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'''Ushaump Shal''' was a criminal [[Chameloid]]. His previous identities have included [[Gervan Bollore]], [[T'Gan O'Sullivan]], and [[Joan Basilone]]. He most recently posed as Beylanesh Semu, a supposed engineer in Starfleet.
|NAME = Beylanesh Semu
|SHIP = USS Veritas
|RANK = Ensign
|POST = Engineering Officer
|COLOR = Gold
|SPECIES = [[Human]]/[[Argelian]]
|GENDER = Female
|BIRTHPLACE = Bois Caudex, Upstate New York, Earth
|IMAGE = BeySemu.jpg
Ensign [[Beylanesh Semu]], a [[Human]] [[Argelian]] hybrid, is currently an engineer aboard the {{USS|Veritas}}.
* '''Full Name''': Beylanesh Semu (be·lay·nesh sə·mo͞o)
* '''Nickname''': Bey (bē)
* '''Race''': [[Human]]/[[Argelian]]
* '''Date of Birth''': 236909.24
* '''Place of Birth''': Bois Caudex, Earth
* '''Age''': {{age|2369|09|24}}
* '''Gender''': Female
* '''Telepathic status''': 0/NR

In 2398, while posing as Semu, Shal recovered a [[hexagon]] device that was in storage aboard the {{USS|Veritas}} for the [[Cobalt Clan]], the local Andorian mafia on [[Donova IV]]. Having no further use for him, he was disposed of by the ruthless criminal organization shortly after. His remains were discovered by [[Tristam Core]] on a farm on [[Donova IV]].

