<br> | ||
As the crew of the USS ''Astraeus'' scramble to locate the remaining Changelings, they take measures to limit the Changelings’ capability to interfere with the normal running of the Ship. With LT MacNemar’s identity confirmed to have been the preferred disguise of a Changeling, their access codes are blocked, but in response, the Changeling - knowing that its ability to hide is severely limited - instead appropriates Lt.Cdr. [[Esa Kiax]]’ form to access Main Engineering. Anticipating the movements of the saboteur, Cpt. [[Mei'konda Delano]] orders several of his officers to Main Engineering after completely shutting off the warp core to prevent any potentially explosive tampering. In his own words, ‘the hunt is on’. LT [[Wyatt Ral]], LtJGs [[Charles Matthews]] and [[Christopher Caldwell]] and Ensigns [[Gwen'ora Tasen]] and [[Kris Fianna]] all head to Main Engineering while the Bridge crew keep a watchful eye on the situation as it unfolds. Soon enough, the five officers encounter the remaining Changeling, who first attempts duplicity by impersonating another crewman, attempting to trigger a Spiderman-stand off. [[Kris Fianna|Dr. Fianna]] foils this by making a risky gamble on her emotional intelligence being higher than the Changelings, and when the Changeling’s cover is broken, it instead takes the daring Doctor hostage.<br><br> | |||
The Starfleet Officers attempt to talk the Changeling down, but to no avail, and when it becomes apparent that it can’t accomplish its objective in Main Engineering, the Changeling tosses the panicked Doctor aside before attempting an escape. Up on the Bridge, [[Divya Tam|Ens Tam]] attempts to entrap the Changeling in a forcefield, but the infiltrator is too fast for the computer. Cmdr. [[Serala]] orders the Changeling transported to the Brig instead, and erects a lvl 10 forcefield around the cell, bringing the Changeling Hunt to a close, finally…<br><br> | |||
The excellent scientists aboard the ''Astraeus'' have meanwhile made a breakthrough regarding the identification and detection of Thelomium-847, which will hopefully assist them in discovering whether the Changeling threat is an isolated incident, or perhaps a larger and more nefarious part of the Frontier Day Celebrations...<br><br> | |||
'''Amity Outpost & USS ''Kitty Hawk'''''<br> | '''Amity Outpost & USS ''Kitty Hawk'''''<br> | ||
Jane - Specimen 731 - continues to be waylaid by the persistent diplomatic efforts of [[John Carter|Lt.Cdr. Carter]] and [[Indrid Yirah|LtJG Yirah]], and every moment that she delays, the more time the remaining crew of the ''Kitty Hawk'' have to counteract the other Changelings actions. In Engineering, LTs [[Nathan Richards|Richard]] and [[Scotty Reade|Reade]] and Crewman [[Annamae Barberra|Barberra]] are joined by [[Wil Ukinix|Cmdr. Ukinix]] in an effort to get the warp core back online. As they brainstorm a way to accomplish just that, it becomes apparent to the group that the ''Kitty Hawk'' is heading into a plasma storm, and a plan to harness the energy of the storm itself to kickstart the warp core is put into play, while Crewman [[Annamae Barberra|Barberra]] is sent to Sickbay to rendezvous with LT [[Ikaia Wong]] and [[Wil Ukinix|Cmdr. Ukinix]] heads back to the Bridge.<br><br> | |||
In Sickbay, LT [[Ikaia Wong|Wong]] starts their autopsy on the Changeling corpse - assisted by the EMH - and they make the startling discovery that the Changelings are now capable of mimicking even the internal physiognomy of whomever they change into it. But such a process comes with its own setbacks: notably a vulnerability to the same inherent limitations by the species they choose. This vulnerability is soon put to the test as a Changeling masquerading as Crewman [[Annamae Barberra|Barberra]] arrives in Sickbay to interrupt the autopsy, but the EMH handles the situation quickly, just as the real Barberra - wounded by the Changeling - shows up and faints on the Sickbay floor. Up on the Bridge, [[Wil Ukinix|Cmdr. Ukinix]] returns to the center chair just in time to be alerted of the fact that a new vessel has warped into the system. With their sensors overwhelmed by the feed from the plasma storm, [[Wil Ukinix|Cmdr. Ukinix]] orders a torpedo spread on the new vessel, fearing the worst. The unknown vessel soon makes