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<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Personal History|COLOR=Teal}}</h3>
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Personal History|COLOR=Teal}}</h3>
<h3>Family Business</h3>
:Coming Soon.
Saava’s family is one of the wealthiest on Vulcan or in their society. The roots of their success go back to the earliest Vulcan expeditions into space. As Vulcans moved further away from the home world, especially as there wasn’t yet Warp Drive, it became more difficult to journey home.
Given the somewhat unpredictable nature of the exact timing of the onset of Pon Farr, this caused a myriad of problems during Vulcan’s early intra-system colonization period. S’Varin, who ran a merchant business outfitting travelers saw a business opportunity. Closing his shop, he liquidated his assets and moved his family to the outpost of Girok, a moon colony. Building his first facility there, he opened for business catering to the needs of his people who were about to have a Pon Farr and sought isolation until the effect fully manifested. At the time it would have been traditional for the affected Vulcan to travel home for this. But now there was an alternative.
Given the space constraints in some early space colonies, clients of his began to ask if they could experience the entire Pon Farr in S’Varin’s facilities. Some of the early colonies had shared living arrangements and the social mores of the time (and still today) consider the matter extremely private. The option to move into seclusion with one’s mate for the mating served not only the needs of the individuals involved, but for the others in the shared living spaces.
As Vulcans expanded into space, developed Warp Drive and settled on colonies quite far away from the home system, S’Varin and his inheritors kept pace, building new hotels with ample space and privacy for all concerned.
In the era of the Federation, one of the hotels can be found on almost every Federation world that has a contingent of Vulcans living there.
Consistent with the desire for privacy, none of the facilities are labeled and there is no exterior signage. If asked, a Vulcan might refer to them as “Meditation and Sanctuary Hotels, catering to unique Vulcan needs,” or even just “health spas and resorts.”
The Vulcan name of the business is nearly unpronounceable by a non-native speaker. But the name might best be transliterated as “Pon Farther.”
<h3>Early Years</h3>
The family was known to have large numbers of children historically. For undisclosed reasons, Saava’s parents had only two: Sevik and Saava. Sevik was chosen at a young age to be the next inheritor of the business. His education started young. His parents put him a series of roles in the firm, starting with the cleaning service and eventually he was running night shifts in some facilities on his own as a teenager. His tutoring was entirely in economics, business, finance, logistics, and the like.
As part of the broadening of his experiences, he was placed on an expansion team, building a new facility on a new colony. His task at the time was on finishes, decoration, and art. Once he put his mind on this topic, all interest in business was lost. Sevik devoted every spare moment to studying drawing, painting, sculpture, and literary works as well. A marriage contract has been arranged for him at a young age to a suitable family and the other party canceled the engagement, after word reached them about his change in interests.
Saava was, for the most part, left to her own devices as a child. With Sevik being designated as the heir, Saava was free to study whichever topics interested her. However, wary of other families attempting to enter the family business through a possible marriage, she was not permitted to attend education with other children. She was provided private tutoring. Her only opportunities for socialization came from sports. After unsuccessfully trying to become a desert slalom skier, she tried a series of other games and events until she tried Parrises Squares. The game suited her physique and her aggressive sporting style. She played in the youth leagues on Vulcan and won many awards and championships, both in single and team play.
As her youthful education came to an end, she considered a career as either a doctor specializing in Sports Medicine, or as a Sports and Fitness Coach. In a chance encounter with a Vulcan Starfleet Officer who was playing the Squares recreationally while on leave, she learned that Starfleet Academy had an exceptional Sports Medicine and Health program. But what was most appealing was when the Officer talked about her Academy experiences as part of a squad, a company, and a division in the school. There would be a constant flow of other beings around, and she would have the opportunity to work with people all the time. The very concept of being surrounded by large numbers of people her own age seemed very tempting.
