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| ==Politics==
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| The [[Bajoran]] world government runs on a democratic system. Ministers are elected into power, as are the First Minister (government leader) and the [[MA:Kai|Kai]] (Spiritual leader of Bajor).
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| [[Image:Chamber of Ministers.jpg|right|thumb|''The main assembly hall in the Bajoran [[MA:Council of Ministers|Chamber of Ministers]].'']]
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| ===The Bajoran Government===
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| Initially established as a provisional entity to govern world and interstellar politics, the [[MA:Bajoran Provisional Government|Bajoran Government]] is led by the First Minister. All day-to-day policies regarding Bajor, including the judiciary system and diplomatic assignments are co-ordinated through this organisation. The [[MA:Bajoran Provisional Government|Bajoran Government]] is also in direct command of the [[MA:Bajoran Militia|Bajoran Militia]]. Ministers are elected through democratic means. The seat of the Government is in the [[MA:Council of Ministers|Chamber of Ministers]] in the [[Bajoran]] capital.
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| ===The Vedek Assembly===
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| The [[MA:Vedek Assembly|Vedek Assembly]] holds considerable sway over the planet’s legal and cultural administration. The [[MA:Kai|Kai]] and the First Minister often consult each other, and while their jurisdiction does not often coincide it is important for both leaders to be of an agreed political standpoint as often as possible. In 2371 [[MA:Kai|Kai]] [[MA:Winn Adami|Winn]] became the first leader of the [[MA:Vedek Assembly|Vedek Assembly]] to ever serve as First Minister. After the [[Cardassian]] Occupation, the [[MA:Vedek Assembly|Vedek Assembly]] was the only official organisation with any political standing left on the planet until the inauguration of the [[MA:Bajoran Provisional Government|Provisional Government]] in 2369.
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| [[Image:Jaro Essa.jpg|right|thumb|''[[MA:Jaro Essa|Minister Jaro]].'']]
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| ===The Circle===
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| In 2370 a xenophobic terrorist movement known as [[MA:The Circle|the Circle]] seized control of the [[MA:Bajoran Provisional Government|Bajoran Provisional government]] under the leadership of Minister [[MA:Jaro Essa|Jaro Essa]]. Despite the coup eventually being reversed, it had lasting repercussions on Bajor due to the election of [[MA:Kai|Kai]] [[MA:Winn Adami|Winn]], whose involvement with Minister [[MA:Jaro Essa|Jaro]] aided her campaign a great deal. [[MA:The Circle|The Circle’s]] motto was “Bajor for the [[Bajoran|Bajorans]]”, reflecting the introverted nature of the [[Bajoran]] people, but amplifying it into something twisted and violent. The official political party whose motives were embraced by [[MA:The Circle|the Circle]] was known as the [[MA:Alliance for Global Unity|Alliance for Global Unity]].
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| [[Image:Ro Laren.jpg|right|thumb|''[[MA:Maquis|Maquis]] defector [[MA:Ro Laren|Ro Laren]].'']]
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| ===The Maquis===
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| Some [[Bajoran|Bajorans]] have been known to show sympathy to the ideals of the [[MA:Maquis|Maquis]] due to their crusade against the [[Cardassian|Cardassians]]. [[MA:Ro Laren|Ro Laren]] was such an individual, and defected to their cause from [[MA:Starfleet|Starfleet]] in 2370. On occasion, Major [[MA:Kira Nerys|Kira Nerys]] expressed an affinity with their point of view, but never on an official basis and without actions to back up such an opinion. The [[MA:Maquis|Maquis]] were all but wiped out shortly after Cardassia joined the [[MA:Dominion|Dominion]] in 2373.
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| ===Legal System===
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| The [[Bajoran]] judiciary system is not dissimilar to that of the [[MA:United Federation of Plantes|Federation]]. Representatives are called to present their case to an arbitrator, who considers their evidence and witness depositions before making a ruling according to [[Bajoran]] law.
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| ==Commerce== | | ==Commerce== |