contact, however, revealing itself to - ostensibly - be the USS ''Miller'' with Cpt. [[Roshanara Rahman]], Cmdr. [[Hannibal Parker]] and Ensign [[Niev Galanis]] aboard. The crew of the ''Kitty Hawk'' take in this new development with righteous paranoia, and [[Wil Ukinix|Cmdr. Ukinix]] - while initially reluctant to welcome the new arrivals - eventually suggest that [[Roshanara Rahman|Cpt. Rahman]] beams onto the Bridge alone and undergo testing, to assure everyone that she is not another Changeling. [[Roshanara Rahman|Cpt. Rahman]] agrees, and with her identity confirmed and the crew reunited with friends old and new, the USS ''Kitty Hawk'' and the USS ''Miller'' start their trek back towards Sector 001 to warn Starfleet, and interfere whatever conspiracy is afoot.<br><br> | |||
Barely do the two vessel make it back, however, before the Starfleet Admiralty makes contact, requiring an update on the hunt for the ''Titan''... | |||
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The Frontier Day celebrations start out with the blast of fireworks but quickly turn into a crisis. | The Frontier Day celebrations start out with the blast of fireworks but quickly turn into a crisis. | ||
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|Content = '''USS ''Artemis'''''<br> | |||
The USS ''Artemis''-A arrives to Frontier Day after two days in transit following their encounter with the Borg Cube in the Badlands. During that time, Lt.Cdrs [[Robin Hopper]] & [[Talos Dakora]] and LT [[Charlena Vanlith]] had time to analyze the data to identify the piece of technology stolen by the Changeling infiltrators on [[Amity Outpost]]: a Harmonic Convergence Node. What plan this piece of technology plays in the Borg's plans, however, remains a mystery.<br><br> | |||
The ''Artemis'' rendezvous with the USS ''Kitty Hawk'' to return most of the lost crew of [[Amity Outpost]], and in order to address some personnel concerns after the encounter with the Borg, and to exchange necessary information about the encounter to the ''Kitty Hawk'' command structure, an exchange of personnel occurs. LT [[Nathan Richards]] comes onboard the ''Artemis'', while LtJG [[Gila Sadar]] and Ens [[Gnai]] head to the ''Kitty Hawk''. Soon after, Admiral Shelby begins her formal address to the Fleet, activating Fleet Formation Mode in celebration of the NX-01's maiden flight 250 years ago. Unfortunately, this is when everything goes wrong. A loud shriek goes off, and numerous ''Artemis'' personnel are assimilated into the Borg Collective... Just as planned. On the Bridge, Ens [[Jaseb Chevalier]] leads the other assimilated in his attempt to eliminate the other officers, but LT [[Vitor Silveira]] intercepts his attempt to shoot Cpt [[Addison MacKenzie]] as the others head for the turbolift to exfiltrate. They've almost made it out, gathering all still-unassimilated officers in the turbolift when a group of Drones prevents the door from closing. [[Talos Dakora|Lt.Cdr. Dakora]] and [[Nathan Richards|LT Richards]] force the drones away from the lift, but are thus trapped on the Bridge as the lift heads on down. [[Robin Hopper|Lt.Cdr. Hopper]] is very upset at leaving behind the two officers, but [[Addison MacKenzie|Cpt. MacKenzie]] urges for calm. They need to arm themselves and retake the ''Artemis'', and the first step to that is heading to the arms locker near Transporter Room #1 on Deck 4. Meanwhile, the Borg on the Bridge start shooting on the USS ''Kitty Hawk'' as [[Jaseb Chevalier|Ens Chevalier]] - now One of Eight - takes center chair.<br><br> | |||
In Sickbay, Cmdr. [[Genkos Adea]] and one of his nurses are attacked by the assimilated personnel and seek shelter in the CMO's office. LtJG [[David Flint]] wakes up from his post-surgery bedrest to find Sickbay overrun by Drones, and he wields the anti-Borg Serum that broke the Collective's hold on him in an attempt to fight back. Unfortunately, the curative properties have been adapted to, but the sedative is still functioning. Utilizing the weapon at hand, [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Adea]] suggests that the three of them set to replicating more of the serum in an effort to thin the herd of awake drones at least a little. Meanwhile, in the Security Center, Ensign [[Kel Solas]]'s assimilation is underway