Annihilation Approaches (Denali Station): Difference between revisions

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In a time frame that feels altogether too quick, the team on the Eagle and the teams on the Station all have roughly 10 minutes to coordinate a way to keep the suspicious asteroids from creating an extinction event on the Ring.
In a time frame that feels altogether too quick, the team on the Eagle and the teams on the Station all have roughly 10 minutes to coordinate a way to keep the suspicious asteroids from creating an extinction event on the Ring.

Marine Captain Gogigobo splits the team and works with Alex Forsyth on a plan to coordinate the city to as close to underground bunkers as they can, while Ozai Y'Zyr goes with Marine Gunnery Sergeant Nan Hesan to work on security from their side.
Marine Captain Gogigobo splits the team and works with Alex Forsyth on a plan to coordinate the city to as close to underground bunkers as they can, while Ozai Y'Zyr goes with Marine Gunnery Sergeant Nan Hesan to work on security from their side.

Engineers Dekas and Kettick try to figure out a way to boost that shielding despite everything against them, and coordinate with the Eagle, Fairhug's team, and the people in the Operations center.
Engineers Dekas and Kettick try to figure out a way to boost that shielding despite everything against the Station as a whole.

The Eagle realizes the asteroids are made out of alucanite, which is magnetic. Something very helpful in trying to deflect the asteroid.
Up on the Eagle, the survey team realizes the asteroids are made out of alucanite, which is magnetic. Something very helpful in trying to deflect the asteroid. In the midst of this epiphany, Dekas reaches out to them for any information that might help make their side of things easier, and Freck relays the information.

The Eagle also reasons out a way to bounce the asteroids off the Ring's odd platforms in a way akin to skipping a pebble on a pond, albeit on a wildly different scale. Saving an extinction event, although it will cause problems with the day-night cycle facilitated by the platforms, and some radioactive debris.
The Eagle also reasons out a way to bounce the asteroids off the Ring's odd platforms in a way akin to skipping a stone on a pond, albeit on a wildly different scale, while modulating a tractor beam to make it spin. Saving an extinction event, although it will still cause problems with the day-night cycle facilitated by the platforms, and some radioactive debris from the impact.

Along the way, Lt. Commander John Kendrick returns from a brief leave of absence and reaches out to the Eagle when he gets the asteroid readings on his own ship's computers to help out.  
Along the way, Lt. Commander John Kendrick returns from a brief leave of absence and reaches out to the Eagle when he gets the asteroid readings on his own ship's computers to help out.  

The Engineers plan to polarize the emergency shielding they do have, and work with Gogigobo's team to use the shuttlecraft Nenana and some others to use as a centerpoint to create something of a Halbrach array; a magnetic field on one side but not the other.
With the magnetic information, and the suggestion to polarize the shielding, the Engineers plan to just that, and work with Gogigobo's team to use the shuttlecraft Nenana, other shuttlecrafts, and some drones to use as a center point to create something of a Halbrach array; a magnetic field on one side but not the other.

And in the meantime, the time coordinating gives roughly five minutes left to get it all in order before the asteroid inevitably hits.
Lieutenant Neshala connects all coordinating teams to easier talk to each other from where she is in Operations with Captain Oddas, Lt. Commander Stelek, and the new Ensign arrival, Doctor Irwin Goldner.
In the meantime, the time coordinating gives roughly five minutes left to get it all in order before the asteroid inevitably hits.

=== Impact ===
=== Impact ===


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