* '''Height''': 155 cm/5'1"
[[Category:Deceased NPCs]]
* '''Weight''': 48 kg/106 lbs
* '''Hair Color''': Dark brown
* '''Length of Hair''': Just past shoulder length (usually worn in a ponytail)
* '''Eye Color''': Light brown
* '''Skin Tone''': Darker brown
* '''Build''': Petite, slim, athletic with feminine curves
* '''Taste in Clothing (when off duty)''': eclectic, but leans toward darker colors
* '''Handedness''': Right
* '''Quarters''': Decorations, pictures, etc.
* '''Favorite Room''':
* '''Mannerisms''':
* '''Physical Limitations''':
* '''Temperment''':
* '''Habits''':
* '''Religion/Spiritual Devotion''':
Introductory information about personality. This section should be the "writer's" assesment of the character's personality. There is also a section for StarFleet Personality Profile below.
===Hobbies and Pastimes===
* Sailing
* Parkour, mudding, obstacle courses and other forms of 'adventure' racing, both as a participant and a spectator (very knowledgable of statistics of more prominent athletes)
===Likes and Dislikes===
* Dislikes
** Parrises Squares and most other physical contact sports
===Ambitions and Goals===
Information about ambitions and goals. What are they? When were they formed? What prompted them?
===Personal Achievements and Disappointments===
Earned a doctorate in applied mathematics at age 23. Her doctoral thesis was entitled "The potential of fuzzy-fractal logic when applied to artificial neural networks, with specific applications to bioneural gel packs."
Captained the winning sailboat twice for Earth's Intercollegiate Match Race Championship: the first time for Princeton, the second time for Starfleet Academy
Crewmember of winning schooner in the 2397 Daystrom Regatta's Classical Division.
* '''Marital Status''': Single
'''Mother:''' Kara Semu
Bey's mother, an Argelian capable of empathic contact, met Bey's "designated father" while the latter was on shore leave on Argelius II. Soon after, Liqu Semu retired and the couple moved to Earth after they married.. At her mother's insistence, the married couple set up residence in Bois Caudex, a commune in Upstate New York. Bey's mother felt the commune was the closest cultural match to her home world that could be found on Earth.
Even though Bey legally emancipated herself from her parents at age twelve, Bey maintains erratic contact with her mother.
'''Father:''' Liqu Semu
Liqu Semu reached the rank of Senior Chief Specialist before retiring (his last posting was on the USS Zerai Deres). Bey refers to Liqu as her designated father, since she is convinced he is not her biological father. Bey has not had contact with Liqu since leaving the commune at age 12 (when she was legally emancipated from him and Kara). Bey insists her father played no part in her joining Starfleet. Nevertheless, Bey often quotes and Liqu's maxims when deciding how to act in Starfleet.
The List of Maxims includes (but is not limited to)
* Don't bro them until you know them
* When a superior is acting crazy, that is not an invitation to join their craziness
Since Bey is unsure of who here biological father is, she is not sure if she might have half-siblings. Given the nature of the commune in which she grew up, even if Liqu Semu is her biological father, she knows that he could have fathered other children on the commune. In any event, Bey knows her mother only had one child, and Bey has no interest in determining either who her biological father is, or if she has any half-siblings.
==Personal History==
Bey was born in a region of North America known colloquially as Upstate New York. The commune she was born in, Bois Caudex, had been established to promote such ideas as New Human-ness, Free Love and other counterculture maxims.
At age five, Bey showed signs that she had been born with Quattuor Nonvera Cerebri, more commonly known as Placca's Syndrome. Placca's Syndrome is an incredibly rare genetic condition that can occur in the offspring of human and Argelians, particularly if one or both of the parents has psychic abilities. Individuals with Placca's Syndrome are nearly impossible to "read," either telepathically or empathically, and are often mathematical savants. They are also more prone to mild forms of social anxiety. as well as the onset of dementia in the latter stages of life.
At age twelve, Bey found a sponsor and had herself legally emancipated from her parents.
At age sixteen, Bey was enrolled in a local community college. By age twenty-three, she had earned a doctorate in applied mathematics from Princeton University.
At age eighteen, a friend convinced Bey to participate in a Parisses Squares based holonovel. The program itself minimized the more violent aspect of the game, but Bey still developed an aversion for Parisses Squares and most other contact sports.
Bey is an avid fan of parkour, mudding and other forms of "adventure racing," both as a participant and a spectator. Bey can rattle off statistics of any athlete at the drop of a hat.
Bey's embarking on an academic career in the field of applied mathematics was due, in part, to her genetic predisposition toward the subject, and also in part as a sort of act of defiance against the hedonistic upraising she had received. Initially, she had no desire to enter Starfleet, associating the Fleet with the negative feelings she had toward her "designated father."
However, during her academic career, she had the opportunity to meet a number of Starfleet members past and present. Some were fellow students, others were instructors. They would either be officers or enlisted personnel furthering their education, or retirees looking to develop new interests or find opportunities to share accumulated knowledge. Bey even became friends with the cadet captain whom she beat out at the Match Race Championship as Princeton's captain.
There was no "Aha" moment when Bey decided that she wanted to pursue a career in Starfleet. Her decision was a gradual thing. At the age of sixteen, a career in Starfleet was the last thing she would ever consider. At age twenty-three, when she earned her doctorate, her decision to join Starfleet seemed almost inevitable.
# '''232001.01''': Event.
# '''232001.02''': Event, etc.
==Professional History==
* '''Date Graduated from Academy''': 239712.06
* '''Current Rank''': Ensign
* '''Current Assignment''': {{USS|Veritas}}
* '''Duty Post''': Engineering Officer
===Awards & Commendations===
* '''[[Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon]]''': 239712.06
===StarFleet Assessments and Records===
: ''Full Article: [[/Starfleet Records|CHARACTER NAME Starfleet Records]]''
Introductory text about the character's Starfleet records. Should be at least 5-10 lines. You can give an abbreviated timeline below, if you so desire.
# '''232001.01''': Event.
# '''232001.02''': Event, etc.
===Working Areas===
Detail the area that your character works in, including their personal office. Is it neat, or messy? Large, or small? etc.
Give information any subordinates your character might in charge of. If there are NPC profiles on the wiki, give links to them here.
==SIM Archive==
Introductory text about archive here. Archives should be broken up into logical groups of SIMs, like vessel missions. If using that scheme, name missions by the "official" vessel mission name, or by the how it relates to the character. Example links below.
[[Category:Veritas PCs]]


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