when LtJG [[Savel]] realizes what is happening. [[Kel Solas|Ens Kel]] begs his senior officer and fellow Vulcan to shoot him to prevent assimilation, not wishing to engage his fellow security officers, and LtJG [[Savel]] adheres to his wishes. Realizing that the Borg are attempting to take over all central areas of the ''Artemis'', he runs out of the Security Center to start fighting back. His first goal is the Intelligence Suite, where he - unfortunately - runs straight into a small cadre of Drones who's managed to assume full control of the department. Now outnumbered, LtJG [[Savel]] calls for assistance, whcih arrives in the form of LtJG [[Melody Delri'ise|Delri'ise]], and the fight for Intelligence commences.<br><br> | |||
On the Bridge, the left-behind [[Talos Dakora|Lt.Cdr. Dakora]] and [[Nathan Richards|LT Richards]] manage to seek refuge in the Ready Room, but then find themselves very locked-in. Deciding that they'd rather be proactive about getting out of there and assisting the crew in retaking the ''Artemis'', they don some EVA suits and destroy the Ready Room's window. Space walk, imminent... Meanwhile, assimilated Drones inhabiting LT [[Hallia Yellir]] and the once more awake [[Kel Solas|Ens Kel]] start patrolling the lower decks of the ''Artemis'', ready to assist the Collective in eliminating the desperate defense of the unassimilated. The Collective has the ''Artemis''-A.<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Astraeus'''''<br> | |||
After the combined efforts of the Astraeus crew to apprehend the suspected final Changeling on board, Captain @Mei'konda Delano uses the lull in ship activities to engage in dialogue with the Captains of the USS Artemis and the USS Kitty Hawk. Unable to conceal his surprise after being informed of the detection of a larger-than-usual Borg Cube, the Caitian shares tidbits he has discovered to his fellow Commanding Officers relating to his mission to capture the Titan and his discussions with the Captain of the USS Cole.<br><br> | |||
While the ship is still warping towards Sector 001 for the Frontier Day Celebrations, the crew are called in for a discussion in a Secure Briefing Room; allowing the Captain the chance to inform his Officers of the situation and discuss two daring plans. Lieutenant Commander Esa Kiax , still struggling to come to terms with the recent injuries she has suffered and the loss of her long term partner, and the Bynar Lieutenants 101 & 000 are tasked with duplicating the command authorisation codes of Fleet Admiral Wolf , in the hope that it can help the Astraeus with whatever they come up against in the Terran System. First Officer Serala and Acting Chief Medical Officer Sylvie Doucet are ordered to assemble a rag-tag crew and board the USS Chin’toka, Mei’konda’s former command which is nearing the end of its refit period at the San Francisco Fleet Yards, and then use the forged authorisation of the Fleet Admiral to commandeer the Akira-class starship in the hope it can help to turn the tide in any unexpected situations.<br><br> | |||
The Astraeus arrived in the Sol system and dropped off several shuttles, carrying Commander Serala and nearly one hundred officers and crew, to complete the illegal hijacking of Chin’toka to add to their rag tag defence of Earth. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Commander Lael Rosek-Skyfire was reassigned as Astraeus’ acting First Officer. After that, the Galaxy class starship took station in Saturn orbit to monitor the situation, as Frontier Day celebrations began. This period of observation did not last long, however, as a strange and incredibly powerful signal began to be broadcast throughout the Sol system. And without any idea of what was happening, Astraeus’ young crew members and officers began to turn on their crewmates, declaring in dead voices that they were the Borg. These included Doctor Dr. Kris Fianna , Ensign Divya Tam , and one half of the Bynar duo, 101. Chief of Engineering Wyatt Ral and his staff evacuated Engineering, transferring control to the Bridge, while other senior officers, including science officers Alentonis and Lt. JG. Slav Shewytch took shelter in Stellar Cartography.<br><br> | |||
