User:Ciri Mingan Hopkins: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "== '''Full Name: '''Race: Human/Caitian (Hybrid) '''Date of Birth: '''Place of Birth: '''Age: 24 '''Gender: Female '''Telepathic status: N/A '''Appearance '''Height: '''Weight: '''Hair Color: '''Length of Hair: '''Eye Color: '''Skin Tone: '''Birthmarks, Scars: '''Build: '''Face: '''Eyes: '''Mouth: '''Arms: '''Legs: '''Carriage: '''Poses '''Shoes: == '''Voice: Handedness: Ambidex...")
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'''Telepathic status: N/A


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'''Eye Color:  
'''Eye Color: Yellow'''

'''Skin Tone:  
'''Skin Tone: Olive '''

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'''Build: Curvy/Athletic '''

== '''Face: ''' ==

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Handedness: Ambidextrous (but favors right).
'''Quarters: TBD
'''Favorite Room: Any one she can get out of quickly.
'''Habits: Cracking (and reacking) her knuckles, being emotionally withholding, punching civilian law enforcement officers, and pulling at uniform sleeves.
'''Mannerisms: Tends to huff and roll her eyes (when she can't help it; it's almost a physical tic). Will sometimes stand at ease or loose attention when thinking.
'''Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Raised Baptist (but quietly resents it).
'''Hobbies and Pastimes: Doing complicated puzzles and models. Reading mystery novels (secretly). Moderate conditioning. Journaling (VERY secretly).
'''Likes: Locked doors, strong drinks, a finely tuned phaser, learning new ways to fight back, but above all, being useful (saving people).
'''Dislikes: The Dark, enclosed spaces, sadists, the unknown (or, rather maybe, the uncontrolled), and being looked down on or thought of as weak.
'''Ambitions and Goals: A decent week of sleep. To save lives. Preventing what happened to her from ever happening to anyone again.
'''Achievements in Life: Completed civilian Marine training. Gained the rank of 1st LT. Joined Starfleet SAR. Attained Rank of Major (despite herself).
Disappointments in Life: Being the one who lived.
'''Temperament: Calculated and outwardly cold. But that's only a mask for the deep reserve of duty and responsibility she carries underneath.
'''Mental problems (complexes and phobias): Survivor's Guilt, Minor Claustrophobia (manageable over time), Anger Issues usually stemming from frustrations at inaction or dismissive responses to her persons.
'''Physical Limitations: Joint pain/stiffness at times. Especially after major exertion.
'''Marital Status:
'''Personal History Timeline
237207.19 -
2389 -
2393 -
2394 -
2395 to 2399 -
2400 -
'''Professional History
'''Date Graduated from Academy: 2392 (Carried Over From Civilian Military Service)
'''Current Rank: Ensign
'''Current Assignment: U.S.S. Ronin
'''Duty Post: Security Officer
Awards & Commendations
For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
'''Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon: [2400]

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