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m (Added Kivik & David Flint)
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| <center>Public displays of affection, small spaces, hot weather</center>
| <center>Public displays of affection, small spaces, hot weather</center>
| <center>Platonic friends to take in a cricket match and a pint with</center>
| <center>Platonic friends to take in a cricket match and a pint with</center>
{| class="wikitable" width="80%"
!style="min-width: 150px; text-align: center;"| Photo
!style="min-width: 150px; text-align: center;"| Flirter
!style="min-width: 150px; text-align: center;"| Status
!style="min-width: 150px; text-align: center;"| Likes
!style="min-width: 150px; text-align: center;"| Dislikes
!style="min-width: 150px; text-align: center;"| Looking For
| <center>[[File:JChevalier_Borg.png|150px]]</center>
| <center>'''[[Jaseb Chevalier|One of Eight]]'''</center>
| <center>In Polyfidelity and Looking</center>
| <center>Joint activities, traveling, joining others to our polyfidelity group</center>
| <center>Resistance and individuality</center>
| <center>Someone we can share our desire for perfection.</center>



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