Medicines Database: Difference between revisions

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Adding Dr. Bailey's Anti-Borg serum to Medicines Database - USE IT, PEOPLE!
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(Adding Dr. Bailey's Anti-Borg serum to Medicines Database - USE IT, PEOPLE!)
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A stimulant that could be used to awaken someone from sleep, or keep them conscious for longer durations than naturally able.
A stimulant that could be used to awaken someone from sleep, or keep them conscious for longer durations than naturally able.
===Anti-Borg Serum===
Developed by [[Sheila Bailey]]'s team during the attack on the USS ''Nimitz'', the serum is made on a Noroline base with cytokine.<ref>[ "Troubling Symptoms"], LT [Sheila Bailey|Bailey], SB118 Ops, SD 239608.18</ref> The serum actively attacks the nanites, sedating them and the affected individual, as the serum actively corrodes the Borg technology infecting the individual. An average human male infected with Borg nanites require two normal doses for the medicine to take effect, rendering the individual unconscious and its implants rotting into metal dust.



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