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(→‎Phase 1: Prelude to Frontier Day: - Artemis' info input)
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|Content = '''USS ''Artemis'''''<br>
|Content = '''USS ''Artemis'''''<br>
TO BE FILLED<br><br>
With the personnel aboard the Cube safely transported back onto the ''Artemis'', the events aboard take a turn for the better as the Cube prepares to warp out of the area. In the transporter rooms, the personnel freshly beamed aboard from the Cube set to verifying each others’ personalities and disseminating throughout the vessel to assist with whatever their unique skill sets permit.<br><br>
Cpt. [[Addison MacKenzie]] brings LTs [[Charlena Vanlith]] and [[Jovenan]] with her to the Bridge, soon joined by Lt.Cdr. [[Robin Hopper]], to assist the Bridge Crew with analyzing the current situation and figuring out what repairs to prioritize. As the Cube heads to transwarp speeds, the hampered sensors of the ''Artemis'' do their best to attempt to extrapolate a course, but the worst suspicions of every Officer is soon honored, as it becomes apparent that the Cube is headed straight for Sector 001.<br><br>Their primary objective must now be to warn Starfleet about the incoming threat, but with long-range communications and warp functionality still not functioning as per the Changelings’ sabotage, there’s a long way until they’re able to warn anyone. Intending gain as much information about the enemies’ plans as possible, Lt.Cdrs. [[Talos Dakora]] and [[Robin Hopper|Hopper]] head to the Intel Suite alongside [[Charlena Vanlith|LT Vanlith]] in order to discern what part the stolen technology from Amity plays in the Borg’s plans for Frontier Day.<br><br>
On the lower Decks, Cmdr. [[Genkos Adea]], LT [[Hallia Yellir]] and Ensigns [[Jaseb Chevalier]], [[Kel Solas]] and [[Gnai]] meet up in the Shuttlebay - sort of, as the two Ensigns who’d previously been at the mercy of the Changeling known as Ravicz are still in a floating shuttle - and after a thorough examination of each others’ true identities by way of 20 Questions, the two groups link up. Running out of ideas on how to locate the remaining Changeling Saboteur, the group is soon joined by LT [[Vailani Zoyara]] and LtJG [[Savel]], who bring recent information on how to chase down the errant shapeshifters.<br><br>
Meanwhile, in Sickbay, the remainder of the crew who had been on the Cube assembled for medical care. There’s a clear divide between the two distinct crews - with the Amity-group more comfortable with taking care of their own - but taking care of each others' wounds while the Ship is still being rocked by Borg weaponry has a way of bridging such differences, and soon enough, the two crews intermingle in the interest of getting everyone on their feet as soon as possible. LT [[Rebecca Iko]] and LtJG [[Kaito Moore]] turn their focus on how to combat the Changeling saboteur, while LtJG [[Gila Sadar]] enlist the assistance of the other medical scientists to safely conduct the necessary cranial surgery on LtJG [[David Flint]].<br><br>
'''USS ''Astraeus'''''<br>
'''USS ''Astraeus'''''<br>
TO BE FILLED<br><br>
TO BE FILLED<br><br>


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