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Sanara is well known for her intensive dislike of Starfleet issue footwear, which she finds tight on her feet and 'clumpy'. She much prefers to discharge her duties in specially modified high heels that are manufactured to conform to Starfleet issue guidelines. Much to the bafflement of almost everybody around her, Sanara is able to run quicker in heels than she is in boots.
Sanara is well known for her intensive dislike of Starfleet issue footwear, which she finds tight on her feet and 'clumpy'. She much prefers to discharge her duties in specially modified high heels that are manufactured to conform to Starfleet issue guidelines. Much to the bafflement of almost everybody around her, Sanara is able to run quicker in heels than she is in boots.

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When off duty, Sanara can still often be found in her Starfleet uniform and it is rare to see her out of it. This is because she feels that she is always on stand-by given the often dangerous nature of the ''Columbia'''s assignments. On the rare occasion that she ''does'' don something other than her uniform, she reveals a surprisingly feminine taste in clothes and has a number of elegant dress-robes for special occasions. She favours Vulcan designers which stems from both her love of Vulcan culture in general and the fact that she dislikes tight fitting garments. Style is not paramount to Sanara, but instead she prefers comfort.

* '''[[USS Columbia]]''': Deck 5, Senior Officer's Quarters
* '''[[USS Blackwell]]''': Deck 9, Junior Officer's Quarters
* '''[[StarBase 118]]''': T'Hana Complex, Shi'Kahr District, [[StarBase 118 Commercial Sector]].
===Personal Effects===
* '''A keethera''': A Vulcan meditation aide given to Sanara by her parents on her 15th birthday thanks to her love of Vulcan culture. She uses this every morning to mentally prepare herself for the day ahead and every night to process the events of the day. She keeps it safe in a box underneath her bed and rarely shows it to anybody.
* '''An IDIC mandala''': Another present from her parents upon her 15th birthday. This has followed Sanara across the quadrant and reminds her to centre herself before leaving her quarters or going to sleep.
* '''An Alvinian cactus''': Sanara has had this since she was an 8 year old girl. Although Alvinian cacti are renowned for living for centuries, she is still impressed with herself that she has managed not to kill it after almost three decades. Of course, she doesn't seem to realise that the reason for it's "longevity" is because she doesn't water it very often.
* '''Restrictions''': Sanara is a vegetarian and does not consume animal meat of fish. She favours salads although she is allergic to some species of grain (such as quadrotriticale) and therefore much carefully watch what she eats, especially if not eating replicated food. She is also mildly allergic to some Terran nuts but is prescribed medication to allow her to consume them as she finds them delicious.
* '''Coffee''': Sanara is not fond of human coffee finding that it lacks flavour. Her caffeinated beverage of choice is ''raktajino''.
* '''Tea''': Darjeeling and a Betazoid blend known as ''vrixx''.



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