Desperate to find a solution, fights broke out all throughout the ship as the older members of Astraeus’ complement defended themselves against their younger aggressors. As a stopgap measure, members of Astraeus’ Bridge crew, including Captain Mei’konda, Lael Rosek, Ensign Gwen Tasen , and Lieutenant JGs Charles Matthews and Christopher Caldwell began beaming their assimilated crew mates to a locked down cargo hold, but this was known to be only a temporary measure, and in a second assault against the Bridge, Lieutenant Matthews was injured by a phaser shot from his assimilated crewmates and beamed to Sickbay, where Doctor Sevantha Saa was retaking control. The only way this could be stopped, and the loss of life ceased, would be to find a way to interrupt the signal that seemed to be controlling these young apparent Borg.<br><br> | |||
Via a decommissioned turbolift shaft that runs vertically the full height of the Galaxy class starship’s stardrive section, Kiax and 101 made it to the starship’s deflector control, where they implemented an experimental procedure to alter the ship’s defensive fields to partially block out the Borg signal. This allowed the ship’s young officers and crew to begin fighting against their assimilation. Now, Astraeus has warped to Sol Station as it is under assault from well over a hundred starships. With the station between the Galaxy class starship and the fleet, Captain Mei’konda attempts to evacuate as many people as possible from the station before its fleet-facing shields inevitably collapse. But with the Borg-assimilated fleet so close by, anything could happen…<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Chin'toka'''''<br> | |||
Cpt. [[Mei'konda Delano]] gave the order to Lt.Cdr. [[Esa Kiax]] & LtJGs [[001100010011000000110001 (001100000011000000110000)|101 & 000]] to hack Starfleet and gain access to Fleet Admiral Tristan Wolf's command authorization codes and then told Cmdr. [[Serala]] and LtJG [[Sylvie Doucet]] to go steal the USS ''Chin'toka'', a freshly fixed Akira-class that [[Mei'konda Delano|Cpt. Delano]] once commanded. With no idea how ready the ship actually is, given that it's still floating in drydock and wasn't actually supposed to be launching anytime soon, Cmdr. [[Serala]] brings together a small group with a variety of talents to bring over and [[Sylvie Doucet|LtJG Doucet]] puts together a box of medical supplies in case the ship has none. On the flight over, Cmdr. [[Serala]] is challenged by none other than the reason she has mandated anger management sessions: Daniel Perkins, now a Commander, but still sporting the broken nose and attitude. Since she can't punch him over the screen (sadly), Cmdr. [[Serala]] bluffs her way into command of the ''Chin'toka'' with the help of forged orders with equally forged authentication codes. Once on board, a motley assortment of Starfleet officers under the firm belief that their transfer orders were legit take stock of the situation and then meet up in a Conference Room where Cmdr. [[Serala]] summarizes the situation for everyone and hands out assignments: Lt.Cdr. [[Aine Sherlock]] as her FO, Lt.Cdr. [[V'Len Kel]] as CMO and 2O with [[Sylvie Doucet|LtJG Doucet]] as Assistant CMO, Lt.Cdr. [[Tai Ilsam]] as Mission Specialist, LtJG [[T'Ama]] as acting Chief Ops, LtJG [[Ghee’looth Xiron]] as acting Chief Engineer with Ens [[Is'Kah]] helping her out, Ens [[Daniel McGillian]] as the senior Sec/Tac on board, LtJG [[Kimberly Stapledon]] as CSO (much to Stapledon's surprise, considering she was an engineer before), and Lt.Cdr. [[Alexander Brodie]] as Counselor.<br><br> | |||
Before everyone leaves to start working, Cmdr. [[Serala]] breaks the news: They were here under entirely false pretenses, using forged credentials. This is shocking news to everyone, of course, but they all pledge to stay here for the bigger goal of saving Earth and the Federation from whatever the Borg and Changelings are plotting. "Let me guess. Thursday." On the Bridge, after the senior officers scattered to the four winds, Cmdr. [[Serala]] takes stock of the situation. She manages to avoid punching Perkins as they find out that the ship is woefully understocked with supplies and ill-prepared to do anything except leisurely float in space and move around. No tractor beam, no torpedoes, minimal supplies? No problem. They'll figure it out. But first: