Rigelian (vulcanoid): Difference between revisions

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→‎Physiology: Adding melding capability
(Second Rigel page completed)
(→‎Physiology: Adding melding capability)
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Primitive equipment may be unable to determine a Rigelian from a Vulcan, as the two share almost identical physiologies. However, certain medications and treatments cannot automatically be assumed to work on both races, likely attributed to their evolution on Vulcan and Rigel V respectively. They have the same physical features, copper-based blood, and similar levels of strength. Rigelians, like Vulcans, are also susceptible to Tuvan syndrome.
Primitive equipment may be unable to determine a Rigelian from a Vulcan, as the two share almost identical physiologies. However, certain medications and treatments cannot automatically be assumed to work on both races, likely attributed to their evolution on Vulcan and Rigel V respectively. They have the same physical features, copper-based blood, and similar levels of strength. Rigelians, like Vulcans, are also susceptible to Tuvan syndrome. Vulcanoid Rigelians are also capable of mind-melding with others.<ref>[https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sb118-veritas/qb_tb9QJ_z4/snEbGc9qFQAJ ''"From nothing to something." (Part 2)]'', LtCmdr S.Blake, {{USS|Veritas}}, SD 239601.11</ref>



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