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===Personal History===
Koleth was the sixth and youngest child of Koreji and Reena,
born a few short years after the end of the occupation. His father, Koreji,
was a dentist from a long line of dentists
and his mother, Idre, was a painter and musician. Both his parents
grew up during the occupation, but were lucky, as his father's services were in
demand enough that they could have a relatively prosperous life in the southern
His oldest brother, Weuvurn, was born just before the occupation ended and,
like many Bajoran children who knew about its direct effects second-hand, was militant.
He, and later  Highdorne, joined the Kohn-Ma resistance to continue the fight against
the Cardassians. This is a source of shame for Koleth's father, but secretly a source of
pride for his mother, despite the fact that neither of his brothers have been officially heard from
in over two years. They check in semi-regularly with Kole and his parents via short, encrypted comms.
After they left, Koleth's father attempted to get him to take over the family dentistry
practice, despite him having little inclination. Instead Koleth, as a sheltered and
often isolated youngest child, was intensely curious about machines. Rather than study,
Koleth could be found stripping the electrical systems in his home, tinkering with the replicators, and generally being a nuisance.
One time as a prank he reprogrammed the replicators in the temple to create spoiled food, which the local priest blamed
on the Pah-wraiths, until Koleth's father figured out what had happened and made him apologize.
His three older systers all have married and become respectable artists (Onnas), policitians (Jeeshiri),
or have continued the practice of dentistry (Fexia). Koleth,
instead, dreamed of joining Starfleet Academy. He had seen the Federation engineers and doctors
which came to help after the occupation, and he dreamed of a galaxy of exploration and puzzles to solve.
While Stafleet was respected by many families
who were more directly involved in the resistance during the occupation, it was thought of as
a dangerous and reckless instution by those Bajoran families more rich and sheltered. A strong anti-Federation,
pro-isolationist strain of Politics also appeared on Bajor after the occupation, which caused many Bajorans to look unfavorably on Starfleet and those who joined.
Initially his parents were against it, especially since his two only brothers had been
incommunicado in the resistance, but eventually his mother came around, out of a love
for her son. His father did too, although he always gently begrudged Koleth for not
becoming a dentist. They and the rest of his family have a loving relationship today.
Koleth joined Starfleet in 2396 as an Engineering cadet. Going from a quiet
life on Bajor to the rigors of the academy was a shock to Koleth, but he soon found his
way. His incredible intelligence and curiousity made him a standout at the academy,
where he earned top marks in every field he studied. However, he lacked discipline
and had a habit of not following orders. His jocular, at times goofy demeanor
gave many instructors the notion he was unserious, despite his abilities. This conception
was not aided by his propensity to disobey orders so as to find unique solutions
to problems. Despite this, his disarming nature and self-deprecating humor won him friends among his classmates. He graduated summa cum laude.

===Service History===
===Service History===


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