shenanigans. In the middle of launching the ship and Admiral Shelby's speech, the Borg's signal is broadcast and the newly assimilated portion of the crew announce themselves in unison before plunging everything into chaos. Among them is LtJG [[T'Ama]], the surprisingly well-armed Chief of Operations. The half-Vulcan takes the dubious honor of attempting to assassinate her new commanding officer. [[Aine Sherlock|Lt.Cdr. Sherlock]]'s Security training and experience kick in with the goal of protecting the ship's Captain. Cmdr. [[Serala]] shoots out T'Ama's eye, finishing off the job that a random piece of hail started. [[Daniel McGillian|Ens McGillian]], meanwhile, is fighting off a headache and assimilation, succeeding in the latter but not the former. He forces a path to the captain and retreats with her to the Ready Room, freeing [[Aine Sherlock|Lt.Cdr. Sherlock]] from getting completely beaten down by the Borg in the process. LtJG [[T'Ama]], having taken the Bridge, attempts to install the Fleet Formation software, but Cmdr. [[Serala]] is quick to react by locking out the consoles in the Bridge as well as LtJG [[T'Ama]]'s own authorization codes. | |||
<br><br>Meanwhile in Sickbay, [[V'Len Kel|Lt.Cdr. Kel]] gets himself and [[Sylvie Doucet|LtJG Doucet]] lost twice on the way there because the shipyard did not put the ship together the same way. There's very little in the way of supplies, they find, and [[Sylvie Doucet|LtJG Doucet]] is assimilated. Quick thinking gets her and [[Kimberly Stapledon|LtJG Stapledon]], now assimilated, locked in Sickbay with anesthetic gas pouring in. [[Kimberly Stapledon|LtJG Stapledon]], before getting locked in there, had brutally put down at least one crewman and was on her way to sabotage the ship when she ran into [[Alexander Brodie|Lt.Cdr. Brodie]]. The two fight and it's [[V'Len Kel|Lt.Cdr. Kel]]'s quick thinking that ends that fight after [[Alexander Brodie|Lt.Cdr. Brodie]] pushes her into Sickbay. While the Lt.Cdrs. discuss how to deal with this, LtJGs [[Kimberly Stapledon|Stapledon]] and [[Sylvie Doucet|Doucet]] plot a way back out by using a laser scalpel to cut through the bulkhead and force the ship's own failsafes to open the door and bring down the forcefield. They gain their freedom of movement to find that [[Alexander Brodie|Brodie]], [[V'Len Kel|Kel]], and Nurse [[Rox]] escaped elsewhere and take the opportunity to use another laser scalpel to sabotage the deflector dish and a couple of unfortunate Security crewmen on their way to Engineering.<br><br> | |||
Engineering is in chaos. The Borgified crew there force the unassimilated there to either die or flee, but [[Ghee’looth Xiron|LtJG Xiron]], Ens [[Is'Kah]] and [[Tai Ilsam|Lt.Cdr. Ilsam]] figure out a way to secure the most critical parts of the section with creative usage of force fields and a tactical retreat to where Ens [[Is'Kah]] gets the idea to violate several health and safety regulations to force the warp core to start up ASAP. Perkins, having moved there from the Bridge to assist, watches the Vulcan hybrid start doing this in a combination of horror and utter fascination. Cmdr. [[Serala]] & Co. get LtJG [[T'Ama]] and the others on the Bridge beamed down to the Brig, where they're secured behind strong forcefields. They breath a sigh of temporary relief, then panic once they realize the unassimilated Orion helmswoman, [[Neshala]], is stuck there. She's beamed out but not quite before getting severely injured and LtJG [[T'Ama]] finds out they didn't take her Type 2 phaser away from her. The Brig blows up as a result, burying poor Turnbull alive, and the Borg happily go to fetch more weapons from the Armory. State of the USS Chin'toka: CHAOS<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Kitty Hawk'''''<br> | |||
As soon as the USS Kitty Hawk entered Sector 001 alongside the USS Miller, the Starfleet Admiralty had made contact and requested an update on their hunt for the USS Titan. It was Captain Roshanara Rahman's decision to ignore the communication and instead enact Emergency Order 7-6-2 alpha that solidified just how dire the situation had become. Starfleet was compromised, and not even the Admiralty could be trusted anymore. With the foreboding threat looming, Cpt. Rahman held a private meeting with the Captains of the USS Artemis and USS Astraeus, the three putting together their own separate pieces of the conspiracy in an attempt to uncover the truth before it was too late. With the skeleton crew of the Kitty Hawk still working to repair damage from Changeling saboteurs and daring detours through plasma storms, Cpt. Rahman chose to rendezvous with the Artemis and exchange personnel before continuing on to Earth and joining the gathered fleet.<br><br> | |||