With Sevik faltering, she was concerned about gaining her parent’s support in going off-world for more education, especially in Starfleet. But her parents T’Vin and Saavin were absolutely convinced that they could turn Sevik around and gave her their leave to apply at Starfleet Academy. They judged it beneath her, but they also saw it as a good preventative measure to keep her away from other Vulcan families on the home world who were lining up their sons to try for an engagement and to parley that into taking over the business.
<h3>Academy Experiences</h3>
Early in her Academy days, she met Zenno, Vratak, and Grall. The four of them were in the same squad and were a unique social group in their class. Given Saava’s want of social interaction and her forceful personality, many of the largest and most memorable gatherings and events of the class were a result of her arranging. These included everything from simple picnics to tours of visiting Starships, outings to sporting events, and trips to interesting destinations. There had even been a handful of times when an event was outside of curfew or logistically difficult to manage, but Saava would not be deterred and sometimes would find it logical to attend regardless of the rules at the Academy. She was never caught doing this, however.
In her scholastic pursuits, she found the medical program to be excellent. But she did find the option of becoming a medical doctor too limiting. She wanted to be able to provide fitness and health counseling, while still being able to deliver healing and nursing seemed like the right fit.
<h3>First Assignment</h3>
Saava’s first assignment as an Academy graduate and nurse was to the USS White Pine. Unfortunately, the White Pine is stationed very far away from her close Academy friends, and she has had a challenging time finding a new social group on the small vessel. Furthermore, the CMO, a doctor Selenka, has a workstyle that Saava finds incompatible with her own. There has been some friction because of this.
Missing her friend group from the Academy, Saava began to check on their doings. She was particularly concerned about Zenno, as he often needed her nutritional guidance. She and Zenno had spoken somewhat irregularly, but at Saava’s insistence, they established a routine call schedule, and she did not permit alteration to the minimum plan.
<h3>Vacation to Theta Reticuli IX</h3>
As part of her first substantial leave after reporting to the ship, she and Zenno journeyed to Theta Reticuli IX for the Parrises Classic, a major event. As part of the event, they discovered a cheating scandal in the games. This had the effective result of a ban, as the Squares fans can be uniquely violent at times and both hers and Zenno’s images were widely shared as the discoverers of the scandal.
<h3>Return to the White Pine</h3>
After the disastrous trip to the Parrises Classic, she returned to the White Pine. On their way back from the event, she and Zenno had encountered a Bolian/Vulcan couple, and they had a brief interaction. Regardless of her wish to focus on her job, she began to ruminate on a possible future with Zenno, a Bolian. Keeping those desires to herself, she nevertheless began to check on his progress on the Arrow. Knowing his history of digestive troubles, she obtained copies of his replicator logs. Disturbed by his choices, she contacts the Chief Medical Officer of Zenno’s Command and offers her assistance in putting together a food plan for him. There was no reply from the Medical Officer, but Zenno had been horrified by the entire event. In time, she was confident he would come to see it her way.
Meanwhile at home, Sevik had been judged a lost case by her parents. He was only interested in artistic and literary pursuits and gave up all thoughts about the family business. Turning their thoughts towards Saava, they considered giving her the business. But her interests were not in alignment. She was concerned with health, sports, fitness, and nutrition. While there would be need of those skills in the business, to run it, they needed someone with a different sensibility. Accordingly, they decided to find a suitable husband for her. She could handle such areas of the business as suited her interests and they could have the business leader they sought. However, Saava did not have any interest in this arrangement.
<h3>Betrothal Event</h3>
Having vetted and arranged three possible suitors, Saava’s parents demanded she return home on her next shore leave to meet the prospects. She unexpectedly brought along Zenno and between the two of them, they had arranged to destroy all prospects of an arranged marriage to any of the families her parents had selected. Declaring her interests, she offers herself as a marriage prospect to him. Surprising even himself, he agrees with no discussion.
<h3>Return to Duty</h3>
Saava’s family is aware of the betrothal, and they have grudgingly accepted it. They made alternative arrangements for the family business with Saavin’s cousin. However, no one in Starfleet besides Saava and Zenno are aware of the new situation.



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