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==Pre-Academy Years==
==Pre-Academy Years==

After he graduated, in 2375, he joined his stepfather’s business and started to work with him and his son Ral.
To attend architecture school he had to leave home and separate from Ayra, who had instead chosen to follow her father's career. The first months of separation were difficult for both of them. Without both of his closest confidants, Drex took some time to find a new balance.

Ral not only is Drex’s step-brother, but also his best friend.
The course of study was congenial to him and after the initial confusion he managed to get back on track and attend lessons profitably.

For almost a decade he was quite comfortable drawing architectural solutions, he even got involved in a big project for the renewal of the town council building, but in the end, he decided to apply again for the Science Academy.
During these years he met one of his closest friends, Xyr.

This time he passed and in 2390 he got his degree in Xenoanthropology. One of his mother's acquaintances offered him to join an archeological expedition on an abandoned planet in a not too far sector. He accepted, enthusiastically, and left Denobula for the first time.
In 2375 he graduated with excellent marks and a thesis on Architectural and Landscape Cultural Heritage Preservation and Reuse in the region of Vespian.

The experience struck him like Saul on the road to Damascus, so he decided to apply for the Starfleet Academy  
He immediately began working in Dorji's studio where he met Ral again.
For almost a decade he was quite comfortable drawing architectural solutions, he even got involved in a big project for the renewal of Kalus council building.
However, every time he went home and listened to his mother talk about the ancient people she was researching, he felt compelled to change.
In 2386 he was again a candidate for the Academy of Science, and this time his application was accepted.
Determined not to make a bad impression with his mother's acquaintances, Drex committed himself to his new studies as he had never done before. He completed his courses on schedule, and in 2390 he eagerly agreed to join an archaeological expedition to an abandoned planet in a sector not too far away. It was the first time he had ever left Denobula.The excitement of the journey to an unknown destination reawakened in him that slight sense of adventure instilled by Ral when they were boys, and at the end of the mission he decided to apply for admission to Starfleet Academy convinced that Starfleet could offer him greater opportunities to further his studies.

==Academy Years==
==Academy Years==


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