On the bridge of the Kitty Hawk, Commander Wil Ukinix offers Amity’s newest ensign Niev Galanis a belated welcome. He then sends the ensign and Commander John Carter to rendezvous with the group from the Artemis and ensure they were all who they said they were. Accompanied by a security detail, they arrive in one of the Transporter Rooms on Deck 6 joined by Lieutenant Ikaia Wong . Beaming over from the Artemis were the returning Amity crew, as well as Lieutenant JG Gila Sadar and Ensign Gnai. Lieutenant Nathan Richards joins the brief, relieved reunion before beaming over to Artemis himself. Soon after, Cpt. Rahman returns to the bridge just in time Admiral Shelby’s broadcast begins to kick off the celebration of Frontier Day… but her broadcast is interrupted by a warning that comes just a moment too late. The Borg signal activates the implanted DNA within the youth of Starfleet, assimilating most of them within moments. As the Artemis turns and begins to fire upon the Kitty Hawk, Vice Chief Marshal Sky Blake transports onto the bridge after retreating from a hostile situation within Starfleet Headquarters on Earth and immediately regrets her timing. Cpt. Rahman issues a warning to the crew, but the assimilated begin to act, eerily chanting their primary directive - eliminate all unassimilated. The ship’s controls are locked out by the Borg, leaving the crew no choice but to fight for their lives.<br><br> | |||
Among the several crew members struggling to remain themselves was Lieutenant Commander Alora DeVeau, who tackles the assimilated Crewman Annamae Barberra - designation One of Eleven - to the ground while Lieutenant JG Harrison Blackwood activates the fire-suppression system. The foam provides cover as the group escapes to a stairwell off the deck. After a brief struggle, One of Eleven gains the upper hand and makes the choice clear - assimilate or die. Alora chooses a third option and fights free of One of Eleven’s grasp, making a desperate retreat for the Jefferies’ Tubes, where she makes contact with the others and is told to rendezvous at Sickbay. The assimilated Indrid Yirah - the Yirah symbiote observing from within - pursues her briefly, but is recalled to protect the bridge. One of Eleven takes her place in the Captain’s chair and the Collective assumes control of the Kitty Hawk. | |||
In the Deck 6 Transporter Room, the assimilation signal strikes as the now unified group tries to formulate a plan to deal with the ship’s issues. Warnings are shouted out and phasers drawn as Ensign Gnai - its suit assimilated and designated Eleven of Eleven but the Galadoran inside unaffected - picks up the unassimilated transport chief and yeets hurls him into a bulkhead to announce the beginning of the madness. Lieutenant JG Kaito Moore, now Two of Eleven, eliminates the unassimilated security detail as civilian scientist Samantha Richards becomes Six of Eleven. Chaos reigns and the unassimilated race to leave the room despite the painful reluctance to leave their former friends. Lieutenant Rebecca "Bec" Iko provides covering fire with the phaser rifle she’d brought from the Artemis as the group retreats to the safety of a Jefferies tube. The assimilated followed their directive with ruthless efficiency, eliminating all assimilated in sight outside of the saucer section transport rooms. Gila is nearly brought to the brink by the carnage, but finds a sudden well of determination to help the others survive - like Lieutenant Charlena Vanlith, horrified beyond words at seeing Kaito’s assimilation and needing to be all but dragged to safety.<br><br> | |||
