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===Starfleet Academy===
===Starfleet Academy===
Sanara was an average student during the four years she spent at the Relva VII campus. She neither excelled or struggled and was relatively popular amongst her peers. She was approached about partaking in extra-circular command pathway lessons but declined, stating that she didn't want the extra responsibility with her career: she simply wanted to be a good security officer. During her second year, her class were assigned to Starbase 19 to augment the security department after a battle with a small Dominion fleet. This was the first time that Sanara saw field service duty and she later described the constant fear of being stationed on a base on the front lines of a war.

She graduated from the Relva VII campus in 2377 finishing 32nd out of 135 students. Following the activation of her commission she was assigned to the USS Billings as a member of the ship's security department.
===Early Starfleet Career===
Sanara served aboard the USS Billings, a transport vessel, for six years where she was described as a "solid, if unspectacular" officer by a number of security chiefs. While she enjoyed her time aboard the Constellation-class vessel (one of the last vessels of it's type in service) she did find the work uninspiring which led to her applying for a transfer in 2383. This was approved and she was assigned to the Headquarters Of The Allied Reconstruction Force on Cardassia Prime, again as a Security Officer. Headquarters- known locally as HARF- were responsible for the reconstruction of infrastructure on the shattered Cardassian homeworld follow the Jem'Hadar's rampage at the climax of the Dominion War. Sanara initially struggled to adapt to her new assignment largely because of the oppressive humidity and heat of Cardassia Prime. However, in time she settled in to her duties which saw her accompanying Federation, Klingon and Romulan teams restoring the planet.
In February 2384- five months after her transfer to HARF- she was called upon to help with a investigation into the murder of a Bajoran humanitarian aid worker whose body had been found in the crime-ridden East Torr suburb of Prime's capital city- Coranum. She was significantly affected by the investigation, to the point where she rarely talks about it to this day and required six months of intensive counselling to fully assimilate what she had experienced. Still, her efforts to bring the murderer (a Cardassia First extremest) to justice did not go unnoticed by her superior and she was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant (JG) in July 2385.
She remained with HARF until May 2386 where she was transferred the USS Gorn brim Bral. She was originally tapped to serve as Chief Security Officer, although she declined the offer from Captain Madison, preferring to remain "behind the scenes" as she described it. She did not relish the assignment and remained aboard the ship for approximately 18 months before she accepted an offer to take a posting on Deep Space 12, which also came with a promotion to Lieutenant. She commanded the security watch for Gamma Shift although she "absolutely detested" the responsibility.
===[[StarBase 118]]===

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