Reaching safety with only seconds to spare, the unassimilated group seals the tube with phasers before planning their next moves. John and Doctor Jansen Orrey join the other medical officers in speculating that Sickbay and the anti-borg serum may be their best chance to stop the Borg without needlessly killing the assimilated. Bec and Charlena reason that if the borg have taken the bridge, engineering and the nearby armory should be their objectives. The group agrees to split along these lines and begin the climbs through the tubes. Meanwhile, outside, the assimilated continue their rampage as they receive their new orders from the Collective. Six of Eleven (Sam) and Eleven of Eleven (Gnai) were to proceed to the bridge to assist in the defense, advancing deck-by-deck and ensuring no unassimilated on the way were spared. Two of Eleven (Kaito) and Seven of Eleven (Niev) were directed toward engineering. | |||
While the Elevens on the way to the bridge began to carve a path of calculated conquering, a group of marines held the turbolift hub on Deck 6. Two of Eleven reassessed the tactical situation, the Collective prioritizing taking the armory after overhearing the marines were working on doing so themselves. As Two departed for the transporters with reinforcements in tow, Seven of Eleven led a methodical extermination and clean up of the remaining survivors on Deck 6. Down in Engineering, Lieutenant Scotty Reade is dealing with the crisis as best he can. Whether lingering Changeling sabotage or signs of something even more insidious, the subwarp propulsion system is in danger of overloading. Crewman Valentine Essa has been assimilated and is now Three of Eight, putting Scotty in mortal danger before Bec and Charlena arrive from their long climb down the tubes. Three of Eight is stunned by Scotty, and the unassimilated shelter themselves behind a forcefield, each fighting to keep their emotions under control and figure out how to save the ship. Nearby Engineering, at the armory, Two of Eleven has led the assault right up to the very door of the weapons room itself, at a stalemate with the group of marines desperately trying to take it for the unassimilated. Seven of Eleven arrives as well, an awful surprise in tow - the Collective was using assimilated family members as hostages to get their way. Though the Borg are successful in coercing the armory open, the determined marines choose to make their stand here no matter what the cost.<br><br> | |||
On the way to Sickbay, Gila speculates about the actual effectiveness of the serum with Jansen and John as Ikaia concocts a bold plan to secure the Sickbay. The group will use anesthetic gas and hologram duplicates of Ikaia to distract and disable the Borg, despite the potential risks. Once the gas and Borg have been cleared from Sickbay, the group from the bridge finally finds a moment of reprieve and safety as they beam in and tend to their wounds. Lieutenant JG Torvi Ylvor is still struggling with fighting off the assimilation together with her symbiote. Harrison's status is also stable, but in question. A tense moment passes as Jane, the captive Changeling, enters the Sickbay to find her former enemies waiting there. She broke free from the brig when the assimilated entered and revealed their broken alliance by murdering the other Changelings held there, including the one who had impersonated Crewman Nuva. With the bulk of the unassimilated attempting to regroup and come up with a solution in Sickbay and their valiant efforts to save the ship from succumbing to further sabotage in Engineering, hope is still alive for Starfleet on the Kitty Hawk. But all the while, the Borg relentlessly adapt, methodically securing their hold on the ship. Will the survivors be able to organize a counter-attack… or will they find out resistance really is futile?<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Narendra'''''<br> | |||
The crew of Starbase 118 Ops currently aboard the USS Narendra returning from their most recent mission providing aid to the citizens from the moon of Miri IV from some mind altering plants finally resolving the situation with some diplomacy, lightning and rain. The crew hoping to have a much quieter return journey back to Starbase 118 receive a top priority directive to return to Spacedock in the Sol System from Admiral Banks. The closed lipped admiral gave no greater explanation apart from Urgent Starfleet Security Matters. Admiral Hauke through the back channels of communication via Commander Dal that Starfleet command may be compromised but with no communications it was difficult to find further information. The Intelligence machine kicked into action with Director McLaren recalled to the mysterious Intel Tower. Commodore Taybrim and the pirate crew of the Starbase 118 Ops lead the charge by following orders to the letter but with a small detour to their home station to pick up necessary supplies.<br><br> | |||
Following a sombre briefing of the senior staff and a round of field promotions the crew split to prepare the ship and crew to go into a likely trap not knowing what they are facing. Newly promoted Lt. Marsh the newly appointed Mission Specialist alongside Commander Fairhug, Lt. Willow, and Ensign T'Reyna prepare the ship for both ground of ship board fight. They are preparing aces up their sleeve but readying rotating phaser modulations and shield harmonics as well as ensuring the crew have a fighting force onboard. The equally newly promoted Lt. JG Korras and Lt. Ross the also Acting Chief of Intelligence tasked to trawl through every communication, signal and holoblog coming from the surrounding sectors. Their goal to find any intelligence which may benefit the success of the USS Narendra and Starfleet. The Medical Team, comprising of Lt. Commander Foster, Ensign Eliana Darius, the new Ships Counselor and the newly appointed Associate Chief Medical Officer Lt. Corey Wethern, work to retrofit parts of the ship for mass casualties and protect the crew from threats both physical and psychological. Lastly the newly minted Lt. JG Kreshkova, Lt. Tito and Commander Hael work tirelessly to push every ounce of power from the Narendra to provide agility and optimise defensive and offensive systems.<br><br> | |||
The detection of a signal from the past of Starbase 118 Ops from Captain Theo Whittaker former First Officer now out of retirement with a punch frames the battle that the Borg are on Earth and the Narendra's mission may have just got much more complicated as they speed towards their home station then onward to Sector 001. | |||
}} | |||
{{LCARS Toggle | |||
|Toggle Name = BL | |||
|Side = Right | |||
|Color = grey | |||
|Title = Hour 2 | |||
|Expand Indicator = ⮟ | |||
|Content = '''USS ''Artemis'''''<br> | |||
TBD<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Astraeus'''''<br> | |||
TBD<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Chin'toka'''''<br> | |||
TBD<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Kitty Hawk'''''<br> | |||
TBD<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Narendra'''''<br> | |||
}} | |||
{{LCARS Toggle | |||
|Toggle Name = ML | |||
|Side = Left | |||
|Color = grey | |||
|Title = Hour 3 | |||
|Expand Indicator = ⮟ | |||
|Content = '''USS ''Artemis'''''<br> | |||
TBD<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Astraeus'''''<br> | |||
TBD<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Chin'toka'''''<br> | |||
TBD<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Kitty Hawk'''''<br> | |||
TBD<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Narendra'''''<br> | |||
}} | |||
{{LCARS Toggle | |||
|Toggle Name = JL | |||
|Side = Right | |||
|Color = grey | |||
|Title = Hour 4 | |||
|Expand Indicator = ⮟ | |||
|Content = '''USS ''Artemis'''''<br> | |||
TBD<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Astraeus'''''<br> | |||
TBD<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Chin'toka'''''<br> | |||
TBD<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Kitty Hawk'''''<br> | |||
TBD<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Narendra'''''<br> | |||
}} | |||
{{LCARS Toggle | |||
|Toggle Name = KL | |||
|Side = Left | |||
|Color = grey | |||
|Title = Hour 5 | |||
|Expand Indicator = ⮟ | |||
|Content = '''USS ''Artemis'''''<br> | |||
TBD<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Astraeus'''''<br> | |||
TBD<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Chin'toka'''''<br> | |||
TBD<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Kitty Hawk'''''<br> | |||
TBD<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Narendra'''''<br> | |||
}} | |||
==Phase 3: Outer Perimeter Defense of the Federation in the Alpha Isles and Marchlands== | ==Phase 3: Outer Perimeter Defense of the Federation in the Alpha Isles and Marchlands== |